Government search engine blocks "abortion"

Except you are wrong. Most people (51% at least) are OK with abortion, thus it is legal... :)
Abortion is murder, does the Government explain to you how to murder someone?
ahh i believe that the majority of them not only explain to you how, but give you the weapons to do it. Its called war, and as we all know there is intended death in war a.k.a. murder.
Norsefire said:
And what do you think the Government is?
It is the reflection of the people;
The government is not "the reflection of the people"; government is a bunch of people who get themselves elected to run a country for a while. That means you have to put up with any decisions, laws that get passed, and so on, until you get a chance to put someone else in power. Government is about power, who gets it and what they do with it.
therefore, as abortion is inappropriate BY THE PEOPLE, it should be blocked BY THE GOVERNMENT
Why is abortion "inappropriate"? Is giving every citizen the right to own and carry a gun in public "appropriate"? Is state-sanctioned killing, illegal war, and lobbying by corporations "appropriate"?

Why should the government (a handful of people) decide what's appropriate or not; if it really is representative, shouldn't it be up to those it represents (i.e. a referendum)?
Or should they have absolute power over everyone's activities, including the right to execute people who don't comply with that?
was that a joke?:p

There have only been what 6 that have passed?
Unless they have bi pardisan surport of BOTH sides of politics they cant get through
i was talking about the Australian method. I think in the US its a parlimentry procidure, ie they have to pass congress and the state parliments. Im not sure though