Gravity is Energy moving towards lower Energy

Why? Because I gave you a math quiz you couldn't pass because it involved logic?

So now you resort to name calling.
Where was the maths quiz?

And how am I name calling when you're the one saying "I'm lying". Calling you a liar after you admit to lying is not name calling.

From my perspectivbe you haven't demonstrated any understanding of, example of any physical model and you are asking me for math in a problem of logic as well as math and physics, when you can't even propose an antilogic to any of these theories.
I suggest you search for some of the threads I've made in the maths and physics forum, because I've shown plenty of times I understand physical models. I have multiple sets of letters after my name because of my understanding.

You don't have theories, not in the scientific sense. A theory is an hypothesis which has been tested and had its predictions verified. You don't even really have an hypothesis because you can't make predictions, never mind test them. You complain you've provided things I can't refute but you haven't provided anything. Compare what you've provided in this thread with the papers on and you'll see how far from presenting anything coherent you are.

If you can't follow the concept of a pseudogeneratric definition of a proposed process, then how could you handle a multiplex list of numbers to crunch?
I'm a professional mathematician.

Creative, imaginative people think differently than you do, AN.
My my, we are making a lot of assumptions, aren't we? You don't know anything of my work yet you know how I do it?
And how am I name calling when you're the one saying "I'm lying". Calling you a liar after you admit to lying is not name calling.

I've put this in to see how much of a math whizbang the other dude is. Most anyone who's had any studies in logic would know: "The Liar Paradox." I was a kid when Star Trek first exemplified this in "I Mudd."

This discussion involves more like designing the story problem. Pincho wanted a discussion about the convergence and increase in energy using the vortex as the model. I supplied him with my take on it being the basic 2 plane vortex model. Maybe imagine this as a plane at the surface near the drain and a plane deep in the drain. There will be an incline in energy proportional to the depth between the planes.
This discussion involves more like designing the story problem. Pincho wanted a discussion about the convergence and increase in energy using the vortex as the model.
No, Pincho wanted an excuse to delude himself with self importance. He doesn't want to talk about models because he has insufficient knowledge/ability/brain power to actually develop or understand working models of anything. His entire approach is "I'll throw out some buzzwords, draw a picture and declare myself a genius". Have you seen some of the claims he has made?

He honestly believed he was doing viable enough 'physics' to be worth receiving funding from a funding council, ie he thought EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council here in the UK) would want to give him tens of thousands of pounds to do what he thinks is physics. Speaking as someone who has experienced the wonderful world of trying to get funding in a recession ridden Britain and who knows plenty of excellent researchers who haven't got funding it was extremely insulting to see him think he deserved funding for his nonsense.

If you think Pincho was doing anything other than deluding himself then he was deluding you too and unfortunately it means you have a very very poor grasp of what actually physics involves. And no, I don't mean "What the mainstream expects you to do" but rather "What the scientific method is and how it addressed open questions".

I supplied him with my take on it being the basic 2 plane vortex model.
Can this 'model' actually model anything. People in this subforum keep using 'model' to describe what is obviously not a model. Models model. A few buzzwords knitted together into semi-incoherent sentences does not a model make. Drawing some pictures of bubbles and saying "This model explains cosmology!" is not science.

IMaybe imagine this as a plane at the surface near the drain and a plane deep in the drain. There will be an incline in energy proportional to the depth between the planes.
You have just used the terms 'energy' and 'proportional'. Therefore it is reasonable for me to assume you have an equation you're working with, else how would you be able to say something quantitative like that? Can you please provide the mathematics which justifies what you just said. I would like to see this equation which relates 'incline in energy' (define that too) to the depth of vortex planes.

Or do you just have this superficial idea and you think that in this imaginary world in your head that some quantity you're going to call energy is related to some configuration property of the system and you're just assuming it is proportional because you don't know any other relation? Why is it proportional to the depth and not proportional to the depth squared? What is your definition of energy? How can you model it? Where is anything other than "Inside my head I think this"?

And I'd be saying exactly the same to you.
Given what you've been saying I don't see any reason to think you're knowledgeable in science, never mind work with it day to day. While I don't talk about the details of my work here I at least have shown plenty of working understanding of physics and maths during my time here. My request you give some details is your opportunity to step up and show how my evaluation of you is wrong. Every time I ask a hack to give more details because I don't believe them it is their opportunity to prove me wrong, to step up and justify their claims. Pincho couldn't do it, Farsight can't do it, QWC can't do it, Sylwester can't do it, Reiku couldn't do it. Compare that with people like pryzk or Rpenner or Guest, they can dial up the detail when asked to, just as I can. It's why they're not considered hacks, when they talk about advanced science they can really do it, rather than just pretend.

So the ball is in your court. Can you provide some detail or not?
So the ball is in your court. Can you provide some detail or not?

Absolutely. I question your sanity.

Nothing in your tirade has anything to do with this thread.

If IMO, Pincho has an interesting depiction, it's his right to place it here till someone complains and maybe even beyond that point. If I find something interesting in his post and want to reflect on it, it's Pincho's, not your place, to decide what does and doesn't relate to his topic.

Pincho's math is pretty basic technical math. You haven't demonstrated anything meaningful against it. What immediately stuck out that I could see was the relationship to a 2 plane vortex.

If you aren't familiar with vortex equations, wiki probably has some. If you couldn't identify "The Liar Paradox" you need to go back to school.
If you couldn't identify "The Liar Paradox" you need to go back to school.

You are not using the liar paradox, but it was a nice half-assed try. You appear to be just making a statement. It is rather funny that your higher education is from Star Trek and yet you accuse real academics of being ignorant.
Embarrassed for not knowing about that, it would seem. I think I was 11 when I saw that episode. So if I was into higher education at that age, I must not have been doing so badly. It seems you are still trying to discover your higher education. Of course the blind following the blind? You can expect it will take some time...
Embarrassed for not knowing about that, it would seem. I think I was 11 when I saw that episode. So if I was into higher education at that age, I must not have been doing so badly. It seems you are still trying to discover your higher education. Of course the blind following the blind? You can expect it will take some time...

Why let that embarrass you, everything you write demonstrates your ignorance - this is just another example in a long list.
Origin, you couldn't even keep the childishness out of your interpretation. You come off as this:
Johnny can't read,
Johnny can't write,
Johnny can't do math either.

But Johnny can't troll and interrupt otherwise peaceful members.

I have yet to find anything you've posted on any thread I've been to to demonstrates your being intelligent at all, let alone intelligent enough to judge others.
Origin, you couldn't even keep the childishness out of your interpretation. You come off as this:
Johnny can't read,
Johnny can't write,
Johnny can't do math either.

But Johnny can't troll and interrupt otherwise peaceful members.

I have yet to find anything you've posted on any thread I've been to to demonstrates your being intelligent at all, let alone intelligent enough to judge others.

But your not a peaceful member, you don't know what your talking about yet you choose to continue speaking. The person is not a troll and they have demostraighted themselves to be intelligent in many threads, which you know if you had bothered to look.

Let me break it down for you. E=mc^2 right? But do you really understand what that means? It means that the energy of an object = its mass times the speed of light squared. In otherwords matter and energy are interchangable. How the hell can you get energy moving toward lower energy when both are objects are very energetic? The sun and the earth actually attract eachother, but the sun more so because it is much more massive. How to you reconcile that with the OP?

Standing up for someone that you feel is being picked on (pincho) is not a good reason to keep argueing, especially when you don't know pinchos history. The man likes to hear himself talk and thats about it.

At this point the more you talk the less others want to listen.
But your not a peaceful member, you don't know what your talking about yet you choose to continue speaking. The person is not a troll and they have demostraighted themselves to be intelligent in many threads, which you know if you had bothered to look.

Let me break it down for you. E=mc^2 right? But do you really understand what that means? It means that the energy of an object = its mass times the speed of light squared. In otherwords matter and energy are interchangable. How the hell can you get energy moving toward lower energy when both are objects are very energetic? The sun and the earth actually attract eachother, but the sun more so because it is much more massive. How to you reconcile that with the OP?

Standing up for someone that you feel is being picked on (pincho) is not a good reason to keep argueing, especially when you don't know pinchos history. The man likes to hear himself talk and thats about it.

At this point the more you talk the less others want to listen.

If this didn't sound so much like a creepy troll's rant, defending another favorite troll's rant, I'd have been happy to
answer your challenge. Unfortunately your post sounds like creepy troll ranting.
If this didn't sound so much like a creepy troll's rant, defending another favorite troll's rant, I'd have been happy to
answer your challenge. Unfortunately your post sounds like creepy troll ranting.

Of course it does. Anyone who speaks against you is obviously a troll.
Of course it does. Anyone who speaks against you is obviously a troll.

Not at all. I enjoy high quality debate. I simply see it as trolling to make the debate about me and moreso when it is in mean spirit. If you want to direct a meaningful, adult type conversation toward the topic, I'm sure everyone would enjoy such, but when you try to get attention to feed your narcissism by sticking another member's head in for a cyberswirly, you should expect to be seen as a troll.

As for those so-called noteworthy mathematical examples you refer to, I haven't seen anything that amounts to originality. Pincho offers original thinking. What you are so proud to offer, just seems so mundane.
Not at all. I enjoy high quality debate. I simply see it as trolling to make the debate about me and moreso when it is in mean spirit. If you want to direct a meaningful, adult type conversation toward the topic, I'm sure everyone would enjoy such, but when you try to get attention to feed your narcissism by sticking another member's head in for a cyberswirly, you should expect to be seen as a troll.

As for those so-called noteworthy mathematical examples you refer to, I haven't seen anything that amounts to originality. Pincho offers original thinking. What you are so proud to offer, just seems so mundane.

Original doesn't mean correct, in fact he's usually so far off that he's not even wrong. The things he comes up with only exist in his own head and do not apply to the real world. You would do well to realize that fact.

Talking about Pincho without "is in idiot" in the same paragraph just lets everyone around here know to ignore you.
Original doesn't mean correct, in fact he's usually so far off that he's not even wrong. The things he comes up with only exist in his own head and do not apply to the real world. You would do well to realize that fact.

Talking about Pincho without "is in idiot" in the same paragraph just lets everyone around here know to ignore you.

Even your insults lack originality and imagination.

HD is just picking up where Pincho left off.

HD is just picking up where Pincho left off.

This is my favorite part:

Hello to all.

I'm an independent scientist, meaning I refrained from participating in the academic food chain to get something done. Not very lucrative, so I earn a living through engineering design and artistry. I would like to find a good bunch of cyberposters to discuss many things about science with, still I have a perplexing research project for which I hope to gain some scientific opinions.

My dog ate my diplomas, so don't ask so I don't end up sounding like Bob Lazar. Nontheless, I have both formal and autodidactic education, augmented by many years of work in the engineering fields, the arts and as an independent reseach, self funded.


If the man is as he claims, why is he lacking an understanding of the basics? I got e=mc^2 in high school.
I have yet to find anything you've posted on any thread I've been to to demonstrates your being intelligent at all, let alone intelligent enough to judge others.

Hector, my good man coming from you I take that as high praise indeed.

You seem to view the world through some sort of contrary filter. You think AlphaNummeric "should go back to school", and you think "IMO, Pincho has an interesting depiction". I (and anyone with more than half a brain) find that an amazing atitude and a rather disturbing one.
Hector, my good man coming from you I take that as high praise indeed.

You seem to view the world through some sort of contrary filter. You think AlphaNummeric "should go back to school", and you think "IMO, Pincho has an interesting depiction". I (and anyone with more than half a brain) find that an amazing atitude and a rather disturbing one.

Why? Because I won't join in with your bullying? I find no connection between bullying and science save for possibly your need to see a shrink.
Why? Because I won't join in with your bullying? I find no connection between bullying and science save for possibly your need to see a shrink.

Nope, because you haven't been around here for very long and tell some of the smartest people here who have proven themselves time and time again that they need to go back to school, when you obviously haven't been yourself.