Got a problem with ESP or other parapheno abilities

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Hi people,

When readng this board or forum so many times people mention abilities that are causing problems. So often there is a mixture of delight and misery attached to ESP abilities or the paranormal. We have this sort of love hate relationship with ourselves on this issure it seems.

I have been dealing with paranormal and ESP abilities for 12 years now and maybe I and others I know here can offer some help to persons struggling with what a lot of people are telling you doesn't exist.

Maybe together we can find a better way of finding comfort with our abilities.

So if you have a problem let's hear it and maybe there is an answer to your discomfort.
More of a question... Can you actually have an out-of-body experience? Can it be controlled? Am I off-topic?
More of a question... Can you actually have an out-of-body experience? Can it be controlled? Am I off-topic?

I think there is more than enough experience out there to suggest that it is possible.
The more important question is it something that we should try to control or should it stay spontaneous and beyond our control. Personally OBE's are something that make up the frabric of consciousness and shouldn't be fiddled with.
I'm afraid to ask, but what abilities do you have, QQ?

I have none James, none that you may recognise as provable in your context.
But I do have an understandings that may be beneficial to others.
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Just for the fun of it James R, I thought I'd say for the record that I fully intend to pick up all that moolller 2000 pounds UK 1million dollars USA and 100000 dollars in AU and when I do you'll know all about it.....ha
1. obe's are when the electrons that make up our thought leave our heads and mingle with other signals in the air

2. we all have psichic ablility that is beacuse our brains operate on a frequency that cannot be recorded yet, and can be picked up by people who have unlocked the receivers in their brain(on purpose or by accident)
obe's are when the electrons that make up our thought leave our heads and mingle with other signals in the air

Really? I would have never known our thoughts were made up of electrons or any matter at all...Oh wait a isn't, its actually a form of synapsis caused by electrical surges whithin the neurons of our brain, your bad.

I have a question for you Quantum Quack, How does telekinesis work? Im NOT asking what telikenisis DOES, because I already know. If the answer is what I think it is then I can tell you why telikenisis is impossible and of course, if it isn't then there are alot of people who are misinformed...
I have a question for you Quantum Quack, How does telekinesis work? Im NOT asking what telikenisis DOES, because I already know. If the answer is what I think it is then I can tell you why telikenisis is impossible and of course, if it isn't then there are alot of people who are misinformed...

It''s actually a lot more simple that you probably think.

The easiest way I can descibe it to you is just by making reference to the film the Matrix.
In the Matrix it referes to the illusion of reality for the sleepers in some sort of controlled dream state their energies funding the illusion of reality.

In reality we have what I call a reflective imagination. In that I mean that our sentience is achieved by an articaulated imagination working with and upon a universal imagination that we all independently reflect upon.

Matter, gravity, electrons, dah dah dah are all part of this collective universal imagination.

Telekinesis is the articulation of an independent reflective imagination upon the universal imagination. ( A bit like manipulating an incredibly realistic lucid dream that we all share {matrix}).

When most people try to move stuff they can certainly do it in their minds but not in a way that can shared by others. It is only when it can be experienced universally that the action of telekenisis is valid.

I have witnessed telekinetic actions that were uncontrolled, reflexive.....similar to those stories you see on TV about poltergiests etc.....

But because it was reflexive the accident could not be repeated. And because of the fear associated the person responsible could not repeat the "accident" since then.

The mind and collective mind using fear to protect itself from total chaos.

As you can imagine accidental telekenisis can have many possible very negative outcomes.

Now Vortorx, maybe you will care to tell me as you have promised to do, why my explanation is impossible?
Ok well from what I got from you telikenisis is reflexive and correspondant with the universe. But you still have yet to answer my question so I will rephrase it. "How does telikenisis work mentally" or "What brain activities is causing inanimate object to move?" or "What force is causing these objects to move"?
"How does telikenisis work mentally" or "What brain activities is causing inanimate object to move?" or "What force is causing these objects to move"?
The same force you use to imagine with.
With out sounding korny it's called "will power" or "force of will".

Telekinesis is the articulation of an independent reflective imagination upon the universal imagination. ( A bit like manipulating an incredibly realistic lucid dream that we all share {matrix}).

Possibly in terms of physics one could state that with the force of will one can manipulate the vacuum flux or in another way the "Nothingness" which the Universe is made up of.

By flexing our brains in a certain way we are able to distort the inherant vacuum that we exist in ( the space between all those particles)

The universal imagination is this nothingness and everything within it.
My problem with my damn ESP dreams has always been the same: How do I make it so that I see things that don't have anything to do with me? Keep in mind that I do concern myself with things other than me, I'm not selfish, at all.
Whitewolf's question prompts me to ask the question “ Do we know what risks are associated with trying to do what we sometimes think is fun to do.

The question of “How can I dream dreams that don’t concern me?” is on the surface a ridiculous statement of our naivety when it comes to the realms of the conscious or subconscious and even the unconscious.

I have found that there are many facets of our paranormal experiences or desires that we need to be very cautious about.

For example Whitwolf learns how to control his dreams to such an extent that he achieves pleasure from them in ways not originally designed for. Next thing you know whitewolf is in a mental institution simply because the natural ability to dream has been corrupted by semi-control over them. His dreams would be no more than a quasi-deliberate construct that does not serve the purpose that dreams are naturally supposed to serve.

To me Dreams usually are about subconscious reconciliations, where by the mind reconciles conflicts and confusions from the past and pending problems of the future.
To learn to control this process for ones entertainment is full of potential risks to the persons mental/emotional state, and because of this I would strongly recommend against tampering with such a fundamental of the growth processes.

The same attitude applies to OBE’s, astral travelling, and the like as these innate abilities need to remain innate and not something the conscious mind needs to or should control.

It’s a bit like learning how to regulate your heart beat to the degree that other aspects of your emotional self are may be able to regulate the beating of your heart but what impact does it have on other more vital function emotional and otherwise?

Dreams and OBE’s etc are a bit like our autonomic bodily systems. Such as hair growth, liver function, bladder and kidney you really want to tamper with these vital autonomic functions?

Well OBE’s and dreams to me are just the same thing but more to do with the mind/body than what we perceive as just the body.

( BTW Whitewolf, this post is not intended as a criticism but merely a caution to you and any other readers and thanks for giving me the opportunity with your question)
One could argue that the reality we all share is one rather shared dream that it incredibly lucid.

My take on it:

When asleep we are still sensing our ambience ( universe) this ambience stimulates our imagination and generates a dream.

There are many different types of dreams, some vague, some very clear and realistic in that our consiousness is as alive in the dream as we are when we are awake.

The degree of our own sense of self in these dreams determines how lucid they are.

Because they are created by what we sense whilst asleep they can range in content in sometimes extreme ways.

Sensing the future, sensing the nature of consciousness, sensing a friend of someone you care about.

Nightmares are generally a reaction to something that we sense but are rejecting it due to some sort of preconception that we harbour.

Dreams are usually very cryptic because we are not consciously looking to sense anything because we are asleep. So therefore the dreams do not necessary conform to any order. It is when a dream conforms to an "order" that we can recognise it becomes an experience we have the possibility of remembering.

Lucid dreams are dreams that conform to our sense of order. The more order the more lucid the dream. The more detail sensed, the more order the more lucid.

This is my take on it any way....I hope it provides some value to you.....Maybe someone else would like to provide an answer?
The same force you use to imagine with.
With out sounding korny it's called "will power" or "force of will".

You are correct, that does sound very corny. How does the "Force of will" move these objects?
I do agree that we should be cautious about our abilities. However, my ability to see ESP dreams that do concern me is natural, I've had it since I was a child. I want to expand my abilities, that is all.

Besides, my question was not about ethics, it was about further developing my skill. Whether I end up in a mental institution or in hell is my personal business and choice, and so is business and choice of each that decides to walk this path. Or any other path.

So, the question remains standing. How....
Besides, my question was not about ethics, it was about further developing my skill. Whether I end up in a mental institution or in hell is my personal business and choice, and so is business and choice of each that decides to walk this path. Or any other path.

This is true Whitwolf but it is also true for me as well.

It is encumbent upon me not to take part in a excersise that may cause harm to MY self Interests.

Whether you end up in a bad way is it self not the issue it's just that I don't want to be, even in part, responsible for it.

So as you have stated the question remains unanswered, and yes this is so.
You are correct, that does sound very corny. How does the "Force of will" move these objects?
Vortorx as I have said and wont repeat again. "The same way you walk, talk, move thngs with your hands."

It is only the separation of your imagination and that of the universal imagination that stops us from doing what you question.

When you understand what I have just stated fully, more than I already understand it, telekinesis will be as easy as wriggling your fingers.