Going to Hell


Legion of Dynamic Discord
Registered Senior Member
I've heard two versions on how a person gets into hell.

Catholic: Comit a sin than die without having a confessional

Protestent: As long as you believe that Jesus died for you, you get into heaven.

The thing I have against these is no matter what you do in life (lets say multiple murders and rapes for example) as long as you meet some very lax criteria you get into heaven. Is there another version iv'e never heard of or is has god taken a bit too much LSD?
No thats wrong

Forgiveness is right and proper but requires REMORSE

If you honestly regret the "sin" you can be forgiven

Without that remorse there is no absolution
So if the multiple murderer and rapist says he's sorry its all ok in spite of the lives hes destroyed right?
Im not talking about just mouthing the words but YES, No one is a lost cause and EVERYONE can be forgiven
i think it should be more complicated than that.
if you believe in jesus, but still kill people and drive people away from the church, then you shouldn't just go to heaven...

i think your actions are as important as you faith
It IS more complicated than that

If you don't care that you actions hurt people and are not truly sorry for them then to hell with you (pun intended)
Christian guy trying to persuade a villager...

Christian guy: Now look here, you shall believe in this religion, you can't do this, that and this, and you shall go to church every sunday

villager: Or else?

Christian guy: ehh, (thinking upp a punishment) you go a very bad place called hell, yea thats right, eternal pain in hell.

villager: sign me upp
(Almost) everyone goes to heaven

I really can't see how ANYONE'S actions on earth would deserve a punishment such as remaining in hell for all eternity. Seriously, if you break one of the 10 Commandments, let's say you steal a candy bar from a convenience store, and then go outside and get hit by a truck and die without confessing your sin. Does that really deserve ETERNAL punishment???

I don't think so.

Now, the same goes for murder. (Not that I condone it or anything) But say someone "goes postal" and decides to go after his boss and then his own life gets taken in a resulting shoot-out with the law enforcement (ok, seriously, I don't have any problems with my boss or family or....) Does that person's one moment of weakness sentence him to hell eternally?

Sounds like a pretty harsh rule to me.
What I think...

I believe that hell was really just an invention by christians to scare them into their religion. Just look at christian parents. If a kid does something wrong, odds are they'll use religion to punish them. "Say 50 hail mary's..." etc.

Either way, in the bible, hell was used (by Jesus anyways) as a representation of a life wasted, not as an actual place of punishment. It was just metaphorical. I'm not an expert on the bible, but this is just my interpretation of it.

And yiff.
Wait a minute....I thought Catholics pay their way into Heaven........LOL.

On a real, it is pretty sad that Christianity uses Hell as propaganda. What makes it even more interesting is that the Christian God ultimately created Hell...Biblically speaking ofcoase.
Originally posted by Reid
Christian guy trying to persuade a villager...

Christian guy: Now look here, you shall believe in this religion, you can't do this, that and this, and you shall go to church every sunday

villager: Or else?

Christian guy: ehh, (thinking upp a punishment) you go a very bad place called hell, yea thats right, eternal pain in hell.

villager: sign me upp

In my village in ther 12th century, it went more like this:

Christian guy: "Wanna sign up or go to hell?"

Adam: *Kicks christian guy in the head and starts own religion.*


Matthew 7:13-14 :

"13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

This means that there's only one Truth but many are the lies.
Truth is Love, is God.
The way to the Truth is also Love, but is the Love that is called Christ. That's why the Bible says that Christ (Love) is the way to the Truth.

One IS in Heaven when the Truth is found.
But one is in Hell while in the middle of lies.
Heaven and Hell are here, now.
If you believe in Love and act through it, you are in Heaven.
If you don't believe in Love, if instead you believe in superficial things, than you are in Hell, where everything is multiple and confusion, disorder and stress reigns...

Read this book, and you will understand Love:
"The Mastery of Love" by Don Miguel Ruiz

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it
I'll better make my own way
Truth is Love, is God
is gibberish
If you believe in Love and act through it, you are in Heaven.If you don't believe in Love, if instead you believe in superficial things, than you are in Hell
I don't believe in love AND in superficial things. I'M ON EARTH:) the best place to be ever.
Read this book, and you will understand Love
I'll better read my mind and understand the life
Sorry Truthseeker didn't get a word of that. Mabey I can't read english inspite of how well I speak and write it.

On a real, it is pretty sad that Christianity uses Hell as propaganda. What makes it even more interesting is that the Christian God ultimately created Hell...Biblically speaking ofcoase.
We don't use hell as propaganda... at least the Gospel...
And God dodn't create hell...

Christian guy trying to persuade a villager...

Christian guy: Now look here, you shall believe in this religion, you can't do this, that and this, and you shall go to church every sunday

villager: Or else?

Christian guy: ehh, (thinking upp a punishment) you go a very bad place called hell, yea thats right, eternal pain in hell.

villager: sign me upp

A being that knows light trying to persuade one who only knows darkness:

Being of Light: Hey! I come from a place where there's something we call light.

Being in darkness: What is this?

Being of Light: Something that makes you see.

Being in darkness: What is to see?

Being of Light: Er... how can I explain... it's something that when comes to your eyes reflects everything around.


Being of Light: Calm down... come with me.

Here, three things can happen


Being of Light: Come with me!

Being of darkness: No! I don't believe in you. Nothing that you say that exist really exists. It's only your imagination!

[Being of Light sadly goes away]

Being of darkness: Did you hear me!!!??


Being of Light holds the hand of the Being of darkness and draws him to light


Being of darkness sees nothing because he was too long in the darkness and became blind...


Being of darkness suddenly starts to see everything around and become crazy, as it's tooo much new information for his brain to process.


Being of Light slowly draws Being in darkness to the light. First, to a place where there's not much light and slowly going to places with more and more light. Until someday, the Being in darkness is now a Being of Light

I'm a LightBeing sadly trying to make you see... :(

"We don't use hell as propaganda... at least the Gospel..."

Actually, you do.

"And God dodn't create hell..."

Who did, then?

All: Interestingly, the Bible has few direct references to hell - only to the 'outer darkness'. Interesting.
Unholy Preach

I'm the creature of the night
Come and smell
the darkness
in your mind

Vivid your thoughts,
with pictures of delight.
Imagine and create,
shadows of your dreams.

Dance under the moon,
meditate for the day,
Magic of the night-
Only once in a life.

Stay or leave
it's yours to decide
But if passion and thrill is
your name

Stay with me - the light of the night

(spontaneuosly written @3AM :D)
2002© by Avatar

edit- Seeker, why do you think tht truth is in the light. Why do you think tht there is difference between light and dark. One without another cannot coexist. If you converted the night being to the light one , what use there would be of light then. And vice versa. Thinking tht smth is inheritly evil is stupid. The light being didn't understand the night one. Maybe it (night being) liked where all is dark and magical. It was his world and now comes in some preacher and fulls his ears with gibberish about how he iz cool and tht everybody should be sorta like him. Did he try to understand the night, did he try to live the night. If no- how can he say it is bad. Tht's the problem with you all. You are blind and don't see out of your tiny little mind.
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Avatar: Oh cripes, not another vampire. My computer still stinks from all the garlic blossums I had to drape over it to get rid of AOL. :p

Actually, you do.

Do you know more about Christianism than a Christian...?

Who did, then?

There's no hell...
Hell is an illusion. The Devil himself is an illsuion.
The real demons are those that we create for ourselves.



Do you want to live a lie, or the Truth...?

edit- Seeker, why do you think tht truth is in the light. Why do you think tht there is difference between light and dark. One without another cannot coexist. If you converted the night being to the light one , what use there would be of light then. And vice versa. Thinking tht smth is inheritly evil is stupid. The light being didn't understand the night one. Maybe it (night being) liked where all is dark and magical. It was his world and now comes in some preacher and fulls his ears with gibberish about how he iz cool and tht everybody should be sorta like him. How does he know tht light=truth, night=lies if he has never tried to understand the night, did he try to live the night. If no- how can he say it is bad, it is a lie?!. Tht's the problem with you all. You are blind and don't see out of your tiny little mind.

Do you know more about Christianism than a Christian...?
we do. we are under a continious pressure of your preaching=brainwashing campaign, you are not. you're a part of it. rather an unharmful part though:):):)

First I'm being told that I'm evil , now tht I'm a vampire:confused: ..... Vampire could be ok, but why an evil one:confused: oh well.... some people just don't appreciate what I'm doing for thm:rolleyes: :kisses a beautiful girl on her neck:
these are my girlfriends ->
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