
what happens if yu get your hand cut off? There goes that chakra. Does it reroute or are you unbalanced forever?

The chakra is pure energy, and it is not in the physical body, so I guess it doesn´t affect the actual chakra. But that is an interesting question; what I know is that these hand chakras are used for passing energy to an object or a person (i.e. for healing), and I think this would not be affected with a cut off hand. I don´t really know though, I don´t think you would be "unbalanced".

You know that you have all the chakras, but most of us probably have "blockages" in one, two or all of the chakras. And what happens is that the energy no longer flows like a river would flow, it causes accumulation of energy in wrong places. This is most of the times the root cause of cancer or some similar disceases, and this is what "Shamans", "Energy healers" and "Acupuncturists" work with.