

Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
i would just like to say thankyou and goodbye to all of you

especially star

i loved you star

And you bill
well you wont be here this time
and i don't want you to
all i want to do is say goodbye

and agent, xev, adam, tyler, and anyone else


i wish all good fortune for the future

i go to solve the biggest mystery in this universe


goodbye all
Is this some sort of suicide note?

If you are not feeling well, post that on here and ask for people to talk to for support. There are plenty of shoulders here you can cry on (even over the internet).

If you are just trying to get sympathy and attention, and are going to be back posting here a week later, you're doing it the wrong way...........
how clever

thats what the blood runing out of my wrist would be

unfortunatly my friend is here so the cut is not deep
One thing I would like to mention, if you do it you will never be able to take that decision back. Once you pull that trigger, it is not like a hour later you can decide, I wish I hadn't done that. There is no changing your mind later.

Something I would recommend, get out and be around people and places. Go to a place like the mall that is jam packed with people. If you are surrounded by so many things, you won't have time to sit down and dwell on your worries. You'll have too much activity and stimulation going on outside of you to ignore it and think about your misery.

I don't think you could commit suicide easily in front of 100 people. Someone would probably try and stop you if they saw you attmepting it, and you don't really want the humiliation even after death of people looking at your dead body as it lays there on the ground, do you?

Whatever makes you happy, try and go after it. And if your current methods are working to find it, change them.

You also might want to consider meds; though I'd try and stay away from the doctors who prescribe them as much as possible.
Do what you want. I don't care. I fuckin tried to help. You don't see reason


what is reason?

as its possable you don't even exist i wonder what reason is

its possable I don't exist

and i am SICK of this fucking world

how DARE you force me to put up with a life i don't want


you mean antidepressants?

been on them for 2 months

gess they don't work

i have seen my GP, 2 shrinks and a phcologest

Listen to me, I've been where you are now. But I want you to know that it's starting to go away. Yesterday I found myself singing, I didn't realise I was doing it until my mum said "I haven't heard you do that for a long time". Then I remembered all the records I have (they'd be CDs to you), but all those songs that reminded me of good things came to mind and I wanted to hear them again. Remember music? Remember walking along the edge of a stream and the shade of a big old willow tree? Remember watching the sun go down in the afternoon making everything glow in pink and gold hues. Remember the smile of someone you love - go find them and give them a hug. Do you really want to leave us? I've been thinking about the things that make me smile and things don't look so hopeless. Time passes and bad things fade away. Make a list of things you like to do and try to find a way to do them for a few more days, or weeks even..... please don't say goodbye to us. Go and listen to your favorite song. Or even give me a smile over cyberspace at this corny plea for you to stick around. No one knows what to say to someone when they're feeling like you are now. If someone you don't know (like me) can care about you, imagine what your friends would feel for you. How about it?
Stick around for a while longer my friend, let's see if we can fix things.

Whereas, I am of the opinion that every person has the inalienable right to end their life at a time of their own choosing, I also am of the opinion that existence--life--is such a unique condition of experiences and contemplations that a single lifetime is quite insufficient to explore it fully.

Therefore, only a catastrophic, permanent physical disability could motivate me to give up whatever time I had left of an all too brief existence. There is yet too much to see and do and experience, more than a life-time's worth.

Besides, there still is a vast number of people for me to rritate as I continue my experiments in humble arrogance. Or is that arrogant humility?

Well, either way, my life is what I make it so I may as well have some fun living it.

Your twenty years so far may seem to have have passed by in some agonizing fashion, but, just like a good rollercoaster ride, its always uphill to begin with, followed thereafter by the thrills.

So, take care, and don't give up just quite yet. You never really know what changes tommorrow will bring.

Asgaurd, look at the support you have received while at sciforums. People saved your life. You need to start realizing that people care about you. If you're afraid of never finding someone again just raise your head and realize that everyone gets dumped. Everyone gets cheated on at some point. Everyone gets fucked over and messed up. I hate to say it but that little bugger Chosen is right. You've gotta get some confidence and that comes through thinking logically. People here support you, you have friends in Melbourne, you HAVE had a girlfriend (which is indeed more than some can say) and you do have support. People far wiser than myself have noted that life's not fair; you just need to learn to see a goal and figure out what you can do to reach it.

Tony, you can't understand what this would do to your friends. You can't understand what this would do to sciforums. You can't even understand what this would do to me, or Xev, or Adam, or Star, or everyone else here. Your a character we've all grown to love and a man we all are happy to help. Let people help you, and don't make a stupid decision.

Don't let emma do this to you tony. She is not worth it. Remember being in love anthony? Just imagine holding that feeling for years, for decades, and ask yourself; are you willing to throw away the possibility that you could one day find a woman who loves and cherishs you?

Good luck Tony, and never give up.
Aw, come on Tyler, you're making him feel even worse by blaming him. Sometimes anger and accusation doesn't work, and it will worsen the situation.
Anthony doesn't deserve any blame for what's happened to him. I'm thankful I've yet to go something as heartbreaking as what he experienced.

However, he stands at an important crossroad in his life. Those of us who know Anthony relatively well understand just how much joy he can take from love (as well as pain). And I'm willing to bet he will find love again and he will bless the fact that he held on.

I don't know you, but i have one thing to say. What is your passion? What do you want from life?

From my expereience and knowledge in life and my attempts to commit suicide years ago, I have now come up with a passion that I have long waited for. This passion was a dream that I never had, but I invented.

You know that you want to commit suicide because you see no more purpose in life, or you have done something that you cannot forgive yourself for.

You don't have to commit suicide the physical way ( that's were you take away life). You can also commit suicide the mental way, which means that you are killing the spirit that exists within you. In other words try to forget about the past and start a new life with a new life style... a new you... a new personality...a new goal... go were your passion takes you... unleash the power of your brain....

Life is about making the RIGHT choices....

Use your choices well....

(I don't know if this will help you, because I don't know about your philosophies, but they seem to work for me.)

Whenever I feel depressed, I stop all my thoughts in their tracks. I just tell myself to stop thinking, calm down, then reflect on why I'm feeling badly. Then, I tell myself that this moment will pass, just like many other things, so why beat myself up over it? Ever had a test before? Remember the feeling of relief afterwards, when you finish it? It's a delicious feeling, like all the weight of the world is off your shoulders, and you can finally sleep again, and stop twitching from all the caffeine. :)

As well, I wonder why I'm wasting time feeling sad. The sky is bright, all the beauty of the world is laid out before you, so why spend your time digging a hole and lying in it? I know that when I'm depressed, I tend to search within myself, and I'm disgusted by the things I find there. But, I start to look at all the things to live for: a stranger's warm smile, a lazy day, cool water when I'm thirsty, the loyalty of a friend...

All things will pass. Injuries will heal, wounds will close, after the rain there is always sun. The pain you are feeling right now will dissapate. It will always be there, but only as a bittersweet reminder to enjoy life.
I really hope deep in my heart that you will reconsider. In the conversations we've had on MSN, (sorry I wasn't there last time, I was not at the computer for some time) you've shown me that you're a pretty cool guy. It would be greatly saddening if you would leave us at this time. As many would say, time heals all wounds. Things will get better, given time.
Anthony, sorry I snapped at you:(. I just hope everything works out ok for you in the future
why do you keep trying to commit suiced. is this like your 15th try this week?

if you were going to do it, you would have.

so stop dragging on this emotional down pour on yourself. its obvious you want attention, but you can get it without the pity party.
Damnit you made me cry and I don't even know you. Let me just say that I think everybody should be free to suicide, for any reason at all.