Hamas heads to Moscow

TheVisitor said:
Yeah, Kennedy........
Read "50 years in the church of Rome"
Abraham Lincoln said "we don't have to worry about a foreign army invading the U.S.....just the daily infestation of Rome's "black robed priests".

"No more cunning plot was ever devised against the intelligence, the freedom, the happiness and virtue of mankind than Romanism."*****

The catholic church has declaried it will possess the United States.


kennedy was roman catholic you douchebag. get a life.
spidergoat said:
Doesn't matter what religion the leaders of a country are, it can still be either a secular or religious state. The US is not a "Christian nation".

our government is secular, but it is controlled by christians, and its laws are based on judeo-christian tradition. in a truly secular state, our laws would be based on humanist ethics. we wouldnt have a founding document like the declaration of independence that metions a creator if we were a truly secular nation. every president we have ever had was christian and i would actually also suggest to you that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to get elected president in this country at the present time without being christian. look at Joe lieberman's bid for office. the truth is that the vast majority of our population is christian and because of it our policies tend to reflect christian values. we are a christian country masquerading as a secular state. look at france or germany and see a more truly secular form of governance.

We did kill quite a number of indians, but alot of them also fought on our side in various wars. The history is much more complex than just "we slaughtered the native Americans". They slaughtered white people, too. They slaughtered each other, too. I agree that the subject of human rights is important and we have alot to work on still, but the US has exceeded most nations of the world in this area.

first off, lets look at some history in regard to the native americans. what americans did was honor a long standing legacy of manipulation of native americans through trade and threats that was initially established by the european discoverers. we paid indians to fight with us, or made it clear to them that if they didnt join with us they would get the same type of genocidal treatment that the other tribes we were fighting were about to get. we nearly destroyed the plains indians just by virtue of the fact that we hunted buffalo to near extinction for the fur trade. we stole the native land of the cherokees because there was a tiny deposit of gold found on it and then we evicted them into the midwest, with the result that a huge percentage of them died on the journey. in fact, andrew jackson alone was responsible for military operations that resulted in the death of nearly 2 million native americans.
they slaughtered white people because white people came to their land, displaced them or made treaties with them which they conveniently disregarded at any point which was profitable, and the natives always got the short end of the stick. the initial european explorers enslaved, tortured, and killed at least 15 million indians within 50-75 years of the discovery of the americas. you would slaughter white people too if you were an indian and understood the history of interaction between your race and the whites.
and so what if they slaughtered each other. white people have slaughtered each other for centuries. thats no reason to steal all of their land, property and food sources. thats like saying that someone has the right to colonize all of western europe and displace the people currently living there because of WWI. i mean they slaughtered each other there too. so your point is useless in that regard.

Just look at the radical changes that have taken place since the 1950's. Women are accepted in the workplace, segregation has been abolished, gays have their own TV shows, and will soon get the right to marry. Don't be such a Debbie Downer.

there were countries that abolished slavery and had equal black/white civil rights before we did. women have held positions of power (from queen to prime minister) in eurpopean nations for hundreds of years. gays can already legally marry in some other countries. many of the things that have held us back from those particular points of progress are the christian values that dominate the minds of people in our nation. christians elect officials that share their beliefs on social issues. these officials then act to prevent things like desegregation and gay marriage up until it becomes such an obvious affront to the rights laid out in the constitution that the illusion of the morality of those actions can no longer be maintained. why dont you wake up and see whats going on in our country and the world.
charles cure said:
kennedy was roman catholic you douchebag. get a life.

You don't "get it" do you..?
I'm saying Catholic's aren't christians, niether are most protestants....they are 3-god heathen idol worshipers.
The trinity is a false doctrine that puts satan on the seat worshiped as god as he always wanted.
Romanism is a satanic world power bent on conquest and murder.
TheVisitor said:

Hamas, one of the most anti-Israeli fanatical groups heads to "Russia with love"
Looking for a sympathetic shoulder to cry on.....
This may look like peace, but it never is, just a chance for more killing.
Israel needs to put them all out, close their borders.
Land won't buy peace, Taxes won't buy peace.....
Israel has the right to have their own country.
The Arabs have put palestinians out and in Israels' face to make war and destroy them.
As long as America encourages Israel to give land away,we're doing them a disservice.
Israel needs to wake up and realize America is gone, thier on their own.

How many militant groups has Palistien had over the past 40 years? Seems that when one gets paid off another pops up! They are nothing more than EXTORTIONISTS.
TheVisitor said:
You don't "get it" do you..?
I'm saying Catholic's aren't christians, niether are most protestants....they are 3-god heathen idol worshipers.
The trinity is a false doctrine that puts satan on the seat worshiped as god as he always wanted.
Romanism is a satanic world power bent on conquest and murder.

yeah but since you are an idiot, i'll just use the commonly accepted definition of christianity, which would seem to be a follower of christ or a follower of a christian sect. i could give a shit less about your useless and moronic differentiation between your own beliefs and the beliefs of "false christians" or whatever. to me it all constitutes part of the same delusional and morally authoritarian body of fantasy literature turned into public policy. thanks for the brilliant analysis though...really.
Visitor, do you consider Arabs (who are Semitic, and descended from Abraham) that call themselves Christians to be Christians? Is race the marker of righteousness and wickedness?
I understand where all the hate is coming from, as Im an Arab weird enough i dont hate jews or israelies, and i know alot of arabs like me who share my views. The thing that i dont get israelies kill as much or more arabs why does everyone take their side. Fair enough we're a bit primitive I admit that, but does that give the israelies the right to take over what they dont own. I dont hate israel but if you step on my toe i will happyly cut your foot thats how i see it.
p.s. i think this thread should be on politics not religion
Battle Cry I think the israelis have done a better PR job than the palestinians. I would wager that if the palestinians had taken a non-violent path in thier struggle and gotten some press the situation would be much different today. As far as support the palestinians have been more popular than the israelis' here in Norway but the attacks on norweigans and norweigan building during the cartoon riots has hurt thier image abit here, again a matter of PR. It could also have something to do with the historical interactions between jews arabs and europe. Arabs (probably more correctly muslims) have a history of conflict against the west while jews do not, unsure if it has any bearing but it's a possibility.
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Yes hamas are funny & 50 faced at the same time, they hate america because of there love for jews, yet they love russia, who have killed tens of thousands of muslims in chechnya.

Who are the hypocrites america or paelistine, america does not suck up to countries that have murdered thousands of its people.

The entire muslim world is sucking up to russia, all because they are enemies of america, they throw billions at russia to carry russia vote at the UN council, iran has bought russia off.

The muslim world is ignoring the murder of thousand of muslims in chechnya, just so they can blindly follow there hatred of israel, have jews killed as many muslims as russia has no, russia has killed more muslims than any western country if you include the farce afghanistan war.

Yet russia is loved by muslims, can anyone explain that, alot of posters blame anti america feeling in muslims to the iraq war, what about the wars russia has had with muslims, there is not one just war russia has had with muslims.
could give a shit less about your useless and moronic differentiation between your own beliefs and the beliefs of "false christians" or whatever
You don't care to know the truth....
"Because they received not a love for the truth, they shall believe a lie and be damned for it."

Is race the marker of righteousness and wickedness?

No, if you carefully read what I posted, you would see the "marker" or as I said "the mark" is believing a lie...
The total lack of revelation from God and the acceptance of the deception of false gods and religions is what show their linage which today is spiritual NOT physical.
Even the "Pharisee's" and "Scribes", the Jewish religious leaders in Jesus day were called "serpents" by him. They had taken the word of god and by "teaching for commandments the traditions of men, they made the word of god of no effect."
"All whose names are not on the Lambs book of like from the foundation of the world shall be deceived, and worship the image of the beast."
The offspring of the serpent like Cain are very religious, but have no representation in God, and receive no revealation.....like Cain trying to offer a sacrifice that reflected a lack of revealation.They will be deceived by either a religious organization, or their own reasoning against the word of god.
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TheVisitor said:
You don't care to know the truth....
"Because they received not a love for the truth, they shall believe a lie and be damned for it."

No, if you carefully read what I posted, you would see the "marker" or as I said "the mark" is believing a lie...
The total lack of revelation from God and the acceptance of the deception of false gods and religions is what show their linage which today is spiritual NOT physical.
Even the "Pharisee's" and "Scribes", the Jewish religious leaders in Jesus day were called "serpents" by him. They had taken the word of god and by "teaching for commandments the traditions of men, they made the word of god of no effect."
"All whose names are not on the Lambs book of like from the foundation of the world shall be deceived, and worship the image of the beast."
The offspring of the serpent like Cain are very religious, but have no representation in God, and receive no revealation.....like Cain trying to offer a sacrifice that reflected a lack of revealation.They will be deceived by either a religious organization, or their own reasoning against the word of god.

So do you consider Arab Christians as real Chrisitans?
vincent28uk said:
Yes hamas are funny & 50 faced at the same time, they hate america because of there love for jews, yet they love russia, who have killed tens of thousands of muslims in chechnya.

Who are the hypocrites america or paelistine, america does not suck up to countries that have murdered thousands of its people.

The entire muslim world is sucking up to russia, all because they are enemies of america, they throw billions at russia to carry russia vote at the UN council, iran has bought russia off.

The muslim world is ignoring the murder of thousand of muslims in chechnya, just so they can blindly follow there hatred of israel, have jews killed as many muslims as russia has no, russia has killed more muslims than any western country if you include the farce afghanistan war.

Yet russia is loved by muslims, can anyone explain that, alot of posters blame anti america feeling in muslims to the iraq war, what about the wars russia has had with muslims, there is not one just war russia has had with muslims.

America has declared that Chechnyan struggle in Russia, Kashmir in India, Palestine in Israel are all fronts on the war on terror. America also throws money at Russia.

The modern Muslim governments suck and Russia has subjugated Central Asia, Afghanistan and fought a proxy war with India against Pakistan. Muslim governments do this to gain influence and out of necessity. If America wasn't so anti-Iran, Iran wouldn't have to beg to Russia, but what else do you expect Iran to do? They are under pressure from the West, they have no other options.

I personally love the Chechnyan people and support their struggle completely. They are fighting for freedom and undermined by the whole world, including the entire West and some Muslim governments. It is worth noting that Pakistan and Afghanistan were responsible for the defeat of the USSR and backed by the Americans at that time. Hamas never said it recognized Russia's right over Chechnya. It probably won't say a thing considering it was expecting aid from the EU and the US, both of whom were involved in complicity or open war on Muslims in Eastern Europe and Afghanistan, Iraq, as well as Sudan, Somalia, Iran, Syria, etc.
DiamondHearts said:
So do you consider Arab Christians as real Chrisitans?

I said the mark is spiritual....it is determined by what they can accept as truth, not by what "race" they are.

His promise is to all the world.
For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.

Unto you therefore which believe [he is] precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,
And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, [even to them] which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.
But ye [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
Which in time past [were] not a people, but [are] now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
Dearly beloved, I beseech [you] as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by [your] good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.
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