Ground-dwelling bees

Those are not bees, those are wasps. I've been fighting ground dwelling wasps in my yard all summer. They are super difficult to kill. In the end I used a shop vac over the hole, left on for hours.
The description doesn't match very well.
Way too many easily visible nest entrances in a small space, for starters. Also too small, looks like a honeybee, sting hurts a lot (digger wasps have comparatively mild stings, generally), and so forth.
Note that the shop vac idea ( good idea!) will not work for solitary bee colonies - any one nest hole will net you one bee at most. There isn't any "the hole", as there is for yellowjacket or bumblebee ground nests.
One little known fact is that bee venom is an excellent cancer killer.
The main problem lies in the targeting of the diseased cells as bee venom also destroys healthy cells.
They are now experimenting with a delivery system that seeks out diseased cells by their chemical signature. They are developing nano-bees which are covered in bee venom and released in the blood stream. As each diseased cell requires a nano-bee to kill it, millions of nano-bees are required to "seek and destroy" the cancer cells.
The main problem lies in the targeting of the diseased cells as bee venom also destroys healthy cells.
Isn't this kind of thee problem with any cancer-targeting treatment?

I mean, the same could be said of hammers, flamethrowers and hand grenades.

They are all excellent cancer killers, the problem lies in the fact that they also destroy healthy cells.

Isn't this kind of thee problem with any cancer-targeting treatment?

I mean, the same could be said of hammers, flamethrowers and hand grenades.

They are all excellent cancer killers, the problem lies in the fact that they also destroy healthy cells.

No apparently bee-venom has the right kind of attributes for individual cell destruction. There are bee farmers who raise bees strictly for their venom.

Check this NOVA presentation (start at 45:15 for the bee venom)

One little known fact is that bee venom is an excellent cancer killer.
The main problem lies in the targeting of the diseased cells as bee venom also destroys healthy cells.
They are now experimenting with a delivery system that seeks out diseased cells by their chemical signature. They are developing nano-bees which are covered in bee venom and released in the blood stream. As each diseased cell requires a nano-bee to kill it, millions of nano-bees are required to "seek and destroy" the cancer cells.
Don't know about you but I don't want nano-bots floating around in me.

This just seems like an excuse for the government to begin inserting who knows what into people.
Don't know about you but I don't want nano-bots floating around in me.

This just seems like an excuse for the government to begin inserting who knows what into people.
It is actually scientists who are working on this. I don't think they have ambitions to rule the world......they just want to find a cure for a horrible disease........:rolleyes:
God I hope so.

Because I am actually allergic to that stuff, lol.
So am I......:(
But that is the point of targeted nano bees. Bee venom will destroy healthy cells also if it were administered randomly. But homing in on a diseased cells' "signature" solves the problem.
If you inject a few million nano bees into a person, you need an accurate "homing" system.
So am I......:(
But that is the point of targeted nano bees. Bee venom will destroy healthy cells also if it were administered randomly. But homing in on a diseased cells' "signature" solves the problem.
If you inject a few million nano bees into a person, you need an accurate "homing" system.

I see the problem here. I see nano tech can potentially be a life saving cure for certain ailments. But at the same time, it can be abused as some kind of orwellian thought control eldritch abomination. I cannot stress how serious this is.

I will tell you what. When google stops plotting to rig elections, and when the government stops waging wars over oil, and when the news and politicians stop being corrupt and tyrannical, and when the American medical industry stops being a corrupt racketeering scheme, then I will think about letting them put nano stuff into my body. But until that day, no way I will trust entities that have a proven track record of being corrupt and tyrannical.

With great power comes great responsibility, and humankind has demonstrated just a sheer amount of lack of responsibility, they are just too corrupt to entrust with such powerful technology, I mean 90% of the planet still believes in religion, we are giving a stone age society alien-level tech, its a recipe of disaster.
I will tell you what. When google stops plotting to rig elections, and when the government stops waging wars over oil, and when the news and politicians stop being corrupt and tyrannical, and when the American medical industry stops being a corrupt racketeering scheme, then I will think about letting them put nano stuff into my body. But until that day, no way I will trust entities that have a proven track record of being corrupt and tyrannical.
How many people have been killed by nano-bots? How many people have been killed by cars? How many people have been killed by cancer?
I think your idea of what constitutes a plausible risk to your health and safety might be a little skewed.
I see the problem here. I see nano tech can potentially be a life saving cure for certain ailments. But at the same time, it can be abused as some kind of orwellian thought control eldritch abomination. I cannot stress how serious this is.
Would you rather have the cancer, or undergo radiation which is only partly targeted and will destroy millions of healthy cells as it does now? You cannot cure cell disease unless you can target individual cells.

As with anything which is decided to be produced by a free market, yes there will be financial abuse, but if the product doesn't work or is defective in some way one can resort to tort claim.
Got stung by a bee yesterday on the meat of my thumb, while stomping about the front yard planting plants.

Fiery pain, followed by raging ache, settling after a few hours to deep bone-ache. Now, 24 hours later, it's just the world's itchiest mosquito bite.

Did not leave a stinger. Could barely even see the entry mark. Do ground-dwelling bees not lose their stinger when they sting?

These guys look exactly like honey bees - but about half the size: < 1cm or so.

I thought ground-dwelling bees were solitary. This was a nest - tunnel entrances all over a 3 foot radius. A dozen or two bees boiled around the area for an hour or so.

What ground-dwelling bees (in the Great Lakes area) are social?
We have ground-dwelling yellow jackets. When we were kids we would put fire crackers in the nest and run like hell.
Would you rather have the cancer, or undergo radiation which is only partly targeted and will destroy millions of healthy cells as it does now? You cannot cure cell disease unless you can target individual cells.

As with anything which is decided to be produced by a free market, yes there will be financial abuse, but if the product doesn't work or is defective in some way one can resort to tort claim.
If I had the money I would go to some european country that does real cancer treatment, not the american low quality radiation crap. Americans don't even recognize the health benefits of deep tissue massage and it's never covered under any health insurance. American hospitals are a joke and the food they give sick patients is potato chips and artificially flavored and artificially colored jello packets.
We have ground-dwelling yellow jackets. When we were kids we would put fire crackers in the nest and run like hell.
You can bet I know the difference between a yellow jacket and - well - anything of nature's bounty that is not an asshole-made-manifest.