Good vs. Evil


Registered Senior Member
When Good makes war against Evil, Evil has won.

The war between Good and Evil is the Devil's game, because the rules of the game is of the Devil. For Good to win, Good cannot surrender to the rules of Evil, but if Good surrenders to the rules of Evil, Good becomes Evil and Evil has won.

So how can Good win?

Paece be with you, Paul
How can one destroy destruction? By ceasing to be a part. If a collective ceases, then the problem goes away
battig1370 said:
When Good makes war against Evil, Evil has won.

The war between Good and Evil is god's game, because the rules of the game is of god. For Good to win, Good cannot surrender to the rules of Evil, but if Good surrenders to the rules of Evil, Good becomes Evil and Evil has won.

So how can Good win?

Peace be with you, Paul
good cant, but why are you blaming the devil it should read god.
battig1370 said:
When Good makes war against Evil, Evil has won.

d))Yes, because the war is a viscious circle, beginning with the ignore-ance of wholeness.
Thus, when one posits A 'good' and fights for 'it' then it natrually will include evil.
for example, look at the nazis. even though they are thought of as evil--which they were--they thought they were for the 'good'...for 'purity'. yet look at the indescribable evil they did! a reall good exaMPLE

The war between Good and Evil is the Devil's game, because the rules of the game is of the Devil.

d))the 'Devil' is the curse of the suppression of the Goddess. of the insight of wholeness.

For Good to win, Good cannot surrender to the rules of Evil, but if Good surrenders to the rules of Evil, Good becomes Evil and Evil has won.

So how can Good win?

Paece be with you, Paul

There is no such thing as 'good' winning 'evil'. because we have abstracted out a living process.
if a part of you judges another part of you to be evil, this means that you have divided yourself.
the part most feared by us--even in this era--is our deep parts. the parts usually accessed via poweful emotional and spiritual facilitators like hallucinogens.
All that we fear is in US. but because we suppress exploring this deep part of us, and demonizing it, or dismissing it as 'mental illness' etc., then that repression projects outwardly at fear of evil, and DOING evil too
battig1370 said:
When Good makes war against Evil, Evil has won.
The war between Good and Evil is the Devil's game, because the rules of the game is of the Devil. For Good to win, Good cannot surrender to the rules of Evil, but if Good surrenders to the rules of Evil, Good becomes Evil and Evil has won.

How do you come to this conclusion??

So how can Good win?

If there is no God, then Evil indeed wins. But only if there is no God.
The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist.
what is good and what is evil?

Theists live a lie, therefore they are evil.

Atheists live for humankind, therefore they are good.

Ignoring the fact that your statement that theists live a lie is entirely unsupported and presupposing that theists live a lie, what is evil about it?

Additionally, ignoring the fact that you have failed to provide evidence that atheists live for mankind and also presupposing that theists live a lie, where is the good in living for humankind?

Is this good or evil just inherent in lies/serving others? How so?
battig1370 said:
When Good makes war against Evil, Evil has won.

The war between Good and Evil is the Devil's game, because the rules of the game is of the Devil. For Good to win, Good cannot surrender to the rules of Evil, but if Good surrenders to the rules of Evil, Good becomes Evil and Evil has won.

So how can Good win?
by avoiding conflict? ;)

interesting philosophical puzzle,dont see why you had to insert the old imaginary horny one in there though?
unless youre sugesting Good=God then it becomes totaly meaningless,
b/c IF God created ALL...He also created Evil wouldnt you say?
Ozymandias said:
Additionally, ignoring the fact that you have failed to provide evidence that atheists live for mankind and also presupposing that theists live a lie, where is the good in living for humankind? ... How so?

I am not an expert but I think that theist live for many things and among them two that I can mention are Islam and Christanity. No wonder Bush won the seemingly impossible win in the second round. So remember if U wana win election just partonize the theist.
Evil is winning because of inactivity of god. But its not her fault.

the problem is people.

300,000 people died in sumatra Sunamee. Humans can build a warning system but god did not warn, even though she is more powerful. But thoes shameless theist never complained to god for her inactivity , so she thinks alls ok.
battig1370 said:
When Good makes war against Evil, Evil has won.

The war between Good and Evil is the Devil's game, because the rules of the game is of the Devil. For Good to win, Good cannot surrender to the rules of Evil, but if Good surrenders to the rules of Evil, Good becomes Evil and Evil has won.

So how can Good win?

Paece be with you, Paul
[When Evil makes war against Good, Good has won.

The war between Evil and Good is God's game, because the rules of the game are of God. For Evil to win, Evil cannot surrender to the rules of Good, but if Evil surrenders to the rules of Good, Evil becomes Good and Good has won.

So how can Evil win?]

"Paul you be, with Peace" [snicker]:D

It seems the inherrent assumption is that "war" is Evil(?) but Good naturally opposes Evil. War would indicate conflict which can be avoided; Good cannot be unopposed to Evil.

This doesn't mean there can't be one without the other - they may co-exist originally and then one may be elliminated. The concept may remain (as all potential concepts) but the actions don't have to remain - they become essentially non-existent.
battig1370 said:
When Good makes war against Evil, Evil has won.

The war between Good and Evil is the Devil's game, because the rules of the game is of the Devil. For Good to win, Good cannot surrender to the rules of Evil, but if Good surrenders to the rules of Evil, Good becomes Evil and Evil has won.

So how can Good win?

Paece be with you, Paul

The question is built on a mountain of subjectivity. Define 'good' and 'evil' and
then support their existence; after which, the question can be revisited.

Evil is winning because of inactivity of god. But its not her fault.

the problem is people.

300,000 people died in sumatra Sunamee. Humans can build a warning system but god did not warn, even though she is more powerful. But thoes shameless theist never complained to god for her inactivity , so she thinks alls ok.

Are you saying you know what God thinks?

* * *

Crunchy Cat,

The question is built on a mountain of subjectivity. Define 'good' and 'evil' and
then support their existence; after which, the question can be revisited.

Good and evil exist in the same way, say, love, hate, despair, happiness, wisdom, stupidity, worthiness, worthlessness, beauty, ugliness, justice, wrongdoing, order, disorder, coolness and daftness exist.

They exist as concepts; we infer them based on what we can observe, given a certain observer and a certain situation.
They are subjective in that they are personally experienced; but they are universal -- because people can communicate in them or about them.

The above listed do not exist the same way trees or tables exist; yet they are crucial in the way we organize our lives. For example, we strive to avoid those who have done us wrong or could do so, and we seek the company of those whom we love or find cool.

To not use those concepts (because they are not provable, and thus, untenable) would seriously endanger our chances of survival. While if only a relatively small part of the population does so, the consequences are barely visible, the whole of mankind discarding those concepts leads to chaos and massive death. (Because nobody cares about anything.)