Got a problem with ESP or other parapheno abilities

By providing information you do not compell me to make a choice in either direction. Can we not argue about outside things, please? I'd much rather discuss ESP in this thread. Just tell what you know, I tell what I know/think, etc.

I do not consider invading anyone's privacy! It's just that, other people foresaw airplane crashes, etc.... I wish I could foresee at least a trouble of a close friend or relative. At least some use from this ability that is not simply for me.

Also, my dreams (visions for the past few years) tend to come in periods. Does my level of stress/tiredness/nutrition/anything else affect my experience?

Are we talking about dreams you have asleep of dreams you have whilst awake?

And are you talking about premonitions only concerning yourself?
When I was little, I had dreams that would later come true exactly as I saw them (I was always in them, the thing was happening to me/with me). It would take about a month or a few to come true. I was always curious about the phenomenon and once came across a website where the owner was willing to answer questions. And he said he had the same experience as me, only later on in his adult life he started having visions. A month or two later, I started having visions, too. (I know....)

The first time I had it, I was standing in the middle of a classroom about to pick up pencils. Later, it would be when I was relaxing on a couch, or sitting around. Has to be what that guy called visions, because they didn't last as long as normal sleep and I wasn't relaxed as I would be in a sleep. I noticed my mind sort-of goes blank and world goes dark right before I see them. I doubt I shut my eyes. It is most frequently about my art stuff now. It could be because that's what occupies me for 95% of each day, or because I'm trying to make a decision about my future, or because I worry about it.....

But most of the time I would foresee something that the events wouldn't even hint at. For example, I foresaw myself writing an answer on a math test, and then a week or two later the teacher said there would be a test, which took place a week after that and, miraculously.... And it would always be something small, fairly insignificant, unless I muse and come up with a far-fetched relation to some current events.
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Thanks for sharing Whitewolf,

A question:

Are they premonitions or just a form of "NOW" recognition?

Precognition is an area I have the greatest difficulty in understanding manily becaue of the paradox that prior knowledge of events sets up.

"Does the prediction change the predicted?"

I sort of understand that the future is an infinite variable, in that there is an infinite number of paths that are available to us. Infinite within a finite range....

So on this basis precognition is rendered virtually useless.

However, by attenuated sensing of the NOW ( or more precisely the very immediate past say less than 1/2 a second old) one can certainly get a picture of what the future MAY have in store for us.

IN the example of the Maths test. The teacher has obviously planned to give you this test and knows the contents of this test.

So your dream maybe associated with what the teacher has in mind to which you may be attracted to because of your anxiety about maths tests.

So, is it precognition or just a greater understanding of the present? ( which includes everything elses present too)

The problem I have with this esp dreaming is that sleep is essentially an automatic or purely reflexive state. To make changes deliberately apart for learning would be very tricky to do safely.

I think the thing is to firstly accept the staus quo, learn the true nature of your experience and leave the rest to your and our destiny.

Probably the most important thing you need to keep in mind is that you do not exist in isolation and that all your experiences impact on every one else, sometimes in sublime ways.

If you learn something about the future concerning yourself please understand that, by "default", you are learning about the future ( from the NOW) concerning everyone else as well and your actions based on that knowledge impact on every one else (And not just within your immmediate conscious proximity either)

For example if you see your self at a train station at 2 pm tomorrow. this may mean by default that you are not at home watching TV or talking to a friend etc etc.....Do you see what I am saying with this example?
you saw yourself doing a test but you also saw that the teacher and all the other students were going to do the test too.

So the premonition is not and has never been just about you......
That's the thing, I never see the relationship between my prediction and any event that occured before it. Literally. With the example of the math test, it was a simple problem, one of the easiest ones that was there. It was on previous tests. I solved it without my dream! I did not recall the dream until I was in the middle of writing out the number. Moreover, the thing may come true after a year.... There is no way I could consciously foresee such a thing. I actually had an example of such a thing, which I do not plan to share, so you must trust me by the word. What took place was a mere accident. I was present only in the aftermath of it, which is what I foresaw but took as an ordinary dream.

Another thing. As the event takes place, I realize I foresaw it but, even if it is my own action, I am simply unable to stop it or even direct my hand a different way. I sort-of lose my breath and do it....

C'mon, you must know more about this, since you started the FAQ thread :p
Oh I experimented, too. I found that if I sleep with the Tarot cards under my pillow, I have more chances of having those dreams. Apparently, they go by free association!

I took a braver experiment when I was younger. I read in a book how to direct thoughts to another person. As in, how to tell a person to do something via thought. So I did what the book said. I was standing on a bus stop with a friend and "told" her to bump her head against the pole (you were right it is dangerous). Simply because I thought of nothing better and it was something she was likely to do and wouldn't find strange. She didn't bump her head, she sort-of lightly touched it on the pole as I visualized it, and gave me a weird look as in "damn you." But my face must have looked odd. I returned the book to the local library and threw away the recipe because yes, it is an unethical thing to do. I searched for it years later and haven't found it.

My conclusion of these experiments: my subconscious is powerful enough to perform whatever it finds clear enough and possible enough.

I believe that each human must exercise his abilities, physical and mental. I exercise my conscious as well as subconscious, and my abilities have to stride forward. I do not plan to move objects via sight, but at least that foretelling thing has to progress.
Just a quick thought....not sure of it's relevance


The year is 2030

Humanity has started to develope it's mental capacity.

People all over the place are developing what was sunconsiously incidental and are developing the incidental into significance.

Everywhere people are trying and in some ways to move things read things, control other people see the future.....

The collateral damage to society is enourmous.

People started with just little things then they moved onto bigger things.

later in the year a psychic concordance occurres and the moon shifted it's orbit, the worlds crust buckles billions of persons are killed. The panet becomes unable to sustain humanity.......

The universe reacts and annihlates the entire solar system to protect itself.

Humanity is no longer a threat.


Scarey scenario....maybe

possible....yes according to your desire to further your ability just like so many other persons want to do.

Is ethics important....bloody oath they are......the morality of your desire is most important.

The fact that you have applied an unethical pressure on a person ( bang head on pole) is not so much the issue but what happens when less ethical persons than you learn from your success. How long do you think it would take before humanity became unsustainable......10 years?....5 years?.....2 years?

So really the question is not in how to further your ability but are you morally and ethically wise enough to succeed. And as I said you are not in isolation....what you do and succeed in affects others.

Is the world wise enough to live with your existence....and are you wise enough to avoid putting your self and everyone else in a very difficult position.

Abilities don't just stop at the little things like telling an inconsequestial future...abilities go a lot further than what I used to call party tricks.

You have to ask yourself: Why do I need this ability? What purpose would it serve?
Is the Genie in the bottle worth the suffering?

What effect does developing this ability have on my other abilities?

Can I grow in my ability with out collateral damage?

Just a little story

I use to know a person who could electricute people just by focusing her mind in a certain way.......a side affect of this ability was that she drew men llike bee's to honey.......and she couldn't control either.

So when her friends came around she had to avoid looking at them because she was terrified that she could electricute the people she cared about....oh...but her attitude was entirely different when dealing with strangers......... and this was causing her great distress not to mention the strangers she Zapped.....

The nature of her beast was that she couldn't control her mood and attitude swings mainly because of the energy cycle she had stumbled into.

So what advise do you give her?

If she were alive to day? Because she aint a live no more?
I believe that each human must exercise his abilities, physical and mental. I exercise my conscious as well as subconscious, and my abilities have to stride forward. I do not plan to move objects via sight, but at least that foretelling thing has to progress.

AS an example.

What is the difference between the ability to levitate a pencil and moving a star system?
As I have noted before, my foreseeing my own action or someone else's action does not change a single thing. I can not stop nor re-direct my own action. I obviously can not nor should I prevent some events or make others happen sooner of anything of the like. As I have seen, it is merely a skill. The only change that I can produce is take my prediction as emotional preparation for the event. However, I do see that some alteration is possible. I once foresaw myself worrying about not meeting some deadline, and did what I could to make that moment less stressful when it actually comes. That worked. But I still had the thought which I foresaw myself having.

I can not control my ability, so I can not go to a dream research place, or any other kind of research place. Nor do I need to, as I decided, since I trust my subconscious more than any scientist would.

In the example with electricity, wouldn't it be nice if she could control her ability? My foretelling ability is less fatal.

That was another question I had. Why do I have this ability? Some kind soul on this forum said it is not to change what I foresee but to somehow affect what happens afterwards. This explanation makes me feel comfortable.

Obviously, any experiment or development of ability needs to come with responsibilities and proper ethics. So does development of nuclear weapons, or gun powder. Because these abilities exist, humanity needs to know how to deal with them (we obviously can't eliminate them). The development of these abilities will come as we evolve sooner or later.

I do not plan to tell people what to do in some strange ways, no matter what the circumstances. If I could communicate with someone I can't see, without telling them what to do but simply telling them something, that's different. Of course this shouldn't be used to tell a friend you kicked off a pillow in your sleep.

For the future, do not ask me to advise on matters I have not experienced. I do not know the experiences of the woman that electricuted people, therefore I can not tell her what she should have done.
she's dead......suicide...can't be told anything.

hmmmm....will think some more on your question....
"The same way you walk, talk, move thngs with your hands."

*sigh*. When we move out legs, hands or contract out our vocals to talk we are using a series of muscle spasms which cause these actions. These muscles spasms are triggered by brain waves within our brain. We are also able to do this between the interaction of matter within our body. The Force of Will is not matter nor is it energy so how can something that is created through our concience possible cause something else to move? Are you trying to say that this force of will is manipulating the univer into moving the object? If so, how is it manipulating the universe?
"Hey man, hell just my synaptic disfuncion telling me to type these words and move my fingers. Crikey, those muscle spasms are intelligent." Sorry Vortorx....just a little joke about the irony of what you have said.

WE as humans think we are so clever, we think we know everything when we don't know jack sh*t.

We know a little and then claim there is nothing more to know.

A while ago I proposed a theory of how we thought, as in how our brains basically function. I stated that our brains are comprised of billions of micro binary muscles that surround our synaptic neurons. A neuron fired and the surrounding muscle flexes.We recognised patterns of flexing ( micro muscle groups) and this generates the sensation of thought.

But the thing that is relevant to your question gets down into trhe realms of physics.

When we move we move though space, when we flex those cerebal muscles we flex space. When we project our imaginations we are projecting our muscle flexing onto the spacial location we have decided upon..

Is distance it isn't.

The truth about 4 dimensional space. ( basically it is a 3 dimensional rendition of 2 dimensions) or if you want to go to the inth it is a rendition of zero dimensions)

Telekenisis is just an extention of our thought processes. In that we think about reality and we manipulate reality over time....

There are several key elements to the "How" of telekenisis.. one is simply that the attempt to "Try " to do immediately fails.

Do you try to think ?( not about what you think) but do you try to just think per se?

No you just "think"?

When you move your finger do you "try" to move it?

What is the effort required to move your fingers? What is the effort required to tell your fingers to move?

What effort is required to tell your hand to pick up 100kgms? ( not the effort to pick up the weight but the effort to communicate your desire to your hand)

The universe offers resistance, the more effort applied the more resistance. the more consice, the more articulate, the smaller the effort the greater the success.
Possibly I can help but maybe off forum......I wont be working on your dreams but on your waken state.....and how to possibly train so that your dreams may reflect more discipline....etc..... but I wont work on your dreaming directly....if you want PM me....
It's a wonder why no-one has ever noticed that most people that claim to have such feats. Complain of the lack of control over them. Perhaps the very reason that lack of control exists in those area's is itself a test. A Test to find out if you could potentially learn how to subdue the lack of control and generate control.

This itself would suggest that there is some essense of ability to be able to control, some link that has been allowed that a person just has to find.

(Kind of makes me think of some rather nasty experiments, where a persons thought process is hooked up to a machine perhaps they suffer a problem like electricuting people, but how do you control that? so such Paranormal Scientists might sit there with their equipment on, watching someone attempt to develop control over their Pseudo-gift, usually however they seem to neglect what directions failure takes.

The loss of life as someones reason suggests to them that to save others they should sacrifice themselves. (Which is most definitely the wrong thing to do if the Gift is truly Pseudo, because finding the persons that gave it to you potentially unleashes you from it's bond.)

I'm not suggesting you take my word for it, because afterall it's just one of these "What if the reality was..." kind of statements, but it should clue people up to understanding that what they take for granted as being nature, might just be a test in someones scientific playpen.