Going Insane Over Sightings!

First of all,

Dont ever try to get closer to the object for excitement or something.remember you dont know what object might do to your body or what mental effects it will have on you.There's a book called<b> Fire officer's guide to dangers and hazardous situations</b>,i am sure KMguru's uncle had it,this book gives and states clearly what are the potential dangers seeing or witnessing it closely.Go through this.

Remember,dont do it to prove yourself right or something.if you know you are right,you dont need to justify it.but if you take photos you are helping the UFO community and aiding them with their mental troubles...


Well, there are probably hundreds of people significantly closer to the object than he is (if its in the atmosphere). The landscape out there is dotted with farms. Sure, if there's a giant disc in your backyard burning a hole in the snow, you might be advised not to go out and see if your tongue sticks to it. But in the case of a distant point of light, jumping in a car to see if you can get a better view of it doesn't put anyone's life at risk.

And besides, I don't think we're chasing much of anything here anyways (I say 'we', as it seems most of us have been along for the play-by-play). The fact that they're seen night after night, without any interference by the military seems to say to me that its simply a misinterpretation of something completely natural. If he lives near Edmonton or Calgary, and its an unidentified object in the atmosphere, aircraft would have been scrambled from Cold Lake by now.
A drunk Canadian

im writting this while drunk

This might explain why you're seeing lights flickering about in the night sky. I would tend to think most research, serious research of course, is conducted while NOT under the influence. Have you tried sobering up ? ;)
Okay i"ll give you an example.
Jake saw this UFO once.it was about 100 feet above and was just bobbing up and down oscillating...when he went to take a closer look at it,it darted and bobbed down at such a fast rate which was unimaginable,it came down at 40 feet in a sec.the next day he had circle of rashes over his abdomen.all consistent with exposure to radiation...he could never recover.

And we dont know even at that height what effects it could have on you.at the same time i am not saying dont photograph the thing,but just be a lttle careful.

Quoted from Signs...

<i>People fall into two groups.group no one sees the lucky thing as more than coincidence,more than luck.
group number two believes that every thing is a coincidence.but deep down in their hearts they know that anything happens,they are on their own and that fills them with fear.
people in group number one believe whatever happens there will be someone there to save and help them.they believe in miracles.
and that fills them with hope.so,is it possible that there are no coincidences?</i>

i am sure Q is from group number two.but does that stop from all those people in group number one not to believe in what they do? what they think?and i am sure people in group number one are not blind faith believers.they <i>have</i>seen something may be which doesnt fall into reality of group number two people.
so i would request People of group number two people to at least listen to group number people and think twice before answering in such insulting way...

if he is miracle guy and you are not,dont force your thinking on him,'cause you never know the miracle might turn out to be reality.remember what happened to Charles Babbage?...

people in group number one believe whatever happens there will be someone there to save and help them.they believe in miracles.

i am sure Q is from group number two...so i would request People of group number two people to at least listen to group number people and think twice before answering in such insulting way...

Let me get this straight... I'm supposed to listen to people who cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, and much worse, listen to those who allow their lives to be determined by said fantasies/miracles ?

if he is miracle guy and you are not,dont force your thinking on him

If he is already unable to distinguish reality from fantasy, what is the point of forcing anything on him ? He won't be able to tell the difference anyway.

'cause you never know the miracle might turn out to be reality

Can you provide an example ?

remember what happened to Charles Babbage?

Aside from the historical accounts, please tell us what happened.
Originally posted by (Q)

If he is already unable to distinguish reality from fantasy, what is the point of forcing anything on him ? He won't be able to tell the difference anyway.

Yeah,so dont say any god damm word,as simple as that.

Aside from the historical accounts, please tell us what happened.

I knew it,You are too ignorant to anything like that...



I politely requested:

Aside from the historical accounts, please tell us what happened.

You thusly attacked:

I knew it,You are too ignorant to anything like that...

It would appear you're having a bad hair day or some other sort of anger issue. Either that or you assume we are able to read your mind. In either case, I can recommend the appropriate therapist.
It would seem as though our Canadian informant of skyward things strange and mysterious has left us out to dry.

No news, Mr. Alberta?
I think he was pulling a lot of legs. I really doubt that he seen a single thing in the sky that was strange. I have seen objects which I couldn't explain, so I'm not a total skeptic but he wasn't very convincing to those of us who have had experiences. Sorry Canada

yah sorry for not posting, i had my threat set so it would email when i got replys but aparently it doesnt send out emails when it gets to the 2nd page.

I still see these lights almost every night and it is EXTREAMLY hard for me to get video fotage as for the fact the camera cannot zoom in close enghou and the stars in the background do not show up (so i cannot compare it to anything to show the lights where moving, plus the fact on video its comes out as a 2d object...), the best fotage i got was when one of them had the red and blue lights, but still was nothing to go on, i gave up on the whole fliming idea and still have yet to return my camera to my brother so they can flim each other drunk :)

i do however still see these lights and often still star at them for hours, its quiet memorizing :)
i was driving home about a week ago and saw on off to the far north east, i couldnt take my eyes off it and almost went into the ditch.

i do however hope one day i would see a real alien space craft up close, it would really make my day :)
happy hunting!!!
Although this is my first post at this site (hi all), I must say there's never been a time when fathoming the need to alter consciousness by indiscriminately killing off brain cells has come close to enlightening me. :confused: Nevertheless...

If your report of a UFO doing a strange dance through rural Canadien air space has any credence, why do you keep hedging on the issue of photographing the phenomenon?

Me? Although I would love to see an alien space ship, the closest I've come to watching a UFO is in viewing the unidentified fried object I got at McDonald's yesterday. ;)
im 19, i dont even work, i tryed fliming it with my brothers video camera, it failed, if i cant film then how could i get a picutre of them

and whats the point anyways, if i post something on the net there will always be skeptics.
i know what i saw, and i feel its pointless to try and prove it to others

oh there real, i just dont a rats ass if anyone cares
I always find it strange that UFO lights use the same colour coding as Aircraft navigation lights. Very odd that a highly advanced alien civilization would use the same colour scheme.
Dont comment like that.
(nothing rude meant in that:))
I have loads of friends who have seen UFOs without any proper lights,they seemed to glow from within.secondly,most of the guys who see those brilliant ligths close enough(Close Encounters Of the third kind(CE-3)) always report that the lights never hurt their eyes,there is some kind of Hypnotic trance about it,just like in Near Death experiences as people have reported.

thanks for your time.
if they are Aliens and Advanced then is it necessary that they will almost <i>never</i> use technology that may have belonged to us?

I believe there are consiousness planes.Our conciousness is limited to 3D world,but may be they belong to a world of greater dimensions,may be the highest possible(which according to our science is not true)May be by conducting those experiments they are trying to bring us to <i>their</i> Conciousness level.And we will reach there.
