Great Pyramid Water Pump

Ok, but why would it be a water pump? What is the practical use? They had no pipe lines of water, hence why they lived near the nile! :bugeye: I intened to view your site after this, so if i have wasted your time sorry. Note: 'them'=ancient egyptians
I asked about erosion, it would depend on years of usage, Still water, which is unheard of, because of changing temps, would create a film, or buildup of minerals and Algae. There should be multiple tell-tale signs of water Remnants in the Storage areas. an old film or lining of minerals inside the Pyramid. if clay pipes or lining was used, there should also be remnants of that system also!

Excavation so far has not uncovered all signs of this! The Sheer weight of the stone slabs would require a a floatation Device that is wide and long enough, Like a Barge, to carry the extreme weight, a wide channel to allow unfettered, contolled movement, navigate the locks, which are tiered and must also be filled with a water pump, to build a larger pump?

As the height grows, more locks must be added, which is also more stone work, masonry work, more labor to save labor? Archeologists have uncovered the Pharohs Boat, tons of Mummies But, no barges or tools of the type for a Large Scale irrigation system such as Wide Channels, left over stones, or Structures that would serve the purpose or fit your theory.
Also absent is any type of pictures depicting this type of construction,

The locks, if they ever existed, are also absent. we have found signs of water on mars, we should also find signs of water in the Great Pyramid. a few simple tests inside on the floors and walls should rule out that notion or Prove it absolutely! Figuring the path of least resistance, including time allowance of a generation or so, the Brightest minds were working steadily to build a better mousetrap, so to speak. It seems fruitless to create more work to do a Job that can be done with less,

Water must be transported, stored and elevated itself in bins or locks, in order to be a transport system. Being liquid and also heavier, it is more troublesome to work with. though is is essentual to life and more valuable than sand during work and after, it evaporates, it cannot be piled, and is much harder to transport. tapping a plentiful resource such as sand Leads to new, easier methods. perhaps Both sand and water were used. A stone on one side, windward, a container on the other, couple the two with hemp, rope, using a downward slide, a ramp, or a pedestal the height of where the stone is to rest, with the container above the uppermost level of stones, filling the empty container with water or sand in excess of the stones weight, would drag the stone to the height needed, the water can be reused as Ballast mant times over. a slide up, a slide down the other side. the water would pull the stone up one side, while the container went down. the grade of the ramp could be decreased and lenghtened on the Ballast side as long as the foot pounds of pressure exceeded the stones weight. in other words, one huge bucket, or several hundred could be used as ballast to pull an object great distances over sand, if they were filled at a height.

the friction under the stones path could be lessened by a coating under the stone for it to glide on, mud, Grain, rocks, logs, or certain vegatable oils could be used to lessen the energy needed and actually beef up the fulcrum system, giving it the abilty to pull two or more stones. the deciding factors are the length of the ramp on the working slope, and the rope or leather that was braided or used. another assist could be a parasail system to drag the stones up into place. actually, a hotair balloon type system coupled with all the above would be functional.. Fabric for a sail or Balloon could be accessed by a king.

The Egyptian's seemed to be fairly knowledgeable working with many elements of nature., I think they used them all at one time or another to construct the great Pyramid. Water alone is too confining, in times of drought they needed a backup plan.

....Have they found signs of water Containment in the Great Pyramid?

equally, some of my theories also lack proof....LoL.. but I could do it with rope, wind, water, and sand and maybe a beer or two., plus some of my friends that aren't lazy. I think I'm too old to attend college.. gemme the money intead, and I'll do it.
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In case you hadnt noticed thepump has a tendency to ignore the questions he dosent like. So far he hasnt even adressed my questions about egyption hydraulics and differences in construction between the great pyramid and the other ones.

I will try to address some of the concerns posed on this thread.

Ok, but why would it be a water pump? What is the practical use? They had no pipe lines of water, hence why they lived near the nile! I intened to view your site after this, so if i have wasted your time sorry. Note: 'them'=ancient egyptians


Our research foundation does not focus on "them". Our interest is in the technology and technical aspects of the construction project called the Great Pyramid. Our focus is how and why not who. To ask the practical use is to imply you think the Great Pyramid is a water pump. If it wasn't a water pump there would be no use for the pumped water because there would no be any.

I am use people in the middle of a desert could think of something to do with water. But the use of the pumped water does not determine if it is a pump or not. I could analyze the use of the electricity created by the Hoover Dam to determine if the dam is a hydroelectric dam or not. I could evaluate the use of the electricity to see if it justifies in my mind if the Hoover dam is really a hydroelectric dam or not. But the evaluation of the use of the hydroelectric of the Hoover dam has no relevance in deterring if the Hoover dam makes electricity. I know pumped water has many uses. Compressed air can be created using falling water. water power started our industrial revolution, and I power my laptop computer with water power! I think the builders of the Great Pyramid water pump used the water for many purposes.

Now for the nice long post with some good thoughts.


I asked about erosion, it would depend on years of usage, Still water, which is unheard of, because of changing temps, would create a film, or buildup of minerals and Algae. There should be multiple tell-tale signs of water Remnants in the Storage areas. an old film or lining of minerals inside the Pyramid. if clay pipes or lining was used, there should also be remnants of that system also!


No clay pipes that I know of. You would think there would be something to indicate some sign of water somewhere on that dry dusty place called Giza. Herodotus saw water surrounding the Great Pyramid and asked about it. He was told of an artificial duct that brought water to the site. He was told a main difference between the Great Pyramid and the one next to it was that the one next to the Great Pyramid had no duct to supply water to it as the Great Pyramid did. He was also told the Great Pyramid was built using machines made of short wooden planks. Water lock doors fit that description. Also up the north face of the great Pyramid is a series of 8 inch round holes which we feel was used to hold the pivot for the water lock doors.

Petrie found "Nile earth" inside the great Pyramid which is understood to be dried sediment. The Great Pyramid had deposits of minerals or "salts" in and around the area of the Queen's chamber. The exact cause of this deposit of "salts" is under debate but it is a feature in the Great Pyramid.
Excavation so far has not uncovered all signs of this! The Sheer weight of the stone slabs would require a a floatation Device that is wide and long enough, Like a Barge, to carry the extreme weight, a wide channel to allow unfettered, contolled movement, navigate the locks, which are tiered and must also be filled with a water pump, to build a larger pump?


It sound like you are describing the enclosure wall that still exists around most of the Great Pyramid. This wall is speculated by many to impound the pond eye witnessed by Herodotus. Thee has been no excavations between the Nile and the Great Pyramid in search of water locks. The remnants would simply be a long excavation or pairs of foundations that would be interpreted as causeways by traditional Egyptologists.

There is no evidence of a any barges used to move stones for the Great Pyramid but every knows there were barges. Some of the quarries were on the other side of the river. Yes the lower passages and chamber were used to supply the water to construct the Great Pyramid.

As the height grows, more locks must be added, which is also more stone work, masonry work, more labor to save labor?

Answer Yes that is how things are done in the real world by people who actually accomplish things. That is why real people built the Erie canal. There is sand in the USA. Instead of going to the extra labor to build the canal to save labor they could have just hauled the fraight up sand ramps. You would have had difficulty in convincing those people they waisted their efforts. Sailing ships worked great but them someone started building clipper ships. Why would they add extra labor and complexity to a ship that already worked. Those people don't make sense. Ha ha.


Archeologists have uncovered the Pharohs Boat, tons of Mummies But, no barges or tools of the type for a Large Scale irrigation system such as Wide Channels, left over stones, or Structures that would serve the purpose or fit your theory.
Also absent is any type of pictures depicting this type of construction,


Yes there are large boats. That is evidence. The interpretation of these boats is something else. Just as everything the Egyptologists feel the boats were used for symbolic, religious and cultural reasons. In the book Pyramids on Water these boats are understood to be used to move stones. The link for that book is:

No mummies in the Great Pyramid and no evidence there ever was one. We think the great Pyramid was the structure which was the water pump.

As for tools, ponders and some bronze chisels were found. We are very interested inthe technical aspects of the construction of the Great Pyramid. If you can create casing stones with those tools as every Egyptologists says was done we will award you with $50,000.

The locks, if they ever existed, are also absent. we have found signs of water on mars, we should also find signs of water in the Great Pyramid. a few simple tests inside on the floors and walls should rule out that notion or Prove it absolutely! Figuring the path of least resistance, including time allowance of a generation or so, the Brightest minds were working steadily to build a better mousetrap, so to speak. It seems fruitless to create more work to do a Job that can be done with less,

You may believe that 16 ton stones were move without handling scars and you may believe precision of 1/50th of an inch can be accomplished by hand. Egyptology has not in the last 150 years substantiated you belief system. Not even on surface has been created to the precision of the original casing stones let alone a complete casing stone in modern times. Confusus was right when he said, "Everything is possible for the person who does not have to do it." If it can be done for less why can't anyone show us how to move full size stones? They don't even need stone to demonstrate moving them. Just use a 70 ton payload like a locomotive. Take off the wheels and drag it up a 20 story sand ramp and I too like you already do will believe the stones we have all been told.

Water must be transported, stored and elevated itself in bins or locks, in order to be a transport system. Being liquid and also heavier, it is more troublesome to work with.

Water is lovely to work with. That is why it is the first choose in move our heaviest monoliths. Waterlocks raise battleships.

though is is essentual to life and more valuable than sand during work and after, it evaporates, it cannot be piled, and is much harder to transport.

Answer, If you could have only lived during the canal years you could have saved everyone so much extra work. Water does the transporting and its buoyancy does the lifting. To lift the water a pump is used. In the case of the great Pyramid the lower cuttings was the water pump.

....Have they found signs of water Containment in the Great Pyramid?


WE all, who study the Great Gyramid, have the same direct phisical evidence. The evidence I listed above indactes water to me.

equally, some of my theories also lack proof....LoL.. but I could do it with rope, wind, water, and sand and maybe a beer or two., plus some of my friends that aren't lazy. I think I'm too old to attend college.. gemme the money intead, and I'll do it.


I agree and I accept you offer!! Except the order must be reversed. Complete the conditions of our $50,000 research scholarship and I will gladly send you the money. it would be my pleasure!

Thank you for your help in demonstrating what Egyptologists can not do.

Warm regards,

Steven Myers
Pharaoh's Pump Foundation
i didnt get an answer 2 my post

here it is again:

is a pyramid a mor stable shape than a circular dome?
wat i mean by dome is like the top hemisphere of a circle used as a building.
the radius of the hight of the dome is the same as the radius from the center point of the base 2 any point on the edge of the base.
can u make a water pump w a such a dome?

if i wer 2 build a large city like las vegas but with no connections 2 any power supply, wat would b the best way 2 power it?
will building somthing lyk a hoover dam b effectiv or r ther mor efficient methods of providing such power?
Thanks for the reply and the links.. You answered many of my questions, "Nile Earth" would most likely mean sediment, and the deposits of minerals around the base of the Queen's Chambers would give evidence of water. If indeed the causeways are in existance, then other aspects of your theory may be proven. there is evidence of a large population center near the Great pyramid thought to be home to the workers and their families. Perhaps their was a huge complex surrounding it all, and water is the key to survival everywhere. I also agree that water is wonderful to work with, being an element, as is wind, they are limited in differrent ways, water by gravity and obstructions, and it will always seek its level. that is one key to the power of it. Rain is natures way of moving water to all areas of the planet and it can also be used to resupply areas of higher elevation.

I believe there are many things left to uncover about the ancient Egyptians, many secrets will never be Known. Perhaps even some that could be used to alleviate problems of today. others that perhaps would end civilization. Maybe some things need to be forgotten, least we make the same mistakes.

We know that before the advent of the huge Earth moving machines of today, mankind was only slightly deterred in acomplishing mammoth tasks, as evidenced by all the pyramids and consruction on the Giza plateau alone. the amazing things of the past that are as yet to be uncovered. The earth seems to swallow and reclaim all of mans past efforts to build a lasting Shrine to himself.
Dear Slim,

Thanks for the open mind, I appreciate that!

is a pyramid a mor stable shape than a circular dome?

All I know is that the Great Pyramid was built with four sloping sides which were water tight.

wat i mean by dome is like the top hemisphere of a circle used as a building.
the radius of the hight of the dome is the same as the radius from the center point of the base 2 any point on the edge of the base.
can u make a water pump w a such a dome?

We feel the four sloping sides of the Great Pyramid were like four water dams arranged in a square. These four dams impound water during construction. Each level of the Great Pyramid was finished before the next level was started. We have not done research in using a dome.

if i wer 2 build a large city like las vegas but with no connections 2 any power supply, wat would b the best way 2 power it?

Use the money from the gambling casinos! Ha ha! Our research is not about building cities.

will building somthing lyk a hoover dam b effectiv or r ther mor efficient methods of providing such power?

I have visited Hoover Dam and it is a marvel. It is like a concrete cathedral. The dam creates a lot of electricity. There is NO energy input by humans to create the electricity. The water moving through the dam powered by gravity created electricity. Many people like dams but there are environmental concerns and also the cost to build a dam is high. If you can not come up with the money to build a dam you won't have the electricity for your city. The energy system our foundation is developing is decentralized and on a much smaller scale then hydroelectricity. Our system will be environmentally friendly and affordable by the user of the electricity.

I hope I have helped you in your quest for understanding.

Warm regards,

Steven Myers
Pharaoh's Pump Foundation