good things from christianity?

Medicine Woman said:
everneo: Charity work. Though this is not unique to christianity the scale is far bigger than any other group.
M*W: References, please.

I don't get you. References to what?
Silas said:
Christianity, broadly, inspired the Renaissance, the greatest art the world has ever seen. Two hundred years later it inspired some of the greatest music the world has ever seen.

Judaism provided the earliest and longest lasting system of written Law. There is also a very strong cultural tradition in Judaism for learning and study, which at the very least inspired the concept of widespread literacy.

I think the important thing about the original question (and my subsequent one) is the word ONLY. There is certainly some truth in what you say but the would ONLY certainly cant be applied.

The chinese movements of taoism and confusicm have undoubtably produced great art and a strong culture of learning and study.
audible said:
silas some examples would not go amiss.
Oh, come on! The Renaissance!! I'm sorry, but I do like to think that here on sciforums I'm talking to people of at least a minimum level of education. But, uh, how about The Sistine Chapel, just for starters?
audible said:
xianity has been around a long time, but I sorry you cant say it inspired everything.
No, true. Fortunately, I didn't. I said "broadly", meaning that religious symbolism didn't inspire all the Renaissance works of art, but certainly many of them (the Catholic Church paid for a goodly amount of it, too, and still owns a lot of it to this day). For music, I then said "some of".
everno said:
I don't get you. References to what?
everno, Medicine*Woman was wanting you to provide a document that backed up your statement that the scale of charity work originating from Christians or Christian organisations outweighs that of any other group.

LightTravelling, I'm sorry I must have missed that "only" word, but I think that makes your question pretty meaningless. There can not be anything in the world that specifically happened or exists because of Christianity that is either not emulated in some sense by other religions, or people with no belief. That is because there is not a single religious belief that actually demonstrates any aspect of its beliefs that rule out the existence of other beliefs (which is obvious, otherwise there would be only one belief) or the precepts of which could not be followed by a non-believer who simply follows a similar moral code. (An atheist not committing murder because of the absence of an afterlife, or adultery because of the pain it would cause one's partner).
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Silas said:
LightTravelling, I'm sorry I must have missed that "only" word, but I think that makes your question pretty meaningless. There can not be anything in the world that specifically happened or exists because of Christianity that is either not emulated in some sense by other religions, or people with no belief. That is because there is not a single religious belief that actually demonstrates any aspect of its beliefs that rule out the existence of other beliefs (which is obvious, otherwise there would be only one belief) or the precepts of which could not be followed by a non-believer who simply follows a similar moral code. (An atheist not committing murder because of the absence of an afterlife, or adultery because of the pain it would cause one's partner).

Exactly my friend.

The word "only" does make my question meaningless, and of course my question was an exact replica of MUSTA's original one that started this thread - which also makes that question pretty meaningless.

And that has been my whole point from the start..
Silas said:
Medicine*Woman was wanting you to provide a document that backed up your statement that the scale of charity work originating from Christians or Christian organisations outweighs that of any other group.

Thats surprising. Anyway, i am counting the number of educational institutions, hospitals, orphanages, oldage homes etc run by the christian institutions. if i finish soon i will get back. ;)