Good vs. Evil

Trying to know what God thinks is the same as trying to know what the edge of the earth looks like.
Joeman said:
Trying to know what God thinks is the same as trying to know what the edge of the earth looks like.

Then we cannot make *any* claims about what God thinks or not.
water said:
Crunchy Cat,

Good and evil exist in the same way, say, love, hate, despair, happiness, wisdom, stupidity, worthiness, worthlessness, beauty, ugliness, justice, wrongdoing, order, disorder, coolness and daftness exist.

They exist as concepts; we infer them based on what we can observe, given a certain observer and a certain situation.
They are subjective in that they are personally experienced; but they are universal -- because people can communicate in them or about them.

The above listed do not exist the same way trees or tables exist; yet they are crucial in the way we organize our lives. For example, we strive to avoid those who have done us wrong or could do so, and we seek the company of those whom we love or find cool.

To not use those concepts (because they are not provable, and thus, untenable) would seriously endanger our chances of survival. While if only a relatively small part of the population does so, the consequences are barely visible, the whole of mankind discarding those concepts leads to chaos and massive death. (Because nobody cares about anything.)

Hey Water,

I appreciate the anologies. Any of the concepts listed can be objectively
defined (I am not saying it's easy... just that it can be done). Some of them
exist the same way trees do and I am confident that the bulk of them can
be measured, correlated, and thus proven.

Still, to move forward with battig1370's assertion 'Good' and 'Evil' still require
explicit definition and evidence to support their existence.
water said:
A logical conclusion? Based on what?

based on fact that even if half human population gets wiped out in a disaster that can be avoided by man by a warning system but was not avoided by god, yet thoes shamless theist will continue to pray GOD without questioning her iresponsible behaviour.
Crunchy Cat,

I appreciate the anologies. Any of the concepts listed can be objectively
defined (I am not saying it's easy... just that it can be done). Some of them
exist the same way trees do and I am confident that the bulk of them can
be measured, correlated, and thus proven.

Still, to move forward with battig1370's assertion 'Good' and 'Evil' still require
explicit definition and evidence to support their existence.

I don't think this will work -- but it is because of the methodological apparatus we have for analyzing the meaning of a concept.
There is no unified and satisfactory theory of meaning (not to my knowledge); holism with prototypes is best, but it does not offer analytical definitions of meanings.

We are thus stuck.

* * *


based on fact that even if half human population gets wiped out in a disaster that can be avoided by man by a warning system but was not avoided by god, yet thoes shamless theist will continue to pray GOD without questioning her iresponsible behaviour.

You are presuming that ALL humans must live, if God is to be just.

And, you are giving attributes to God -- like "irresponsible behaviour". If life on earth were all there is, then you'd have a point.
But theists -- FROM WHOM YOU HAVE THE IDEA OF GOD -- who believe in God also believe in an afterlife, so what happens in this life is not ultimate. So per theistic understanding.
water said:
Crunchy Cat,

I don't think this will work -- but it is because of the methodological apparatus we have for analyzing the meaning of a concept.
There is no unified and satisfactory theory of meaning (not to my knowledge); holism with prototypes is best, but it does not offer analytical definitions of meanings.

We are thus stuck.

The meaning of meaning? 69 of course! :). Ok ok... I just couldn't resist.
Meaning is the relationship between variables. Maybe battig1370 can
attack the 'good' and 'evil' definition / evidence... if he can then we can
move on to his assertions.
water said:
... who believe in God also believe in an afterlife, so what happens in this life is not ultimate. So per theistic understanding.

So why do they have to pray for ? Is like a bribe for after life ? Then we must cut that economics, and starve that GOD of her prayers.
Anomalous said:
So why do they have to pray for ? Is like a bribe for after life ? Then we must cut that economics, and starve that GOD of her prayers.

Ask them.
Then we cannot make *any* claims about what God thinks or not.

Isn't that what ALL theists do?
(Q) said:
Then we cannot make *any* claims about what God thinks or not.

Isn't that what ALL theists do?

But they have the knowledge about a revealed God.
But they have the knowledge about a revealed God.

What's the difference?
battig1370 said:
When Good makes war against Evil, Evil has won.

The war between Good and Evil is the Devil's game, because the rules of the game is of the Devil. For Good to win, Good cannot surrender to the rules of Evil, but if Good surrenders to the rules of Evil, Good becomes Evil and Evil has won.

So how can Good win?

Paece be with you, Paul

God is good. God is the source of all that is good. Satan and his devils are evil. Both God and the devils have telepathic access to the minds of men. The battleground between good and evil, for each individual person is in the mind.
Good already won, when Jesus died on the cross. Now there is a way for all men to escape evil and go to heaven. Believe that Jesus is Lord and that He is the Son of God, and accept Him as your Lord and Saviour. Repent of sin. (Start trying to not do whatever the New Testament calls a sin.) Ask God to forgive you if you do sin and continue trying to not sin.
Read the King James version New Testament to find out what God wants you to believe and do. -- Do those things and you will win over evil in your own existence, and go to heaven.

Don't do those things, and evil will win over you and you will go to hell.

Satan and His devils can only do what God allows them to do. God is allowing them to test men to see if they will do good or evil to see who is worthy to become an angel of God, and who is not worthy to become an angel of God. Most men will fail the test.

Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
ghost7584 said:
God is good.
How can God be good if God forces all raped virgin women to marry their rapists?

Good already won, when Jesus died on the cross.
How can God win if Jesus died on the cross? It makes more sense if Satan died on the cross for tempting Eve to ate an apple. Satan succeeded in tempting Eve and necessitated the need for God to come down and shrink himself into a shape of a man and get tortured. That doesn't sound like he won. Also if there are 1 billion planets with intellegent lifeform, God has to die 1 billion times.

Now there is a way for all men to escape evil and go to heaven. Believe that Jesus is Lord and that He is the Son of God, and accept Him as your Lord and Saviour. Repent of sin. (Start trying to not do whatever the New Testament calls a sin.) Ask God to forgive you if you do sin and continue trying to not sin.
Read the King James version New Testament to find out what God wants you to believe and do. -- Do those things and you will win over evil in your own existence, and go to heaven.
What exactly is Sin? In Romans Paul said if there is no law, there is no transgression.

Satan and His devils can only do what God allows them to do. God is allowing them to test men to see if they will do good or evil to see who is worthy to become an angel of God, and who is not worthy to become an angel of God. Most men will fail the test.

An all knowing being doesn't need to test anything. He already knew. His omniscience renders the necessity of living a life on earth superfluous.
(Q) said:
But they have the knowledge about a revealed God.

What's the difference?

It is a knowledge that we do not have, so we can't speak on its behalf.
Joeman said:
An all knowing being doesn't need to test anything. He already knew. His omniscience renders the necessity of living a life on earth superfluous.

Humans don't have God's knowledge.
Joeman said:
How can God be good if God forces all raped virgin women to marry their rapists?
How so Joe?
How can God win if Jesus died on the cross?
The victory is in the outcome. There are have been and will be Christians. Not all have been going the Devil's way.
Also if there are 1 billion planets with intellegent lifeform, God has to die 1 billion times.
How so man? Jesus died once and for all. Who is to say that the lifeforms would use their God given intelligence to defy God - they might be a bit smarter than us on this little rock.
In Romans Paul said if there is no law, there is no transgression.
I think Paul actually said without the law trangressions would not be apparent.
An all knowing being doesn't need to test anything. He already knew.
Just say He knows Joe. The test is then naturally of relevance to that being tested - us, not him. He might know He'll test but if it doesn't happen how can He know?
His omniscience renders the necessity of living a life on earth superfluous.
Can you explain this a bit further? Humans aren't God Joe, or do you mean Him living on earth?
MarcAC said:
How so Joe?

Ah. A bold faced Christian hero/liar I am sure you are aware of verse but pretend not to know it.

[If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. ] (deut 22:28)

I think Paul actually said without the law trangressions would not be apparent.

I only need to expose your lie. It don't want to waste my time and the time of everyone else in this forum by answering stupid questions.

[14For if those who live by law are heirs, faith has no value and the promise is worthless, 15because law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression.] (Romans 4:14-16)

Within the context, it definitely does not mean without the law, transgressions would not be apparent. You can lie to yourself if you want, I'll leave the judgement to the rest of members in this forum.
There are no separate disimbodied forces called "good" or "evil". Nature is seen as "good", but contains the same kind of horrible violent actions that in human culture would be called evil. Are parasitic wasps larvae inherently evil because they burst out of a living host, killing it? Would I be evil if I killed someone just to hollow them out and live in their body for awhile? Are carnivores inherently evil since they kill for a living?

Good and evil are so only in human society, which has lost it's context within the natural world.
water: Humans don't have God's knowledge.
M*W: If we were allegedly created as "God's image," I fail to see how humanity would not collectively contain "God's knowledge."

I could also say that "God doesn't have Humanity's Knowledge," but, of course, you would disagree. God didn't create humankind. It was humankind that created God!

If there were a "God," there would be evidence for this "God." But, there's not. There is no indication that there ever was a "God." "God" is an illusion of humanity. "God" is a creation of humanity. "God" would not exist without the psychological needs of humanity.

I say, "Who needs God?" Why believe in a fairy tale being? The closest thing to "God" is humankind. Worship each other and not a false being.