Great Explanation of Global Flood Model

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I find this research interesting, but flawed in one particular aspect, which is that IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
For you folks who still are scratching your heads a bit, here is a great synopsis of the young earth creationist position, enjoy.

LOL. No article has ever made me laugh so hard. There are so many holes and assumptions in this model that I couldn't help but laugh out loud for about 10 minutes straight after reading this mess of a hypothesis.

Those are highly decorated scientists there.

Yeah, and funny how they are the only 7 scientists in the world who agree with that theory. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I hope everybody reads the link in the opening post, it really paints quite a picture.

Yes, it's quite a fairy tale.

So tell me IAC, where in the article does it say what magical process initiated the magical subduction of the plates inducing the "runaway tectonics"?

Answer: It doesn't say what initiated it, because nothing did. I encourage everyone to read that part, it is quite funny.

According to that article, this is Part 1 of the story of Noah. Enjoy.

1. God creates 9 planets, including one he somehow managed to squeeze in between Mars and Jupiter.

2. This planet suddenly, out of nowhere, explodes. Fragments of the planet (asteroids) magically make their way to the earth and hit the surface of the earth.

3. These asteroids hitting the earth magically cause the midoceanic ridge to spew out millions of cubic miles of magma (why, who knows?).

4. Noah and his gigantic ark luckily are unscaved by any of the thousands of asteroids hitting the earth.

5. The asteroids hitting the earth cause massive worldwide tsunamis which devestate the planet, however Noah somehow evades them with his superior wave dodging ability. The huge tsunamis caused by the powerful subterranean earthquakes from the rapid plate tectonics and from the impact of the asteroids pose no threat to the ark because of its sheer ruggedness.

6. Apparently, it started raining due to “condensing water from spreading center geysers.” Of course, the rain was basically worthless since it provided only about .00000000000005% of the total deluge water. So God just added the rain for effect (LOL).

7. Seeing the rain, the huge asteroids, and the huge tsunamis all coming after him, Noah thinks fast and decides that it's about time to give his ark a test drive. He was excited, as he had been waiting for this moment his whole life.

8. God talks to the animals and tells them to go into the ark to Noah. So the T-Rex's, the raptors, the lions, the wholly mammoths, the tigers, the bears, etc. all joyfully trot into the ark to Noah. They don't eat him alive because they are spiritual animals, and obey God's orders not to do so. Noah proceeds to cage up all the animals. He then brings his family on board and they brace themselves for the approaching nightmare.

9. Noah looks outside and sees that the rain isn't doing shit. He doubts the flood until he looks to the horizon to see the ocean rising and coming straight for him and the ark. Massive earthquakes, about 3.9 on the richtor scale are occuring all around him due to the "runaway plate tectonics" and extremely rapid motion therefore of the plate tectonics occuring below the crust. Amazingly, the ark is unaffected by these 3.9 scale earthquakes. It is built of undestructible gopher wood after all!

10. The ocean finally reaches the ark. Noah watches as all of the humans and animals on the land immediately drown in the water and sink to the bottom to be buried by sediment later. No wait, actually Noah sees that the humans and modern mammals have invented choppers and are flying all around him. The choppers run on gasoline though, he figures, so they'll die later after all the sediment has hardened (Ohhhhhhh, so this is why no humans are found with dinos in the fossil record).

11. After somehow surviving the thousands of asteroids hitting the earth, the huge 300 foot high tidal waves, the 3.9 richtor scale earthquakes, and the initial surge of the ocean, the ark is afloat.

Key quotes from the article used to create this story:

“Rapid emplacement of isostatically lighter mantle material at the spreading centers would raise the ocean bottom, displacing ocean water onto the continents. Baumgardner [7] estimates a rise of sea level of more than one kilometer from this mechanism alone.”

“Wave (e.g. tsunami) refraction on the continental shelf would tend to transport sediments shoreward.”

“It is possible that some amount of tidal resonance may have been achieved.”

At the very beginning of plate motion, subducting slabs locally heated the mantle by deformation, lowering the viscosity of the mantle in the vicinity of the slabs. The lowered viscosity then allowed an increase in subduction rate, which in turn heated up the surrounding mantle even more.

“The rapid bending of elastic lithosphere and rapid inter-plate shear of plates at subduction zones as well as abrupt phase transitions as subducting plates are rapidly moved downward would be expected to produce frequent, high- intensity earthquakes at the subduction zones. There is also earthquake activity associated with explosive volcanism, isostatic adjustment, continental collision, etc.”

"A second source suggested by [118, 6, 7] is condensing water from spreading center geysers. This should provide adequate water to explain up to 150 days of open "windows of heaven".

"We believe that this led to a thermal runaway instability which allowed for meters-per-second subduction, as postulated and modeled by Baumgardner [6,7]."

"Another substantial source of water suggested by this model is displaced ocean water (6, 7]. Rapid emplacement of isostatically lighter mantle material at the spreading centers would raise the ocean bottom, displacing ocean water onto the continents. Baumgardner [7] estimates a rise of sea level of more than one kilometer from this mechanism alone."
The parts about the Deluge have been superceded by more advanced theory, in which the Deluge was the melting ice of a large, slow comet rather than erupting water from the mantle. The new theory better explains such features as the polar ice caps and continental features, violates fewer of the basic laws of thermodynamics, and defies fewer of the observations of astronomical and geological investigation.

It takes a while to update a website, especially when so many and such distinguished scientists have to sign off on the changes to provide the proper guarantee of the truth of the assertions presented. It would be completely dishonorable, on everyone's part, to pretend that distinguished scientists supported that of which they were unaware.
Funky sarcasm iceaura, but you nor anyone else has refuted any part of the model laid-out in the link in the opening post, so why don't you try to refute the material, and steer clear of the "comedy?"
OH wow IAC...just wow. I mean i'll admit i'm on the other end of the spectrum...I think human history reaches FARTHER back than modern science proclaims, so all I can say is wow...I really can't understand how you can believe this stuff.
NDS, tsunamis are long swells at sea, where no land is involved, so your tsunami "problem" is moot.

Was the ark not built on land? Uhhhhh, I always thought it was. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Please refute the content of the link, if you can't, then, well, you know.

I've already refuted basically the entire article, but since I know you are only allowed to type in one sentence per post, I'll try to take it point by point. :)

As nietzschefan pointed out, the entire fossil record DOES NOT support a deluge, in fact it clearly DISPROVES IT. Let's begin with this point:
No human fossils are ever found with dinosaur fossils. If a global flood was occuring, why was NOT EVEN ONE human fossil ever mixed with, say, a Pterodon fossil?

Please refute this refutation, if you can't, then, well, you know.

IAC, your theory also relies on the ability of 500 species or "kinds" to magically develop into millions of species or "kinds" in a matter of 300 years. This is absurd, and impossible, and there is absolutely no evidence that it happened. I'd like to start a separate thread based on your "syngameon" theory, however I need you first to answer the question below:

When God created animals, did he create only the "Super-Genetic" hyper mutts only, or did he create hundreds or thousands of "variations of syngameons" or species?

By the way, if you look up the following terms on your favorite site Google, below is how many results you get:

syngameon - 1,590

1,590 results? LOL. IAC, clearly science is not your thing. You should stick to fairly tales, you're great at them!
When did anyone say the Ark was built at sea? Ahahahaha.

The fossil record is a testament to the Deluge, afterall, sedimentary means deposited in water.

There have been loads of "out-of-place" human remains and artifacts discovered, just read Forbidden Archaeology by Cremo. And remember how evidence continues to "disappear" from the Smithsonian and other institutions.

Who ever said there were 500 syngameons on the Ark, besides you? Ahahaha.
When did anyone say the Ark was built at sea? Ahahahaha.

Apparently you missed the point, no surprise there. It's a fairly simple concept, Ice:

Noah builds the ark on land ------> Noah and fam., and animals enter ark -----> the ocean basin rises and therefore raises the sea level onto the continents -----> The sea level reaches Noah's ark and becuase of the "runaway tectonics" vast tsunamis are occuring and would eventually hit Noah's ark. Any questions?

The fossil record is a testament to the Deluge, afterall, sedimentary means deposited in water.

Yeah, no kidding. And, afterall, "w-a-t-e-r" doesn't mean Global deluge. LOL.

There have been loads of "out-of-place" human remains and artifacts discovered, just read Forbidden Archaeology by Cremo. And remember how evidence continues to "disappear" from the Smithsonian and other institutions.

Why don't you point some examples out for us all? Or is just that THERE ARE NO EXAMPLES. Finding "out-of-place" human remains proves nothing.

Show me one example out of that book where human bones were found on the same layer as dino bones.

Who ever said there were 500 syngameons on the Ark, besides you? Ahahaha.

Why don't you enlighten me then. How many sygameons were needed on the ark? In "Noah's ark: Feasibility Study" your idol John Woodmorappe states that ONLY 500 SYNGAMEONS WOULD HAVE BEEN NEEDED. So IAC, do you agree or disagree with your idol John Woodmorappe?

This thread is about the geology of the GFM, so NDS, if you want to start a thread about syngameons, then go do it.

LOL. Are you really this retarded, or do you just act like it.

Let me repeat what I said in the previous post:

I'd like to start a separate thread based on your "syngameon" theory, however I need you first to answer the question below:

When God created animals, did he create only the "Super-Genetic" hyper mutts only, or did he create hundreds or thousands of "variations of syngameons" or species?

Let's not start avoiding questions now, IAC.

By the way, where did you get your degree in paleontology, archeology, or biology? AHAHAHAHAHA.
Oh yeah, Ice. Go ahead and google "syngameons," your made up fairy tale term, and tell me how many results come up. I'm just curious.
Woodmorappe shows that 500 syngameons is plausible, so then what about 20,000 syngameons which would occupy less than half of the Ark's volume?

This thread is about geology, not biology, NDS, apparently you didn't know the difference, but now you do.
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