Good torture, bad torture

This is the real world, not an episode of 24.

I understand why you didn't dare to answer the question. All your little morality could collapse, because you would torture the guy so fast, he didn't even have time to lose a couple of teeth or fingers. :)

True life is quite often stranger than fiction. And stop keep coming with the usual bull, like torture is unreliable, because in certain cases it is very easy to verify. Where is the bomb? Well, guess what, if we find the bomb, then the info was correct.

Not to mention we don't have to just limit our conversation to the US, torture can be useful anywhere...
Dude, you annoy the hell out of me.

That's not the reason torture is used...

Who cares why it's used? Who would want to be a citizen of a nation that tortures? You might save the kidnap victims or even an entire city from a nuke, so what? It destroys the moral fabric of the nation, and it's not worth it, not unless the very existence of the nation is the thing being threatened, and perhaps not even then.
But I tell you what. Your 2 kids are the ones who are going to die in the next 7 days of hunger and thirst, alone in the dark. There is no direct evidence against the kidnapper, thus there is a good chance he is simply going to walk. Police is 100% sure they got the right guy, just without good evidence for the court. Your only chance of saving your kids is to make him talk. Obviously, if he talks he goes to prison for life, so he has a very strong incentive to give you the finger.

Similar situation. Your 2 kids will be killed in a school shooting unless we ban all guns in the US. Do you do it?

I understand why you didn't dare to answer the question. All your little morality could collapse, because you would torture the guy so fast, he didn't even have time to lose a couple of teeth or fingers.

I did answer your idiotic, television inspired, hypothetical. But let me make it plain for those too slow to get it...In no circumstance is it moral to commit a major felonious crime(torture)to try to solve a crime(of any magnitude), especially since it is not an effective interrogation technique. Countries that do that kind of thing are EVIL(as are individuals), their police corrupt, their citizens cowed and afraid. We call them "Police States" and they always solve every crime(well, on paper anyway)even if they have to beat the confessions from most, if not all, of their prisoners. Even if those countries are the Vatican(the Inquisition)it is not morally defensible, PERIOD. And, like being pregnant, you either allow torture or you do not. IE You are either a torturer(and therefore evil), or you are not a torturer(and you can be evil or good, depending on other things. At least you aren't a torturer).

True life is quite often stranger than fiction. And stop keep coming with the usual bull, like torture is unreliable, because in certain cases it is very easy to verify.
Again with the fiction. And you are correct, it is not strange compared with real life - it's one of the standard Hollywood plots, right up there with youths (or their dogs, etc) save everyone from evildoers, attractive policewoman goes undercover as stripper/hooker/woman in little clothing to catch bad guy, normal looking dweeb gets magical gifts/powers/role that makes them special and heroic, and so forth.

Wish fulfillment, escapist fantasy, absurd simplifications included as necessary. Leave it on the screen - it's ugly and corrupt and dysfunctional anywhere else.
The Obvious Point

Syzygys said:

True life is quite often stranger than fiction. And stop keep coming with the usual bull, like torture is unreliable, because in certain cases it is very easy to verify. Where is the bomb? Well, guess what, if we find the bomb, then the info was correct.

Your dedication to promoting the lowest aspects of human nature would be admirable if, well, you were promoting something better than the lowest aspects of human nature.

Besides, this is all old hash: Even torture advocates can't justify torture.
Who would want to be a citizen of a nation that tortures? You might save the kidnap victims or even an entire city from a nuke, so what? It destroys the moral fabric of the nation....

Follow-up question:

Is morality a suicide pact?
Who cares why it's used?

I dunno, everyone?

Who would want to be a citizen of a nation that tortures?

Oh, you are going meta now. Who would want to be a citizen of a country that invades others without a good reason? And yet, there you are.....

You might save the kidnap victims or even an entire city from a nuke, so what?

Yeah, screw the kids. Principals first...

It destroys the moral fabric of the nation,

You know what does that? Unsustainable and illegal wars...
Your dedication to promoting the lowest aspects of human nature [/url][/i].

Crying is good, making a decent argument is better. You would be the first to torture the kidnapper for your kid, get real...

By the way you guys realize that a life in prison sentence easily classifies as torture, so anyone making arguments of abolishing long prison sentences?
Similar situation. Your 2 kids will be killed in a school shooting unless we ban all guns in the US. Do you do it?

Nothing like changing the topic when you can't answer the question. For the record, I don't like kids, so yeah to hell with them... :)
I did answer your idiotic,

OK, so for the record, when you could have saved your kids, you put principals first. Very admirable. Also very Darwin awards worthy, since you have just removed your offspring from the gene pool with your stupid decision. You also failed as a father....

especially since it is not an effective interrogation technique.

Again, with the effectiveness. I don't care if its effectiveness ratio is just 10%, if it saves people's life, fine with me.

Countries that do that kind of thing are EVIL(as are individuals),

hey moral choice for you. Which country is more evil:

a/ Torture for good reasons, but doesn't do wars.
b/ No torture, but does illegal conquering wars.
Oh, you are going meta now. Who would want to be a citizen of a country that invades others without a good reason? And yet, there you are.....
Invasion isn't quite the same as having someone within your power and causing them extreme pain. But it's similar, we should not invade other countries without a good reason.
The thing about stating you're against torture, is that any captured enemy is not going to respect you at all. If they know you won't torture them, they won't tell you a damned thing.

America used to win every war it started... oops, was involved in.
Now, they're being thrown out of every place they go. They'll call it a 'tactical withdrawal", of course.

Reason being, of course, that now that they've decided to be nice and moral about all their conflicts, they lose them all. I mean they can't even beat up on Afghanistan anymore.

What's your record since the end of World War two? A few losses, a couple of draws, no wins and a bunch of excuses.
Know why?

Y'all stopped reading Sun Tsu.

OK, so for the record, when you could have saved your kids, you put principals first.

No, I reject the conclusion that my immoral actions would actually promote the survival of my kids in any way. I reject the idiocy that torture is any more effective than other, non-coercive methods in getting accurate information from a suspect(as does the professional intelligence community and the courts of our judiciary, they reject it outright). In fact, my crime might insure the suspect could never be prosecuted(duress)and insure his release, would put ME in jail while he walked out the door and it STILL would not secure any accurate information or miraculous rescue(that only happens on dramatic TV shows). Plus the suspect could sue me for everything I own even while I was burying my dead children(which he may or may not have had anything to do with). It doesn't make any difference about how I feel about the situation or whether I act on my primitive, unthinking, emotional reaction, torture will not save my kids any faster(if at all)than other intelligently applied, non-coercive interrogation techniques. How I feel or what I would like to do notwithstanding. There are reasons we don't put victim's family members in charge of criminal investigations, their emotions are likely to overrule their intellect. Understandable, but not conducive to actually finding the real culprit and lord help any innocent who inspires their suspicions. Just how much torture of innocent people is justified(all suspects, even you, are innocent UNLESS convicted in a court of law through the use of legal means, torture SPECIFICALLY excluded)?

Again, with the effectiveness. I don't care if its effectiveness ratio is just 10%, if it saves people's life, fine with me.

It doesn't save people's lives, it actually does as much damage to you, me and society as the kidnapper has done(but it does make you an evil torturer, no more moral than any Fascist dictator). Saying you are willing to torture 9 innocent, un-involved citizens in order to beat the confession out of one person who may or may not be a criminal at all only illustrates the complete idiocy of your position. You would be willing to commit 10 felonies to solve one? Really? There's no end to that progression, you know.

Which country is more evil:

a/ Torture for good reasons, but doesn't do wars.
b/ No torture, but does illegal conquering wars.

Both are equally immoral, but for different reasons. Both should be resisted. Torture is always war on innocent people. Once a police force gets that tool, everyone arrested will confess to whatever will stop the torture. Saddam Hussein, Papa Doc, Pol Pot, Hitler and Stalin would agree with you, you know? Not company I want to keep, none of their countries would have been good places to live. "Better ten men escape justice than one innocent man be deprived of it." Justice Hugo Black, US Supreme Court. There are no good reasons to torture, ever. There are all sorts of bad reasons, but the fig leaf of need does not cover up the vast moral stain on a torturer's character, the character of the police force and of the country. When you torture then you, yourself, are guilty of a crime every bit as bad as kidnapping, felonious assault(in fact it IS felonious assault), rape or 2nd degree murder. Congratulations, you have succeeded in lowering your morals to the level of the basest of criminals, you must be so proud.

By the way you guys realize that a life in prison sentence easily classifies as torture, so anyone making arguments of abolishing long prison sentences?

Actually, it isn't. They get 3 hots and a cot and can watch all those TV dramas you think reflect reality all day long. That's better treatment than their victims received and any further depredation is only on their fellow low lifes. Prison is punishment, those sentenced have no rights beyond those given to animals, because that is how they acted in society. And, as a torturer, you would deserve exactly that(IE a society of your peers, morally).

It might help if we knew exactly what torture is legally defined as...

(1) “torture” means an act committed by a person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control;

(2) “severe mental pain or suffering” means the prolonged mental harm caused by or resulting from— (A) the intentional infliction or threatened infliction of severe physical pain or suffering; (B) the administration or application, or threatened administration or application, of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or the personality; (C) the threat of imminent death; or (D) the threat that another person will imminently be subjected to death, severe physical pain or suffering, or the administration or application of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or personality.

In US statutes the criminal who does the torture is liable for 25 years in Federal prison(life or execution if the prisoner dies under duress, it is first degree murder then, among other charges), his supervisor is liable for 10 years in Federal prison(25 years if the prisoner dies, accessory to first degree murder). Torture is no more moral than assault or murder, plus it just does not work any better(and often worse)than legitimate interrogation techniques and once torture is used ALL further interrogations are ineffective(why do you think Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded over 100 times without any significant information produced, while OBL's courier was uncovered in the same time frame by non-torture interrogation). Torture only works in Right Wing fantasy world, not in the real world.

The thing about stating you're against torture, is that any captured enemy is not going to respect you at all. If they know you won't torture them, they won't tell you a damned thing.

America used to win every war it started... oops, was involved in.
Now, they're being thrown out of every place they go. They'll call it a 'tactical withdrawal", of course.

Reason being, of course, that now that they've decided to be nice and moral about all their conflicts, they lose them all. I mean they can't even beat up on Afghanistan anymore.

What's your record since the end of World War two? A few losses, a couple of draws, no wins and a bunch of excuses.
Know why?

Y'all stopped reading Sun Tsu.

We lost Vietnam and we tortured plenty, it didn't help at all. Y'all stopped reading history.
Invasion isn't quite the same as having someone within your power and causing them extreme pain.

Because it is more. How many peaceful invasions do you know about? Sure there are some, but most usually involves huge loss of lives....
Sounds like you're a Darwin winner as well.

What do I get? Of course your situation wasn't realistic not even theoretically, and it wasn't my non-action killing them. So no award for me...
Because it is more. How many peaceful invasions do you know about? Sure there are some, but most usually involves huge loss of lives....

I don't object to loss of life. There are ways to do that morally. There is no way to torture morally. The guy is already detained and can do no further harm. Anything more constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, which you can't do unless you ignore our founding documents, which define us as a nation.