Good anti religion books, etc..?


Registered Senior Member
Can anyone recommend to me some good anti-religion books, or even dvds? Or some web pages that are good for accurate info?

I really liked Richard Dawkins the god delusion. So something along those lines.

Try the other three horsemen: Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens
The best anti religion books I read were for a nice man who once worked with Bill Graham and then became Atheist due to the hypocrisy, lies and deception in religion . Right now I can not remember his name but if and when I remember I will post his name .
Go to one church of Lutherans
Go to another church of Baptist
Go to one church of Catholic
Go to Evangelist Seven Day Saint's church
Go to Buddhist temple
Go to Jewish synagogue

and think...think...think hard

no, not enough differences of religions?

Go to Muslim mosque

no than. Allah Akbar. you had your time.
Sorry I should have said, I'm not looking to be convinced that religion is wrong/deluded I already know that. I was raised a Christian, went to bible college for a year to become a pastor and worked in a church for a year, then I studied religion a little at university. After all that I was totally convinced that religion was full of crap.

I'm just interested in knowing more about my new agnostic/borderline atheist beliefs.

And as I'm sure you all know, most of the books written out there are full of unsubstantiated crap, so I was asking for advice on some reputable authors who write in an academic but still interesting way.

Thanks for your help
Are you really asking me why I want to be educated further on my beliefs?

Or are you trying to twist what I'm trying to say, by insinuating that I'm an idiot who is just going to believe whatever I read in the books that people recommend to me and that I should form my own beliefs without any education?

I'm not sure where you are coming from. Are you trying to put me down and be a prick, or are you really so stupid as to ask a person why they want to search for more knowledge concerning what they believe?
I'm glad we got that straight. It's cleared it up nicely for me.

BTW cheers for those authors names. That Sam Harris book, letter to a christian nation looks promising.