

OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Why are there halos? And why does it cross so many religions? And why are there square ones?
Thanks. Understand about the square one now. I didn't know you could be a saint while you were alive. When did that chnge to dead people only?

And from what I gathered, in Christianity a halo symbolizes a hole to heaven?
But why in other religions?
Thanks. Understand about the square one now. I didn't know you could be a saint while you were alive. When did that chnge to dead people only?

And from what I gathered, in Christianity a halo symbolizes a hole to heaven? But why in other religions?

M*W: When I was a catholic, I remember a priest telling us that it is technically possible to be sainted when one is still alive. It's been way too many years now, but I believe there was a catholic priest sainted when he was alive for hiding jews to protect them from the Nazis. I don't remember his name, but I believe he asked to be taken in their stead.

A square halo is new to me. I don't believe halos really existed, but were only portrayed in art. I think a halo depicts a person who has sunbeams on his head signifying that the sun is godly. I don't know about other religions, but I would guess it means the very same thing. Have you ever seen the Tarot deck? There is a card with a 'halo' over some guy. It's shaped like a figure 8 over his head, but if you look at it in another way, it's the symbol for infinity on it's side. I also think the halo can be representative of the human aura.
*************It's shaped like a figure 8 over his head, but if you look at it in another way, it's the symbol for infinity on it's side. I also think the halo can be representative of the human aura.

It is not the infinite symbol, the crown chakra is symbolized in Sanskrit like this:

It means "Sahasrara"; as the "supreme center of contact with God".

Opposite to the other 6 main chakras of the body, the Crown or Sahasrara chakra can be blocked or opened; although it is most seen as developed or undeveloped. Interestingly, it is said that children under a year of age usually have this chakra "opened", but as the other chakras accumulate repressions with age, the crown chakra starts "blocking" the divine energy.


It is the source of "Divine Wisdom", it comes only from the "Universal Existence" or "Macro-Cosmos", and it influences the "Micro-Cosmos"/Soul directly.

It is said that when a person is enlightened, the Crown chakra is totally opened, cleansing all impurities of the body:

It is not the infinite symbol, the crown chakra is symbolized in Sanskrit like this:
M*W: You understand and therefore explain things from an Eastern point of view. Although I respect Eastern viewpoints, I don't perceive things from an Eastern point of view. Perhaps infinity is viewed uniquely in different cultural ethos, so there is no one correct way to view this.
M*W: Why is it necessary for a person to be sitting in the lotus position in order to show the chakras? That seems a bit biased toward Eastern thought.

It is not necesary.
Chakras are how the "bio-energy" flows ammong the whole body.

The "lotus position" only prevents blood from flowing in the legs. The blood flow in the legs make it more difficult for the lifting of the energy towards the Crown Chakra, or the head.

In other words, blood only flows in the upper part of the body, and it performs better in our brain.
Why are there halos? And why does it cross so many religions? And why are there square ones?

Halos are a pagan religious symbol. Where it is used in relation to Christianity is it a sign that the darkness of paganism has been mixed in with the Light of the Word.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I believe that in it's simplest term the Halo is representative of the sun god. Of cource there may be a lot of different "traditions" of different pagan religions pointing to other beliefs.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
As I understand, and it is corroborated with the link posted by Adstar; is that when a person becomes enlightened, some people are able to see literally the halo above the person´s head. It is like a beam of light around the head, and it is the "divine energy" entering through the person´s head. This heals all the other energy spheres of the body, and it opens the heart for compassion.

You may say this is Eastern philosophy, but I´m talking parallels here; for example: when the "Heart Chakra" is opened, the person feel compassion towards all living creatures, and this is said to be the "healing energy". Through compassion you are not only able to heal yourself, but the stronger the compassion, the more of a healer you are. Like Jesus, he was a proficient healer, and he did it through compassion.
This is where the "Heart Chakra" (green) is located in correspondence to the physical body:


And this is one of the most common representations of Jesus:


And let me tell you, that is not where the heart is, that is where the "Heart Chakra" (compassion energy) is.
It is not the infinite symbol, the crown chakra is symbolized in Sanskrit like this:

It means "Sahasrara"; as the "supreme center of contact with God".

Opposite to the other 6 main chakras of the body, the Crown or Sahasrara chakra can be blocked or opened; although it is most seen as developed or undeveloped. Interestingly, it is said that children under a year of age usually have this chakra "opened", but as the other chakras accumulate repressions with age, the crown chakra starts "blocking" the divine energy.


It is the source of "Divine Wisdom", it comes only from the "Universal Existence" or "Macro-Cosmos", and it influences the "Micro-Cosmos"/Soul directly.

It is said that when a person is enlightened, the Crown chakra is totally opened, cleansing all impurities of the body:


that would make an awesome tattoo
what happens if yu get your hand cut off? There goes that chakra. Does it reroute or are you unbalanced forever?