Gone Over To the Christian Side

Also, people should be allowed to find their spiritual paths themselves. Anything else is just intellectually dishonest. I spent many years trying to decide what to believe and I've been all around the religious spectrum.
Didn't you hear? He rose from the dead after 3 days. I know Him.

That would make him a zombie who wants to eat your brain.

Perhaps Romero will someday make a film based on Jesus? "Resurrection of the Dead"
(Q) said:
Didn't you hear? He rose from the dead after 3 days. I know Him.

That would make him a zombie who wants to eat your brain.

Perhaps Romero will someday make a film based on Jesus? "Resurrection of the Dead"

Well, He hasn't decided to eat my brain yet...I'll let you know. Mel Gibson made a good flick about Him.
Well, He hasn't decided to eat my brain yet...I'll let you know. Mel Gibson made a good flick about Him.

Talk about a shity movie! :rolleyes:

This Jebuz didn't represent love and compassion, it more like represented tourture and damnation, half the fucking film was wasted on the freaking beating. USELESS!.

Gustav said:
i rarely feel any real emotion when on this board but right now i am frothing mad when recollecting the sly and devious tactics employed. the subject was consciously try to play me for a fool.
What is it with atheists and their madness?
Just get over it and move on. Stop imposing your atheism on others out of pure madness.
cool skill said:
What is it with atheists and their madness?
Just get over it and move on. Stop imposing your atheism on others out of pure madness.

being a theist myself, i will piss off the other theists on this forum with my next comment:
exactly. follow your own advice. :m:
being a theist myself, i will piss off the other theists on this forum with my next comment:exactly. follow your own advice.

That's the best advise anyone has ever given in these forums. ;)

Quote Lori:
"Mel Gibson made a good flick about Him."

* That was religious porn. Quite a turn on for sadists. No love there. Just Jesus meets Mad Max. Beyond Heavendome.
A capricious type of a friend of mine once ascended enough from our usual state of hilarious, hilarious and humoristic drinking pattern and elaborated about faith.

Oh boy was I dumbstruck. I had no idea the dudette had this taunting relationship with god (lutherian). Of course I went like "you fucking bozo, yadi ya etc", but I realized we had been smoking pot and drinking the hela dagen which pretty much made his convictions redundant in my opinion.

Anyhoo, I told him I can't really prove his premise to be false since common sense is obviously out of the question, so I flipped off vertically and yelled "strike me down thy great fucker" and followed that scene with "you see? He’s fucking incompetent!". Then I threw a jägermeister shot at this chicko who had been too loud for too long and as we were being dragged out I went "satan made me do it, at least HE knows his shit".

Basically, the man now wears black eyeliner and vandalizes tombstones.

I do think, though, that when subconscious blockades are released and let loose, then life’s attested mechanisms reveal themselves.
When I was 10-11 or so, I remember being petrified of the thought that I might ever become 'one with the faith'. Also, I was afraid I might become a punk-rocker. Well.. I now embrace being the fuck I am, hence I don't need black eyeliner nor faith.
Realizations over impedimenta - or just embracing it.
Although I don't actually believe in Christianity, Jesus is pretty cool.

If you think about it, he is more advanced with a better understanding..This is something that can apply to people from all walks of life. This is why christianity can spark interest.

i dislike how you so easily put down this religon without understanding it and it's purpose to the people that believe in it.

I say you should look at your world again.

i dislike how you so easily put down this religon without understanding it and it's purpose to the people that believe in it.

This religion is put down easily cause it claims to be the one true religion; like all other religions thus it's just common misconception amongs religious people that theirs is the "one true religion".

You are overgeneralizing our understanding of christianity; you forget many atheist have been christians and know what they believe in it. Gullibility comes to mind. :confused: ;)

I guess the movie was just too deep for you guys. The concept of Christ and what He did for us is pretty deep...sorry you don't get it.
I guess the movie was just too deep for you guys. The concept of Christ and what He did for us is pretty deep...sorry you don't get it.

It was a movie, based on a myth. No depth was required, only a willingness to suspend disbelief.
Quote Lori:
"I guess the movie was just too deep for you guys. The concept of Christ and what He did for us is pretty deep...sorry you don't get it."

* I understand deep. Without a prior pro-Christian attachment and faith, this movie would be meaningless. With all due respect Lori, what Christ did, and by implication what Christianity stands for, can be summed up as "A God, who killed God, to appease God." So cutting out the emotional angle leaves the residue of incomprehensible logic.
* I understand deep. Without a prior pro-Christian attachment and faith, this movie would be meaningless. With all due respect Lori, what Christ did, and by implication what Christianity stands for, can be summed up as "A God, who killed God, to appease God." So cutting out the emotional angle leaves the residue of incomprehensible logic.

Oh! the emotional high christians got from this movie, put a big smile in Mel's face, and a fatter wallet. :rolleyes:

Merchandise alone made millions; not to mention the ticket sales, and dvd. Yea Mel's mighty happy of the sheep.

But looking at your post made think of another thing: Christ is the ultimate alturist. To sacrifice the good, for the wicked, the perfect man for the scoundrel. And this is what the Christian is inspired to do. Is like punishing the well behaved child, for the misdeed of his brother. What a concept, and these theist buy in to it.

Quote J:
"Not quite what happened, though, is it?"

* Heh ... Reminds me of Auschwitz. Who knows where things can lead to.
stretched said:
Quote J:
"Not quite what happened, though, is it?"

* Heh ... Reminds me of Auschwitz. Who knows where things can lead to.
Without a pro-life, anti-Hitler attachment, mentioning Auschwitz would be meaningless, too. People who killed people, to appease people. Indeed: who knows where things can lead to.