

Registered Senior Member
Hello all.

I was directed here in my own quest to create a science and technology forum on the board I usually frequent. (something tells me your treatment of new folks will not be like the pit of tazmanian devils I see at my normal board)

I look forward adding to the community here.

I have a shiny new degree in Nuclear Engineering, so that'll give you an idea of what forums I'll likely frequent. I've looked around a bit and I can see you've got plenty of genuine people like me and the expected few that think they're smart enough to debunk and rewrite all of science on their own. :rolleyes:

Welcome to sciforums, Emfuser. I think all will look forward to your input into the forums...
Welcome to Sciforums Emfuser. :) May you find the discussions you like and enjoy them with delight. :)

Rock on and write down your thoughts and knowledge on science and whatever more you'd like to discuss. Debaters enough to support you in your quest for wisdom and knowledge...:)
So you are Nuclear Engineer, eh? Does that mean
you get to drive the radioactive choo-choo? :D

Welcome to SciForums!

Originally posted by goofyfish
So you are Nuclear Engineer, eh? Does that mean
you get to drive the radioactive choo-choo? :D

Welcome to SciForums!


Nuclear engineer means I'm unemployed. :(

Do any of you work at nuclear power plants or for utilities that own them, per chance? :eek:
Uh oh.

Inquiring about nuclear facilities.
Possible terrorist threat exists here.

Must report to George at once.


You wouldn't by chance drive a utilities truck and work for the TIPS program would you?
Originally posted by goofyfish
Uh oh.

Inquiring about nuclear facilities.
Possible terrorist threat exists here.

Must report to George at once.


Yes... enquring minds (mind) want a job. ;)
Welcome to sciforums, Emfuser. You can try to look for a job overseas. They usually pay pretty well for a nuclear engineer.
Since us Americans are NIMBYing them to death. Are there any new ones being or to be built in US?

That is nuclear reactor type nuclear engineer, not nuclear bomb type engineer, right?
I know California is building many many new plants since the power crisis. I don't think any of them are nuclear though. Most states are going to face similar power problems in the very near future.
Originally posted by Gifted
Since us Americans are NIMBYing them to death. Are there any new ones being or to be built in US?

That is nuclear reactor type nuclear engineer, not nuclear bomb type engineer, right?

LOL (you guys seriously need better smileys)

Yeah, I'm looking for a reactor engineer position.

Nuclear is finally starting to swing upwards again (I'm told utilities are actually beginning site and plant licensing processes again). It's been 20+ years since anyone did that.

Check out this website. There are options there for finding jobs, posting your resume, and more.

PS: Check out the Scandinavian countries, they use HEAPS of nuclear power over there.
I decided long ago that I'd join the Navy before I'd work in another country. Most of the ones that need nukes are not places I want to work.
Dude, travelling and working in other countries rocks. Check out Sweden for example. They use a lot of nuclear power.
If you glow in the dark when you get off work, you know you got the wrong job...:D
As I recently mentioned in another thread, one of my lecturers is a power systems wizard. He is from Iran, and has worked in nuclear power plants all over the world for years. He's a senior member of the IEEE, and gets to travel everywhere still to handle problems for people. He seems to enjoy it a lot, travelling around all over the world doing nuke stuff.

You might ask you lecturer how one such as Emfuser, with his qualifactions, should and could seek a job...