
LP&L in New Orleans, operates the River Bend power plant. You might be able to communicate with them for employment oppurtunities...

If you wish to pursue this further, pm me...
Yes, I was thinking that too. I go back to uni this weekend for semester two, so I'll ask around.

Do you really have to be a nuclear engineer? A lot of software engineers in my company don't have a degree in software engineering. We have physicists, chemist, and mathematicians doing other kinds of engineering like software or test engineering. Also I know a lot of engineers get a job in marketing or become a financial consultant right out of college.

Look. If there are limited jobs available in your field, that means some will be forced to switch field eventually. That is something for you to think about.

Another thing is, it is important for you to find a job in anything right now. You can be a waiter or a garbage collector. Anything is good. During a job interview, if the interviewers know you are working a shit job while you are unemployed, you can be labeled as a self-motivator or hard worker. It will make you look good.
My permanent position must be as a nuclear engineer, however I will be seeking temporary work after this weekend. Reason being, I'm moving back to my home town. I'll try and find something technical before I resort to shit jobs.

I understand the need to remain employed, but it wasn't much of an option here in this town.

I have a shiny new degree in Nuclear Engineering, so that'll give you an idea of what forums I'll likely frequent.

welcome to sciforums. I might never see you again. -laughs-
(It's been done before, but here goes:)

Velcome to SciForums! *maniacal cackle*

Please keep hands and feet inside the cart at all times, and if you are pregnant or sporting frequent heart attacks, hop on in! Enjoy the show, and don't feed the walrus. :D

I have a shiny new degree in Nuclear Engineering
hey what a coincidence!

lets jus leave it at that.

I'd hire you, but i cant seem 2 remember where i left my nuclear power plat. dammit! where is that darn thing!
