Good anti religion books, etc..?

I wonder if one is taught to be an atheist from early age would they grow up to be a strong believer towards the end of their life? And vice versa? What if this is just us trying to be unique in others beliefs and lack of thereof?
Sure why not? Dawkins was brought up in an Anglican school and became an atheist, just as Francis Collins was brought up atheist and "found" Jesus.
Sure why not? Dawkins was brought up in an Anglican school and became an atheist, just as Francis Collins was brought up atheist and "found" Jesus.

so all this is just leaving a mark in the world, not about finding truth or lack of it.
lol porn the best agnostic book.

Dawkins getting it on with Darwin?

anyway I'm sure for some people rebellion from the way they were raised would cause a person to choose a different path later on in life.

But I really doubt that's a reason, or even an influential factor in making a decision about your beliefs.

I wasn't raised a murderer, and I'm not going to choose to murder now just to be different.

People are complicated and influenced by a lot of factors when choosing a belief.
I would tend to agree that you can't go wrong reading "God is not Great" by Hitchens and "The End of Faith" by Harris. You might also try Dawkins other books (more sciency, less atheisty) such as "The Blind Watchmaker" and "The Greatest Show on Earth". Some people like Stenger's book "The New Atheism" by Victor Stenger but I found it to be a huge waste of time, as I posted on my blog.