Going Insane Over Sightings!

A Canadian

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Registered Senior Member
I live far out from the city on a acreage in Alberta Canada. When its not cloudy out i see a VERY CLEAR night sky, ever since i was a kid ive seen things in the sky, but i alway assumed them to be satalites. Up untill now... I came home the other night, and i just felt like looking up to the skys, i see a light that grabs my attention, i star at it for a few minutes then it appears to be moving in my general direction. (please note from a quick glance they look like normal stars.. i guess). i was totaly shocked almost freaked out. so i go into my house and view this thing with my banoculars. now granted i dont have very steady hands but im quite sure i saw red and blue lights that thend to appear and disaper in no patern what so ever. so I sat outside in the cold having a smoking and just starring at this object... the way it moves, like nothing ive seen. basicly the light would stay around a set area, but it would move up, down, left, right, fast, slow, hovering, going in circles, wierd zigzag parterns... i just cannot explain it. I wanted to prove to myself these objects where moving so i moved my lawn chair behind a pine tree so the tip of the tree would block out the light, sure enghou id see the object from time to time. I was freezing my ass off by this time, so i went in the house and online to tell poeple what i was seeing, granted some belived me some didnt, i felt like i had to go check on it again. I go back outside... the object was now over a differnt area, doing the same stuff as before. by this time i was VERY memorized by its movments, so i sat on my couch and watched it out my big bay window, and i even noticed 2 others!!! i never took physics but im sure they were at differnt distances and differnt highs. I simply watched them for hours hopping to see one of them just ZIP outta there, unfortently that did not happen, its about 1:30 am and im getting bored of watching these things so i leave and come back a half a hour later. they are gone, but i see a new out out in the distance far far away, where no star are, this ones red and blue lights where extreamly brighter than what i saw before, but i could not tell if this one was moving or not. I saw many other things that night such as planes & shooting stars, and lemme tell you, what i was seeing in no way resembled them. Its a new day a new night, i decide to look up at the skys again (same day im posting this) granted.. i spot one, doing the same wierd stuff, cept when i used my banoculars to view it this one had no apperent red or blue lights and it seem to be only 5-15km away (im bad at judging distances). So im watching this one and some clouds are comming in from the north towards it. now im not sure if clouds covered it up or what but i swear it slowly went up into orbit as it got dimmer an disapered... what do you guys think, i reall wanna get a telescope and a video camera on a tri-pod, im sure i can borrow these things from my friends. and i think my brothers video camera can be used to make videos on the computer. well have to wait and see, im becomming very intreged by this stuff now. i came across this website last night i find very interesting, check it out: ((http://yorkshireufoinfo.homestead.com/NASAmissionfootage.html))

Come on we all know aliens are real!!! just 99.9% of all the stupid videos and photos are their are phonies! but what im realing wondering is why dont aleins make contact... do they just like comming to earth to pick up our Tv and Radio sigles. are they interested in our cultures, religions, media, way of life... or just trying to learn there enemy before they invade... then again they could wiped out the earth long time ago....! i bet they are more scared of us then we are of them, most likly they are watching Independance Day Movie or something and thinking "geezz we better not mess with them".
anyways alot of questions are arising from my lil sighting.... ones that may never be answered.

thanks for taking the time to read this!!!! i await your replys :D
Sounds cool. Welcome to sciforums.

Have you considered videotaping them, the next time you see them (they seem to be around for awhile) and sending them to various paranormal websites (www.scifi.com/happens, for one). If they're the real deal you might get some attention.

Good luck, and no offense but I hope you're telling the truth. Crackpots suck, because they screw over the people who are actually telling the truth. I'm not judging you or saying that you're lying, I'm just saying that if you are, you suck. If not, then you're awesome:cool:

Take care. Don't let the aliens bite you.

Well, i know poeple are going be skeptics and most wont belive things unless they see if for themselfs (i was chatting with someone who lives not far from me, but shes a stupid blonde ;) I told her to look for them but she like ooOooOo northern lights). but yes im am going borrow my brother video camera, find a wait to keep it still and pointed at the object, so i can prove to myself they are moving in a iregular patern. besides most cracks pots would simply write "I saw disc shaped object with blinking lights fly across the sky in a few seconds," bla bla bla what have you. Oh! and id like to point out! i was not high or drunk these nights :), I was really hopping to view these anomlys again but unfortently the clouds came in. PEACE OUT!
More and More Comes to mind!

Sorry buti honestly cannot stop thinking about the matter. id just like to point out a few statments i have
1) Alein Autopsey - FAKE
2) WTC UFO - FAKE (ITS A FIGGEN AD)(something like that would make WORLD NEWS)
3) Area 51 - I think its untrue, becuase with the techoligy aleins must have... how the HELL can they crash!!
4) The person who took the photo of the lockness monster eventuly confermed it was a fake... proving my fact most strange photos are.
5) Aliens i can understand if they are real, but things like winged bat-men or mole poepl or shit like that... give me a break!
6)poeple claiming to be adubected by aliens... could be true... but why does the idea of anal probbing alway come into play???
7) FACT: never trust a web site with multi UFO photos... some of them are EXTREAMLY FAKE! if UFOS existed they would try not to be seen, im quite sure of it. under the cover of night would make sense, but why am i seeing strange lights... i aint sure.....
anyways!!! Im inviting some popeple over right now cuase im BORED, but when more ideas come to mind, Ill post them for sure.

im not what you call book smart... but im intelegent in my own way. The idea of extrea tressials existing has been going thur my mind for a long time. Im alway intreged with what goes on in our solar sytem. Heck... it all started when i read about PLANET X (for thoes of you who know what im talking about). anyways i hope to have a un-deniable sighting of a UFO one day... but untill that day.. ill just have to keep hoping that im not crazy ;)


Id like to remind poeple that UFO means UN-IDENITFIED OBJECT!
thats all for now...............
Add to the fake list: Red and Blue lights like police cars....

Why Red and Blue and not Green, Purple, Yellow etc...Why lights to begin with...for whom? Unless you are an earth craft...why lights so as to draw attention?
only one...

only one from where im living... and im sure they dont come out into the country side...
besides.... aint no helecopter ive seen could fly in a sigle area for like 6 hours without having to refuel (im sure im wrong but shut up)
besides... why would they have red and blue lights and stay in one set area???.... so you skeptic of my sightings big deal....
i know what ive seen, i cannot denine it...
im sure aleins wont make contact with us for another 1000s years, i hope you live that long so i can prove ya wrong ;)
not again...

ok.. Its past 3am, the cloud have cleared up outside, buncha guys on farm machinery in the field across the road doing something (god knows why at 3am...). Im seeing another one of these f*cking moving lights... the ones i saw before where of to the east this one is South/East, and it looks pretty close but very high up (i remind you ALL IM SEEING IS LIGHTS, NO DEFENITE SHAPES), its doing the same wierd behaviuor as before. i used my banoculars again, now im not sure (becuase i cant hold banoculars very steady) but im quite sure this "light" is more than just one light. I think i saw that it was many fast blinking white lights, blinking so rapidly it looks like one single light (im still not 100% positive on this, it really is hard to stare at a small light with only banoculars). i am starting to notice a slight flight patern... it would stay in one spot for 30secs to 2 mins then do its wierd little flight manuvers for a while and then stop again. id like to point out that these "things" are not ZIPPING across the sky. heres how i see it: if i hold my hand out with my thumb out covering the light, i would see it from time to time apearing at differnt angles and speeds from behind my thumb.... its REALLY hard to explain! im going be getting my brothers digital video camera soon, it doesnt have a tri-pod but itll have to do. Its now 3:30 am, i gotta headach and my right eye is twiching. I have a feeling im going be lossing alot of sleep the next few days. Ill keep you guys posted, wish the best of luck to me for getting some nice flim of these "lights"
[[[Id like to point out im only 19 and i dont make a habit of posting in forums or even browsing the web much, but im just so amazed at what im witnessing i gotta share it with people, granted they belive me or not]]]

god i was about to go to bed... i went to check on it again, it was moving... no wierd fucken paterns this time.. IT WAS MOVING!!! it was to the South/East it was FLYING NORTH/WEST, as it got closer the lights got less and less bright.. untill it flew over my house and outta my view.. i could got outside and monitior it buts its comming up on 4am.. and it cold out...
it didnt fly in a completly stright line more like zig zagging and once in a while it go back a bit or do a lil circle thingy. i was relativly going at a maintained speed, but not at all times...
now im really convinced cuase i watched this thing in one area for like a hour and then it starts heading somewhere else!!!

whatever im going take a nice 12 hour snooze now.
Awesome, man. Good luck. If your footage winds up on a website be sure to direct me to it.
Getting Video Camera

i called my brother up at his apartment just now. (1pm and he sounded half awake, hungover i bet). I ask him to borrow the camera, he asks me what for, i say "lights in the sky", he calls me wierd....
well hope i do get some fotage, and prove some skeptics wrong. The camera has nightsight as well as the normal zooming feture... so well see what i come up with. Can someone give me some ideas on how to keep a video camera pointed up and perfectly still WITHOUT a tri-pod?
Find something to pivot it on, or try lying down while filming with it. That's all I can think of....
got the camera and im ready to roll??

Well i got a camera, but its extreamly hard to flim these things. Auto focus is pissing me off, cant get a good one unless its really close, and if i got it on super nightshot, itll leave the light streaks effect. So i gotta make a make-shift tri-pod i guess.

but i did happen to see a REALLY sweet one last night, it was VERY CLOSE, i would guess it was 2-5 Km away, i watched it till 3am at whihc point it slowly went high high high into the sky and disapered. It was not far from the ground, bout 1km up or so. this one had no red or blue lights EXCEPT when it started to go up.. really wierd.
i saw a couple others too but if im not mistaken it looked like hey where above the earths autospheres, one of the ones i saw looked like a drunk was driving it... heh.

anyways ill keep ya posted, i think i gotta cold now from being out side and trying flim these.
When you see these things, why don't you just jump in the car and see how close you can get? If they're only 5-15km away, that should take you only 10 minutes to get to. And if they still seem 15km away, then keep driving.

Or, find a friend or neighbour a little ways away, get them on the phone, and triangulate the position. Write it down, then in the morning you can pinpoint exactly where the lights are coming from.
This is fantastic for you Canadian.
Have you rung your local control tower to see if they know of anything??
Just a thought...

Maybe, maybe don't tell that many people, try to keep it to yourself and get sh*tloads of video footage. I'm talking like dozens of hours, as much as you can manage. Then send it all out to as many places as you can.

Why? Because if these things are not only real but with the government and word starts to get around, you'll either be locked up in a prison cell the rest of your life or they'll just completely stop and you'll be screwed. Mull over that.
thanks for feed back!

thank you all for your feed-back i hope to get more soon.
im taking your ideas into consideration, i was about to get some GREAT fotage lastnight but the clouds rolled in and when they where gone the light was much farther away. Yes i would film couple hours of these lights but i got 90 mins of battery left, and my brother didnt give me all the attachments, so untill then im going wait till i can flim something really good. i would also like to point out some more of these lights wierd behaviuor. its come to my attention that most of these lights move in such a way they keep up with the stars. some nights they are there others they are not. i recently looked at a star chart of the norther hemiphere in winter , and these lights do not appear. it is really wierd i still see them every night. im starting to come to the conclusion that these "lights" are in orbit, BUT there lights are so bright they appear closer. im not sure what to belive here... id alos like to add i live say 10-30kms from a air port so many planes pass by, but these lights appeare nothing like planes. i honestly cannot explain what i am seeing, but i honestly will get some definate fotage. i got a great shot last night, but i just started rolling and i think it isnt much to go on. if you will be patient i WILL get some fotage of these lights moving in the strage way they do. im writting this while drunk, its cloudy tonight but granted if i dont pass out i will watch for more "lights".... im sure i forgot to point out something,,, but thats all for now.
good luck UFO hunters ;)
While the camera shots might be neat, if these lights are in orbit, then all you're going to get, even with the best optical zoom available, is a dot. Thats not much to go on.

Simply put, try the triangulation thing first, even take the camera with you in the car. You can buy a cheap tripod at any camera store for $10 or $15 Canadian (and if you own a camera, you should probably have one of these handy little things anyways, so why not get one now?)

Are you outside of Edmonton or Calgary?