Gravity Problem Solved

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Sad, even a panel of TV celebs in 'It's Only A Theory' last night concluded that it must be a load of Bull.
That's right, we keep forgetting.

Notice to all SciForums scientists and science fans:
NEVER EVER forget that TV celebrities are the final authoritative word on real science.

(Miniture wormholes that need expanding with exotic matter is the mainstream answer to solve the Grandfather paradox apparently)
So you must all believe in time travel then, as predicted by Einstein?
Where do you come up with this trash? I find it truly difficult to believe that a human can be this dense. It seems much more likely you are a psychology student seeing for how long you can string along the likes of Arcane and myself. Nevertheless, I shall bite.

Your above quoted statement has no meaningful connection with our discussion to date. You are trying to sidestep the issue because you are cornered. Well, it won't work.

Sad, even a panel of TV celebs in 'It's Only A Theory' last night concluded that it must be a load of Bull.
To echo John McEnroe, "You cannot be serious!", or Victor Meldrew "I don't believe it!"
Dywyddyr has captured my thoughts perfectly. Your comment was assinine, but then almost all of them are.

Answer a direct question for once: what is your motivation for being such a fool?

Miniture wormholes that need expanding with exotic matter is the mainstream answer to solve the Grandfather paradox apparently
And your problem with this - other than your inability to type correctly, use punctuation or employ grammar - is what exactly?
Sad, even a panel of TV celebs in 'It's Only A Theory' last night concluded that it must be a load of Bull.
Wow, so a bunch of people who are as clueless as you and are easily swayed by popular opinion and unsupported heresay don't agree with people who DO spend their time doing this stuff.

Well if a bunch of TV celebs consider a science worthless then they must surely be right. After all, they spend their time doing such educated and informed things as "I'm a celebrity get my career out of here" and "Strictly come watch me prance about in the hopes of reigniting my flagging career".

God, are you that stupid!? You claim to have worked in the aerospace industry but I cannot believe that you could possibly have done so with such an utterly naive view of science and such blatant disregard for rationality!
You claim to have worked in the aerospace industry
OMG he'd better quit that and get another job.
I saw the results of a poll of five year olds and the verdict was "aeroplanes are noisy".
Can't be long left for BAE now, before they get shut down due to such expert advice.
One more example of your utter failure to understand what you reference.
No. The established expert (unlike yourselves) said that Stephen Hawking actually made a mistake with his rationale. Space tourists could only appear from the time of the invention of the time machine (obviously). Hawking's conjecture that there must be a unknown reason that time travel isn't possible is something that I agree with. The difference is that I think (+ 99.99% of everyone) that it's all based on flawed ideas.
No. The established expert (unlike yourselves) said that Stephen Hawking actually made a mistake with his rationale. Space tourists could only appear from the time of the invention of the time machine (obviously). Hawking's conjecture that there must be a unknown reason that time travel isn't possible is something that I agree with. The difference is that I think (+ 99.99% of everyone) that it's all based on flawed ideas.
Another fine example of your failures.
The "established expert" says that does he?
It's one possible explanation based on one possible method of "time travel".*
As stated by the "established expert".
Unless you have sources new to me that say that that is exactly (and only) THE correct "solution".

* All of it being theory and speculation of course.
No. The established expert (unlike yourselves)
You'll use anyone who agrees with your views as a reference. I'm a trillion times more knowledgeable and capable in mathematics and physics than you but you ignore everything I say and instead say "The TV celebs on last night agree with me!". Don't try to claim you're talking from a position of informed judgment or that you're using a logical rationale in your thought processes.
You'll use anyone who agrees with your views as a reference. I'm a trillion times more knowledgeable and capable in mathematics and physics than you but you ignore everything I say and instead say "The TV celebs on last night agree with me!". Don't try to claim you're talking from a position of informed judgment or that you're using a logical rationale in your thought processes.
So, do you believe that time travel via a time machine is possible, then?
So, do you believe that time travel via a time machine is possible, then?
There are insufficient data on which to form a firm conclusion. It appears that time travel may be possible from a theoretical point of view. (If I understand correctly it may be possible form more than one, differing theoretical viewpoint.) If any of these theories are correct time travel is possible and we are then faced with a complex engineering problem that appears to be well beyond current technology.

Please note lack_of_common_sense_seeker that my response is loaded with caveats. Given the uncertain nature of this topic those caveats are wholly appropriate. I am not given to expressing my flights of fancy as though they were reality; I do not go in search of quotations that seem to support a bizarre world view; I do not misinterpret and misunderstand genuine research in order to support my delusions. I guess we are just different.
Tell you what, why don't you answer my question about how precisely you're going about describing the deformations in the Moon due to a non-constant gravitational field in your 'New Newtonian Tidal Theory' and then I'll answer your question.

I'm doing this because it seems you are unwilling (and almost certainly incapable) of responding to any post which requires you show an iota of actual knowledge.
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