Great Pyramid Water Pump


Registered Member

My name is Steven Myers and I am the founder of the Pharaoh's Pump Foundation. Our nonprofit organization is researching the Great Pyramid and the ideas presented in the book written by Edward Kunkel. Anyway it is an interesting subject and hopefully this forum can be a way to discuss some of the features of this understanding of the Great Pyramid.

Our research indicates the Great Pyramid was built to be a water pump. Also the stones on barges were moved to the building site through a series of water locks.

Our web site is at:
If anyone has any questions let me know.

Warm regards,

Steven Myers
Pharaoh's Pump Foundation
Is the idea that blocks of stone were floated up through the pyramid to high levels, on barges inside? If so, are passages within the pyramid actually large enough to allow this?
I have a (off topic) question ...


Have you ever posted on the Graham Hancock message
board or Usenet? Your name is familiar but I can't seem
to place it at the moment.
I thought the name looked familar. Thanks
for the reply goofyfish, much appreciated. :)
Originally posted by Adam
Is the idea that blocks of stone were floated up through the pyramid to high levels, on barges inside?
How did they flood the pyramid with water? Why didn't it sink? (I'm too lazy to click the link and got too mnay pages open as it is) :bugeye:

Now I'm going to have to go look through this page of yours sometime, but the idea that the pyramids were built as water pumps just doesn't sit right with me, on account of the fact that they are monumental stone structures indesputeably used as elaborate burrial chambers . . . also what the hell were the egyptians doing building supposid water pumps in the middle of the friggin' desert when they had the nile right there. As for the pyramids being filled with water and barges lifting stones up that way, there's just so much wrong with that idea that I don't know where to start! I'll mark that as the most screwed up thing I've heard all year, but don't worry, there's still a lot of time left to freak me out even more.
Ok, so I took a look

Ok, I'm sitting here in the computer commons of my university, and I have about another hour and a half before my next class starts, and I've already exhausted all my other fun web spots (well the ones I can access in public anyway, har har) so I broke down and clicked the link, so I'm going to ask a few questions as I go through the site.

First off, there's a claim with a little bullet next to it which says:

"Stones were moved on barges through a series of ascending water locks to each pond. There was never any ramp"

If this was so. . . then what's up with the picture on your main page!? It clearly shows a zig zagging ramp going up the side of the half built watter filled pyramid, is there just some lack of communication between the writers of your official doctrin, and the graffics department, or what?

Also I'm just not getting a good idea of what exactly you're trying to say the pyramids were acctualy used for? Are you trying to imply that they pumped water out of the ground (which of course is rediculous, as they really didn't go very far underground at all) or that they were used for storing water (why they'd do this, out in the middle of the desert I have no idea) or that water was used in the construction of the pyramids, in which case I'd have to ask how it really hellped, seeing how as (at least according to your picture!) the stone blocks would have to be carried up the ramps, anyway to be placed in position, so where does filling the whole damn thing with water come in? seems like a lot of extra work to me.

"The Great Pyramid was built in levels. Each level of casing stones impounded a pond."

I'm just not getting a good mental image of what you're trying to say here.

"The entire passage and chamber system was designed and built as an efficient water pumping system."

How do you figure? it's a bunch of tunnels carved in stone, how was it supposed to work? What parts are we missing today that they had in the past that made this thing work?

Also, why the heck do you keep reffering to it as "the great pyramid" which one are you talking about exactly, there WERE indeed a fair amount of pyramids! Are we even talking about Giza, or the vally of kings, here? Do you think that all Egyptian pyramids were used for whatever vague purpose I can't quite figure out you're trying to tell me they were used for, or is it just one pyramid spacificaly that you think is different from the others?

"Like most worthwhile endeavors the Pharaoh's Pump Foundation is funded on a "shoe-string." Most funding is received from private sources and individuals."

Haha, ok this may be a cheap shot, but I've got to say that I don't agree that very many worth while causes are funded this way, but instead any cause which has the potential to change our world is almost always an endeavor for profit. The only exception to this rule might be political campaigns, hehe, and I don't think that helps much to put it in a good light.

"Would a small inexpensive working model would demonstrate to any reasonable person the validity of your ideas?"

Haha, ok that's just from your FAQ section, for those who didn't look at the site, it's one of the questions (hence the question mark) I won't contest that that question was asked frequently, but I do have to ask if it was asked consistently with such poor grammar.

"What we are doing IS experimentation and development of this type of water pumping technology."

Why did you feel the need to capitalize "is"? are you trying to emphasize it? The correct way to do that would be to write it in italics, but I really don't think that you need to emphasize it in this instance, as no one said that what you are doing IS NOT yatta yatta.

"I ask those same people, when we have the pump fully operational and in production what would be the purpose of their donation?"

How about to distribute this "amazing techonolgy" of yours, like you said you intended to do? What about building your first full scale version? For a bunch of people who are aparently hell bent on proving that this thing works, you don't seem to be very good at planning this stuff! The whole thing sounds pretty shady to me! "Throw money at our rediculous cause pronto! hurry up, because after we're done with the prototype we'll vanish and you won't be able to donate to us anymore!" Does it seem reasonable to you that people could think you're some sort of shady tricksters?

"The book, Pharaoh's Pump is available from this site only. It is privately published and not available from or Barns & Noble."

Haha, how very convenient! I also like the fact that we're aparently SUPPOSED to be confused by the web site and need to BUY the book in order to learn all the mysterious secrets of your project, that doesn't seem dubious at all, really.

"Is this Pharaoh's Pump stuff hallucinations of a raving manic?"

haha, ok, you know you are doing something wrong when even you feel obligated to put this question in your FAQ, it was the question we were all trying to be too polite to ask, thanks for doing it for us.

"The Great Pyramid is on a gradual slope that rises up to the Libyan dessert. "

I'd just like to take a moment to point out that that's DESERT, not DESSERT, see, two 's's are a bowel of ice cream, or some milk and cookies, whereas desert is the terrain with low precipitation, the donations aren't bringing in enough money to hire people to edit your website, I take it? Not very profesional!

"There is little if any evidence that any Pharaoh was laid to rest in the Great Pyramid."

You mean like the sarcophagus, the dead guy himself, all the gold and jewels, the various depictions of the dead pharaoh which could be found all through the tomb, the offering rooms, the writings on the walls that tell us of his life, and what his name was? Yeah, that's pretty piss poor evidence that they were used as burial chambers, I've got to agree. . . no wait, you're out of your mind!

I just don't have the energy to look through the rest of this site, wild absurdity presented as fact always takes a lot out of me, but I've got enough kick left in me to ask one more question that I hope you'll add to your FAQ.

Is this site a hoax? No, really, I mean it, are you just playing games? I've seen better hoaxes before, to be sure, but not many are bold enough to ask for money. I mean you guy's can't REALLY be serious about this, right? In the end I can tell you what's going ot happen if you are, either a) you'll not be able to raise enough funds/man power to build your replica, or b) by some miracle of god, you'll manage to get this thing built, but it won't work! You'll then probably blame it on the scale, or simply not knowing enough about your origional fantasy working pump to reproduce it, after that you'll mill about for a while not sure what to do, and the whole group will just fall apart and never be heard from again.

Anyway, that's my take on it, have a nice day!

I will try to address the questions posted on this thread.

Is the idea that blocks of stone were floated up through the pyramid to high levels, on barges inside? If so, are passages within the pyramid actually large enough to allow this?

Answer, The series of water locks went up the north face. The stones to built the Great pyramid did not move through the passages.

How did they flood the pyramid with water?

Answer The source of the water for the Great Pyramid water pump was at the base of the Great Pyramid.

Now I'm going to have to go look through this page of yours sometime, but the idea that the pyramids were built as water pumps just doesn't sit right with me, on account of the fact that they are monumental stone structures indesputeably used as elaborate burrial chambers . . . also what the hell were the egyptians doing building supposid water pumps in the middle of the friggin' desert when they had the nile right there. As for the pyramids being filled with water and barges lifting stones up that way, there's just so much wrong with that idea that I don't know where to start! I'll mark that as the most screwed up thing I've heard all year, but don't worry, there's still a lot of time left to freak me out even more.
Reply This research is specific to the Great Pyramid.

Question, If this was so. . . then what's up with the picture on your main page!? It clearly shows a zig zagging ramp going up the side of the half built watter filled pyramid, is there just some lack of communication between the writers of your official doctrin, and the graffics department, or what?
Answer, The image on our site depicts a series of water locks not a ramp.
Question Also I'm just not getting a good idea of what exactly you're trying to say the pyramids were acctualy used for?

Answer, Surely many were used and built for burial purposes. This information is specific to the Great Pyramid which we feel was built by the original builders to be a water pump.

Questioin Are you trying to imply that they pumped water out of the ground?

Answer No we make no implications. The source water was at the base of the Great Pyramid as eye witnessed by Herodotus.

Question Were they were used for storing water?

Answer, We feel the Great Pyramid pumped water not stored it.

Question So where does filling the whole damn thing with water come in?

Answer, The image on our web page depicts the Great Pyramid about 1/2 completed. The pond at the top is only one level deep. The interior is completed up to that level.

Question Also, why the heck do you keep reffering to it as "the great pyramid" which one are you talking about exactly.

Answer, The Great Pyramid of Giza (the big one)

Comment from post,
I just don't have the energy to look through the rest of this site

Belief like any other moving body follows the path of least resistance.
-Samuel Butler, poet (1612-1680)

I thank everyone for their interest in our research!

Warm regards,

Steven Myers
Pharaoh's Pump Foundation

Is there any evidence of the Egyptions having any knowledge of hydraulics? It seems unlikely that they could build a pump like you describe without being fairly advanced.

Does the grave pyramid have writing on the inside? I vaguely remember hearing somewhere that it didnt but im not sure. If it does have writing on the inside the pump theory dosent make sense.

What makes the great pyramid so much different from all the others that i must have been a pump and the others arent?

Where was the water pumped from and where was it sent to?
The Great Pyramid Water Pump

Dear Neutrino,

Thank you for your thoughtful questions. I appreciate that. I will try to address your questions.

Question: Is there any evidence of the Egyptions having any knowledge of hydraulics? It seems unlikely that they could build a pump like you describe without being fairly advanced.

I feel the builders of the Great Pyramid were accomplished construction feats that are advanced. They used extreme precision in workmanship and were able to move very large monoliths without handling scars. These and many other tasks have not been duplicated in modern times in the manner we have all been told it was done.

Our nonprofit foundation is very interested in the how and why these tasks were done. We are offering a $50,000 scholarship to demonstrate quarrying and moving methods used by the ancients. Info on that scholarship is at:

Question: Does the grave pyramid have writing on the inside? I vaguely remember hearing somewhere that it didnt but im not sure. If it does have writing on the inside the pump theory dosent make sense.

Answer: The Great Pyramid has no formal writing on it at all. The original builders did not need formal writing on this structure for it to serve their purposes. There are some informal quarry marks in the "relieving chambers" above the Great Pyramid.
Question: What makes the great pyramid so much different from all the others that i must have been a pump and the others arent?

Answer: All the pyramids in the Nile valley are of differing sizes, designs, characteristics, quality of workmanship as well as materials used. Some are made of relatively small mud baked bricks while others use precision cut granite. I am not saying all the pyramid have to have the same purpose. They do not have to all be tombs or water pumps. The focus of our research is not, are all the Pyramids in Egypt water pumps. I do not think any pyramid other then the Great Pyramid was a water pump. Our focus is not on why the other pyramids are NOT water pumps our focus is on how and why the Great Pyramid is a water pump.

Question: Where was the water pumped from and where was it sent to?

Answer: Water was pumped from the base level of the Great Pyramid and the output of the Great Pyramid water pump was up through the King's Chamber vents.

Thank you for your open minded inquiry. These and other questions are addressed at our FAQ page on our web site.

Warm regards,

Steven Myers
Pharaoh's Pump Foundation
Originally posted by thepump

Question, If this was so. . . then what's up with the picture on your main page!? It clearly shows a zig zagging ramp going up the side of the half built watter filled pyramid, is there just some lack of communication between the writers of your official doctrin, and the graffics department, or what?
Answer, The image on our site depicts a series of water locks not a ramp.

Sorry, big guy I'm going to have to call you on this one, it clearly depicts a zig zagging ramp going up the side of the pyramid. I'm going to have to ask if you even know what a water lock is, as it would be fairly hard to confuse it for what is depicted on the image I'm speaking of (that being the very first pyramid picture see if you click the link to this rediculous page)

And thank you for not answering any more of my questions, that was a very clever dodge on your part, my hat goes off to you, masterfully done.
I'm as skeptical as you are, Mystech, but I can see how the graphic was intended to be some type of waterlock. It's just not done well.

As for having the capability to do this, I don't see it. Creating this system to carry the water with its load up the side, supporting the tremendous weight, and then no evidence of it being there? It'd be easier to do it with ramps. At least you have a lot less superstructure to make and take apart.

My question would be this: what evidence is there to support water being used as a transportation device? Either there's something that was found that leads to this conclusion, or the idea was dreamed up and now you're looking for something to support the theory. I'm guessing the latter unless something is presented...
We live in perilous times! It is very disturbing to many that war is immanent.

You have spelt imminent incorrectly. I never place much credence in websites which cannot get even the basics right.:p
I feel the builders of the Great Pyramid were accomplished construction feats that are advanced. They used extreme precision in workmanship and were able to move very large monoliths without handling scars. These and many other tasks have not been duplicated in modern times in the manner we have all been told it was done.
Not quite what i was asking about i know that the egyptions had quite advance construction ability. Im asking whether they had the nessecary knowlede of things like air and water pressure to move water agaist gravity (i think thats whay you're saying they did). As far as i know they egyptions kew nothing about those subjects making a pump like you descibe impossible for them to build.
Answer: The Great Pyramid has no formal writing on it at all. The original builders did not need formal writing on this structure for it to serve their purposes. There are some informal quarry marks in the "relieving chambers" above the Great Pyramid.
Ok so i guess i heard right about that.
Answer: All the pyramids in the Nile valley are of differing sizes, designs, characteristics, quality of workmanship as well as materials used. Some are made of relatively small mud baked bricks while others use precision cut granite. I am not saying all the pyramid have to have the same purpose. They do not have to all be tombs or water pumps. The focus of our research is not, are all the Pyramids in Egypt water pumps. I do not think any pyramid other then the Great Pyramid was a water pump. Our focus is not on why the other pyramids are NOT water pumps our focus is on how and why the Great Pyramid is a water pump.
I relize this but we know that most pyramids were build a tombs for thier kings, and a water pump should be built very differently. What major difference in construction between the great pyramid and other ones?
Answer: Water was pumped from the base level of the Great Pyramid and the output of the Great Pyramid water pump was up through the King's Chamber vents.
Could you explain this more? How did the water get in the base of the pyramid in the first place? What are the Kings Cahmber vents?
Thank you for your open minded inquiry. These and other questions are addressed at our FAQ page on our web site.
Ya i kinda skimmed the site but i really dont have the time for an in depth look at it.
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross
I relize this but we know that most pyramids were build a tombs for thier kings, and a water pump should be built very differently. What major difference in construction between the great pyramid and other ones?

Now there's a good point, if you beleive that all the other pyramids were indeed tombs, then why the heck would the egyptians have built a 'water pump' in the exact same way as their tombs?! It doesn't seem to make sence, unless-and bear with me here-They were just building another tomb!
I have always believed that the pyramids were built using sand ramps to slide the blocks up to each level, once completed the whole pyramid was covered in a slow gradual sand pile, and had to be uncovered to expose the finished pyramid, if in fact the great pyramid was a water pump, and used for that purpose, moving water erodes stone. the interior of the pyramid would be eroded! not so! the outside is eroded by weather, the inside seems to be erosion free. what gives? why build a water pump that never pumped? the purpose of the Great Pyramid is thought to be an observatory that was sighted to orions belt, a group of stars that was thought to be the final resting place of kings. are there any water marks Inside the Pyramid?
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Thanks for finding a few typo's on our foundation's web site.

Yes the picture on our web site tries to depict a series (flight) of water locks up the north face of the great Pyramid. Water from the pond supplies the locks with water. The water pump supplies water to the pond.

Some one asked about erosion. What about erosion. Do you think there is erosion in the Great Pyramid water pump. Clay pipe was used for years to move water. I have never seen any water erosion on clay pipe and yet water went through it. The movement of the water in this pump is relatively gentle. Water moves up and down in chambers and through valves and the result is the pumping of water.

Some one said,
I have always believed that the pyramids were built using sand ramps to slide the blocks up to each level,

Reply. That is a nice belief system. It has never been demonstrated. I am interested in a demonstration of what you believe. Our foundation is offing a $50,000 scholarship for the creation and movement of 5 casing stones to substantiate your belief system. Details of our scholarship are at:

Thank you for your interest

Warm regards,

Steven Myers
Pharaoh's Pump Foundation


is a pyramid a mor stable shape than a circular dome?
wat i mean by dome is like the top hemisphere of a circle used as a building. the radius of the hight of the dome is the same as the radius from the center point of the base 2 any point on the edge of the base.
can u make a water pump w a such a dome?

if i wer 2 build a large city like las vegas but with no connections 2 any power supply, wat would b the best way 2 power it?
will building somthing lyk a hoover dam b effectiv or r ther mor efficient methods of providing such power?
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