Half human, half animal

and what would that come out to become? Who should be responsible for the "creation"?
It won't become anything. The reason they created them in the first place is to create embryonic stem cells. This is an alternative, since donated human egg cells are in short demand.

Stem cells stop being useful, as Hercules has mentioned several times, once the embryo has developed past the blastula phase (in humans, development to this stage takes approximately 7 days). After 14 days, the embryos will probably find their way into an autoclave.
Ok this is how it will could be useful:
Say a couple wants to add another mouth to the human plague but thankfully one or both of them are sterile, so they decide to make a clone, but getting donated human egg cells is very expensive so they use a cow egg cell instead, long story short clone is born that is 99.9% genetically identical to its origional, except it has cow mitochondria.
How do you suppose they'll get the cow-human zygote to implant on the uterus wall of the surrogate?
I've heard 96% with chimps

Genetically, I think we are even closer to pigs. The percentage figure may mislead our perception for the difference. 1% difference in the genetic code can have profound difference in the creation.
How do you suppose they'll get the cow-human zygote to implant on the uterus wall of the surrogate?

The same way they always do? It not like the zygote will have cow-human markers? Although I would think the accomplishment of engineering a cow or animal that can bare human babies would be far bigger news then this.
It is just the cow egg casing.
The resulting organism will get 99%++ of its genes from the cloned human cell.

The Vatican sees this as a step forward on the road towards eugenics and the pursuit of physical human perfection, with all the dangers that such a pursuit engenders. It is a pity that during the nazi era, that they were not so vocal.

They are being inconsistent,
but may not be wrong in this.
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The same way they always do? It not like the zygote will have cow-human markers? Although I would think the accomplishment of engineering a cow or animal that can bare human babies would be far bigger news then this.
No, it will have cow markers...it's a cow egg cell, remember.