Gunfights and Duels?

the only problem would be with a duel is if the scum bag who stole from you was stronger and m ore agile what would be the point to keep losing you would be left feeling realy failed
Baron there must be a shooting here in toronto every other week at a "club" - havens of absolutely carnal and base human inpulses. Do the kids line each other up in the street 20 paces apart? No, one challenges the other to a fightfight and the other gets his gun from his car and blows his challenger's head off.

Honour was a commodity that ment something only to the old nobility and wannabes.

No, no!!! See that's what's wrong! If we permitted such "honor" duels, where it's done with some rules, etc, then no one would be arrested for murder or manslaughter. That's what I mean!!

We have such shootings in Dallas all the time, but someone's always arrested for it. And it shouldn't be that way. If two people have an argument or a major disagreement, they should step out in the streets, with seconds(assistants), and settle it right there on the spot. We could even call in the police as witnesses!

I think, if we did that, we'd have a lot less people arguing and fighting and killing each other in bars and such. Part of the problem in societies today is that people have no legitimate way of solving their own problems ...which creates tension and stress and long-term anger to build up.

Baron Max
the only problem would be with a duel is if the scum bag who stole from you was stronger and m ore agile what would be the point to keep losing you would be left feeling realy failed

The as the weak, wimpy, sissy-boy, they should find a fair method of dueling, or they should apologize and make things right with the opposition. No one should be forced into a duel ...least of all the wimps and sissy-boys of the world.

Baron Max
Why permit vigilante justice over minor personal insults....especially when the duel itself has a logical fallacy at its core? Say I call my neighbor a thief and tell people that his wife is cheating on him. That neighbor challenges me to a duel. If I were to back down or if he were to kill me, that doesn't change the truth or falsity of my statements. Even if I were to retract the statements out of fear rather than duel, he might still be a thief and a cuckold.

Duels were just ad hominem attacks of the lethal variety over asinine matters of honor that rarely (if ever) amounted to being crimes.

In any event, the reason duels (even those where no one was injured or killed) were banned was that European aristocrats in the late Middle Ages were killing one another with alarming frequency over minor insults. Also, killing or injuring someone in a duel was never "legal" in a de jure sense, it as more that nobles did so were let off the hook. If some peasant killed a neighbor in a duel, that likely would have been called "murder" or "manslaughter" depending on the circumstances; it was something limited to the aristocrats in Europe.
A duel does, however, have something to do with the strength of ones convictions.

Sure, but being able to shoot a gun better than another guy = being able to shoot a gun better than another guy. It does not equal being factually or morally right.

You have forgotten the face of your father....
*slaps everyone in the face with his dueling glove*

at sun-down ontop of the west hill, sword, six shooter or hand to hand, choose your death.

there is nothing wrong with a duel if both parties agree to it, but we are not even allowed to fight nowdays man-to-man, sword-to-sword,

well we are allowed but only if the government get a cut, like in a boxing ring or ufc cage, if the government get a tax cut then the duel is allowed, and we call it entertainment,

stupid system.

i agree with you baron, if some guy wants to challenge me 1 on 1, man to man and i agree to it and see it is needed. then we shall settle things with blood.

i think it should be allowed and made legal, but only if both people are sober of mind at the time, and both agree to the duel with a witness,

Sure, but being able to shoot a gun better than another guy = being able to shoot a gun better than another guy. It does not equal being factually or morally right.

You need to read the posts a little more carefully, Xev, there's lots more to it than "shooting a gun".

Baron Max
You need to read the posts a little more carefully, Xev, there's lots more to it than "shooting a gun"

Doesn't matter. You could have a duel with knives, guns, swords, hell, you could just see who could smoke more weed. It still wouldn't serve as a f(truth).

Not that I'm opposed.
... Say I call my neighbor a thief and tell people that his wife is cheating on him. That neighbor challenges me to a duel. If I were to back down or if he were to kill me, that doesn't change the truth or falsity of my statements. Even if I were to retract the statements out of fear rather than duel, he might still be a thief and a cuckold.

It has nothing to do with deciding right or wrong, moral or immoral, good or bad. It's PERSONAL that so hard for people here to grasp?! Even if your neighbor actually was a thief and a cuck, if he felt that you'd smeared his honor, he should have some recourse to a personal revenge against you ...and one that's honorable and legal.

As it is, you could call him all kinds of nasty things, ruin his reputation and his life ....and he has virtually no recourse against you. Oh, he could take you to court, but no one would know about it ...yet everyone WOULD know that you called him all kinds of nasty names. That ain't fair at all.

Look at how it is in the press ....some article can be written accusing some politician of wrongdoing. Even if it's erroneous, even if it's false, even if the paper retracts that accusation, the damage has been done ...and is likely to last for the rest the man's life. That just ain't fair.

Duels were just ad hominem attacks of the lethal variety over asinine matters of honor that rarely (if ever) amounted to being crimes.

But it was NOT asinine to the two who agreed to the duel. And that's just the point, exactly the point. Society is forcing people to accept "it's" idea of assinine ...and keeping the people from getting personal satisfaction.

Baron Max
Doesn't matter. You could have a duel with knives, guns, swords, hell, you could just see who could smoke more weed. It still wouldn't serve as a f(truth).

Xev, we ain't searching for truth or right or wrong or moral or........... It's for personal satisfaction. The way things are now, there's no legal way to get PERSONAL satisfaction.

Baron Max
Heh yeah Baron it's got lots to do with being a crack shot, being damn sure you really NEED to kill that other guy and then.... your gun jams a good loooong moment before your gogogadget thumbed opponent finally manages to get a bead on you and pulls the trigger. His gun works great!

You were actually right in the argument, but no one can make out what you are saying, the bullet passed straight through your esophagus and slammed into your spine. You can't even move your hands, all that is coming out of your mouth is blood gushing up the completely opened pathway, because your opponent used hollow point rounds(well your next of kin check and yup there was no rules against that).

So you lay there, now only seeing foggily as the son of a bitch gives you a wink. He told your girlfriend you were cheating on her and was softening her up for himself. Yup he's going to screw your woman too. After you are dead.
Heh yeah Baron it's got lots to do with being a crack shot, being damn sure you really NEED to kill that other guy and then.... your gun jams a good loooong moment before your gogogadget thumbed opponent finally manages to get a bead on you and pulls the trigger. His gun works great!

You were actually right in the argument, but no one can make out what you are saying, the bullet passed straight through your esophagus and slammed into your spine. You can't even move your hands, all that is coming out of your mouth is blood gushing up the completely opened pathway, because your opponent used hollow point rounds(well your next of kin check and yup there was no rules against that).

So you lay there, now only seeing foggily as the son of a bitch gives you a wink. He told your girlfriend you were cheating on her and was softening her up for himself. Yup he's going to screw your woman too. After you are dead.

Huh? What?! What the fuck are you jabbering about???

Baron Max
Heh yeah Baron it's got lots to do with being a crack shot, being damn sure you really NEED to kill that other guy and then.... your gun jams a good loooong moment before your gogogadget thumbed opponent finally manages to get a bead on you and pulls the trigger. His gun works great!

You were actually right in the argument, but no one can make out what you are saying, the bullet passed straight through your esophagus and slammed into your spine. You can't even move your hands, all that is coming out of your mouth is blood gushing up the completely opened pathway, because your opponent used hollow point rounds(well your next of kin check and yup there was no rules against that).

So you lay there, now only seeing foggily as the son of a bitch gives you a wink. He told your girlfriend you were cheating on her and was softening her up for himself. Yup he's going to screw your woman too. After you are dead.

thats why you dont use a semi auto :) revolvers cant jam.

Baron Max:

Xev, we ain't searching for truth or right or wrong or moral or........... It's for personal satisfaction. The way things are now, there's no legal way to get PERSONAL satisfaction.

Ok. I agree.

Nietzsche's Fan:
So you lay there, now only seeing foggily as the son of a bitch gives you a wink. He told your girlfriend you were cheating on her and was softening her up for himself. Yup he's going to screw your woman too. After you are dead.

You'd be dead and beyond caring.

You were actually right in the argument, but no one can make out what you are saying,

Again, loses all relevence once you die.
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