Grown Adults Sleep with Young Children!

BHS said:
This in itself is not proof of wrongdoing.
I'm not sure how you define proof. I'm not sure any culture aside from the western culture would even question the fact that what happened in 1993 was a scam.

BHS said:
Can you think of any other rational, non molesting adult who insists beyond all advisement on sleeping with the children of strangers?
Stangers? Which strangers are you refering to? The family that has been living in his house for many many months and was very close to Michael?

The advice not to sleep with children comes from culturally biased people. In the western culture, such behavior is said to be appropriate. In a progressive cultre, people have no qualms about sleeping with those they know and care about in a bed.
Fine. Go ahead and sleep with other people's children to your heart's content. Don't whine to me when your lawyer can't work the magic that Jackson's legal team did.
No. You do not know how to read. Or at least you have some sort of comprehension problem. Only a moron would icavil that to mean nobody in history. Is there a point to such quibbling?
cool skill said:
News Flash!
People do are doing this all over the world.
Adult females, adult males, and children everywhere are sleeping together in the same bed! Oh no! What has the world come to?

The ONLY culture that has seems to have something against this type of behavior is the western culture.
It is completely normal in every single culture for adults to sleep with children, except for the western culture. People sharing beds with one another. In most third world countries this is not a choice. Especially when you have much less beds in the neighborhood community than there are people. Many beds consist of multiple males sleeping on a mat on a floor in a shed near their workplace or factory. Many times, females, males, and children alike sleep together out of necessity, and for many other completely harmless reasons as well.

I, fully grown, visit a friend, and sleep on his couch. His 5 year old sister wants to sleep on the couch with me. The only time I throw her off of the couch is when she pees all over me. Other than that, it is no big deal. Of course if she does it again, I will throw her out of the window, but that’s a different story.

There is something about the western culture that makes it unreasonably priggish. Anything that false short of obscenely prim and proper is considered savagery. “Why that’s unheard of!” so to speak. Not only in terms of people sleeping together.
Thousands of westerners truly believe: “A grown person sleeping in the same bed with a little kid that does not belong to them is unethical.”

1. How did this cultural stigma come about? Such stigmata on the verge of social paranoia seem more embedded from secular society than the typical religious anathema.
2. Is it really unethical if the situation does not necessitate it?
3. Would society do well not to look down upon such behavior?

What you DON'T seem to grasp Cool is that when your children sleep in the same bed as you, that's considered fine. If your family members who are children sleep in the same bed as you do, that is also considered fine. Hell, even if children of friends or their little sisters sleep in the bed or next to you, that is considered ok. Do you know why? Because you know them personally. You know the parents, etc of these children and have probably known them for a long time.

It is when you invite small children who are complete strangers, send their parents to sleep in a cabin far from the main home and you keep the small boys with you and have them sleep in your bed... that is not fine. Just because he is famous or a celebrity does not make it fine. Imagine you have children and they go to a sleep over at a friend's house and you don't really know the parents of the other children that well or intimately. Imagine your reaction if your child came home and told you that he/she slept with the friends father. You would not find that disturbing? You'd think it was normal?

You have admitted yourself that you don't know MJ personally, and you can only form an opinion on a famous person such as MJ from what you read or listen to. The same goes for the parents of those children he slept with. They don't know him. He invites these kids over to his ranch, which as Mystech has pointed out has many bedrooms which would mean that the kids don't have to share his bed for space. Then they all share a bed? You know your friends little sister. Your friend and his sister and family know YOU personally. They did not form that opinion or knowledge from what they've read about you or listened to in CD's, etc. That is the diffence here. You don't know that someone famous is legitimate. You don't know them personally. And I must add, if you consider a man who'd dangle his baby over a balcony or who proclaimed that his best friend for many years to be Bubbles the Chimp to be legitimate, then you have serious issues.

The stigma is not about a child sharing an adult's bed. The stigma is about a man who continuously invites small children to his home and then has them sleep in his bed. These aren't one off occurances. He does it continuously with different children. He invites strangers, all of whom are young pre-pubescent boys, and they share a bed. Most normal people find that abnormal Cool. If you think inviting small boys, all of whom are strangers, to your home and having them sleep in your bed is normal, then do so with caution. Because the general population do not consider that kind of behaviour as being normal.
Another question - if MJ's preference for sleeping with children is non-sexual in nature, then why is it always boys? That seems like a sexual preference to me.
BHS said:
Another question - if MJ's preference for sleeping with children is non-sexual in nature, then why is it always boys? That seems like a sexual preference to me.

Well, geez, ....little girls don't have one of those "little things" stickin' out to play with or to put in his mouth. Big difference, don't ya' see?

Baron Max
I think MJ didn't abuse any kids but I still wouldn't allow my kids to even get close to him. The guy is .. wacko. I mean just look what he did to his face. He's completely delussional and does not live in "our" reality. How could any parent allow their kids to be influenced (in any way) by such a person?

Is he a pedophile? this is what I think. He probably would never consciensly molest a child but there is something very deep inside him (which he doesn't even realize) which takes pleasure in sleeping with boys. He probably sees this as innocent loving fun. Let's face it, how many of us really find it "fun" sleeping with children? he's really fucked up and he's getting worse as he gets older. Putting yourself in his mind right now, he's thinking "I love children. They're innocent and pure. I can live my lost childhood through them, yadda, yadda, yadda.." "Now that I can't "be" with children anymore and adults have let me down, what am I going to do?"
Bells said:
They don't know him. He invites these kids over to his ranch
They don’t know him?
What are you talking about? Are you serious?
You act as if these are perfect stranger’s children, and he is going around inviting unknown children to sleep with him for his own pleasure.
Please come back when you want to get serious. Furthermore, I hope when you are watching the news, you are not buying into their overexagerated nonsense.

I never once mentioned a circumstance in which some unknown person is going out of his way to try to get children to sleep with him. I am talking about a celebrity that gives people his autograph.

Bells said:
And I must add, if you consider a man who'd dangle his baby over a balcony or who proclaimed that his best friend for many years to be Bubbles the Chimp to be legitimate, then you have serious issues.
First of all, it is none of anybody’s business what friends I choose, and who I show my friendship to.
The only person that would have serious issues is anybody that would deny an individual their friendship based on superficial nonsense.
Furthermore, every single person I have ever met in my entire life including myself has done way stupider things that what Michael has ever done.
Every parent that anybody could ever meet that isn’t a highly trained expert has done much more dangerous things tot heir children than what Michael did.
You are just taking very cheap shots out of nowhere. You come off as if you were a media robot.
Try bringing some original arguments that are not based on media manipulation. Get off of the superficial nonsense.

Bells said:
The stigma is about a man who continuously invites small children to his home and then has them sleep in his bed. These aren't one off occurances. He does it continuously with different children. He invites strangers, all of whom are young pre-pubescent boys, and they share a bed.
Can you blow the whole thing a little out of proportion please?
I don’t think your description is exaggerated enough.
Furthermore, let me know when you decide to come back to earth and talk legitimately.