Gods will eventually exist

You're right

However, the key is when we are able to influence the very laws of physics, then we will become gods. Or at least, work around them.
OK, not a God, but in time maybe a God. Especially if one could make a virtual world with sentient beings. Anyway, who'd want to be a "God" anyway? You'd have to be a psychopathic megalomaniac to want to send people to heaven or hell based on their ass kissing potential!
You're right

However, the key is when we are able to influence the very laws of physics, then we will become gods. Or at least, work around them.
How do you infer that working around the laws of physics is possible?

A satellite works around the law that "what goes up must come down"... but that only shows that the worked-around law was not a general law, but a special case.

Wouldn't the same apply to any law that can be worked around?

Related fiction:
Peter Hamilton uses the idea of transcendence in the Night's Dawn space opera trilogy, which seems to be much the same thing. The last novel in the trilogy features a god-like machine, effectively omnipotent and omniscient in our universe, which appears to function on a lower set of multiverse physical laws, or something.
I agree. It makes sense that Gods would come at the end of a period of evolution and history rather than at the beginning.
Intelligence is the swizzle stick that churns the God cocktail. We just happen to have some, I think. At least there is an idea of what is expected.
I agree. It makes sense that Gods would come at the end of a period of evolution and history rather than at the beginning.


And this ties in with something I have been thinking about: what if "God" is a being, a life form, that is just at the end of its evolution? Or at least, at a significant point where it now has influence over us.
Isn't the point of postulating the existence of God to explain ultimate origins, to suggest a first cause for everything?

Why postulate a God that is not supposed to explain itself?
We Humans.

Eventually we will become gods, I am confident of this!

:roflmao:That's called delusions of grandeur, my friend, and is where pride and arrogance lead. ;) But in fact, it's the exact opposite; the theory of evolution is so impossible and perverse it actually proves that man is in a state of decay as the state of the world shows so well. Hitler & his followers thought he was a god and he was a perverse and wicked as anyone who thinks he can play judge jury and executioner is. Arrogance always leads to tyrany and murder. ;)
I have a theory simmilar to the OP
Eventually we will become god like, provided we dont become extinct first, I am confident of this.

Matter observing itself.

Isn’t it amazing that matter can look back at it self and ask the question, what am I?

We humans are made up of matter and energy. The same stuff the universe is made of. Mostly we are made up of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Sulphur in which is powered by starlight. They are the atoms that if form molecules in a specific pattern (of complexity). They form the proteins and amino acids and are the building blocks of DNA. Life is the same stuff as what form planets and stars. Yet that stuff has evolved a complex electro chemical structure we call the brain and it’s the brain that can now observe the very stuff it is made of.

So what does it mean?

Lets look at the cells that make up our body for a moment. Each body has trillions of cells. Each with a specific task, cooperating in an organised manner and in that, the collective whole can form a functional organism. None of the individual cells are aware of that greater whole.

Could we too be unaware of a greater whole?

While energy/mater is observed by us to be entropic (loss of information or dispersal of energy in an open system?) it also seems to have extropic traits (gain of information or increasing in complexity in a closed system?)

To over come entropy you need to increase order, to do this you probably need a closed system. This is where I think self-aware matter (life) steps in. The complexity of life is absolutely amazing just in itself. Just look up a video of cell replication and sexual reproduction. Biology is an amazing machine of tangled energy at quantum wave scale, particles of mater at a quantum scale to highly organized atoms at a molecular scale, specialized cells at a microscopic scale and organisms at our scale.

Because atoms break down over time, cells are required to repair the damage, especially to DNA, and go so far to self-replicate. The more copies it has of itself the greater success of survival. At some point cell death occurs probably to reduce replication of damaged DNA as well as controlling overpopulation of cells in the body. The body needs to feed (adding more atoms and energy) to replenish expended energy and damaged atoms.

At some point the biological machine became self-aware and this is where I believe human kind steps in on the next level of extropy.

With our growing knowledge of the properties of energy and matter, could it be our purpose to construct even higher levels of complexity in the arrangement of the universe? Reversing the entropic state or the universe and in effect ensuring immortality of the universe itself. Insofar as replicating the universe. The universal scale of life.

Is the next step in evolution our creation?

I can imagine a time not to distant future where we create self-aware AI. Of coarse once it becomes self-aware, I believe it no longer should be tagged artificial intelligence. Just another intelligent creature, not too unlike our selves. Since it of cause would be an image of ourself, it may even have human failings. It too will have free will, can observe its surroundings and with much more stimuli. It could conceivably see in all spectrums of energy or light. Have senses that can filter and magnify its observations. It could very well travel in space unharmed. In fact its very existence could be uploadable and downloadable into multiple mainframes. Machines that don’t require air to breath, shielding that reduces or even stops radiation, suits that can with stand incredible extremes in temperature and that if damaged can self repair and replicate.

Could it be Genesis in reverse?

Would this make us gods, as the creator man has described in the bible. Yet it is us that make a god like creature, more god like than us our selves. We make the god we imagine that would most likely have made us and could have directly or indirectly done so.

Humans the creator I envisage will become extinct but our legacy will live on. The human spirit will live on in the manifestation of the technology we develop. The concept of technology having its own form of life is another subject but ill stop right there.

Could Genesis happen again?

Eventually in this universe entropy will win, chaos will rule. But our god like creation will have lived for eons. Continually gaining knowledge, understanding energy and matter, the very stuff its made of it self. Matter observing itself.

And replicate a new universe and the cycle repeats. Chaos thought it won but Order wins in the end The beginning and the end. Alpha and Omega. Matter observing itself.
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Sorry for double post but forgot to add, that my above post is me rambling. So dont hate on me please, just getting an idea across. Maybe I should have posted it in science fiction :)
Don't you believe in science?

That's a rather backward way of looking at it. Scientific discoveries save and improve billions of lives; religion only gives hope of a better life hereafter. Surely we have to take what we see and feel everyday as true, because what other way have we of knowing what truth is? Essentially religion is nothing but blind faith.

And this ties in with something I have been thinking about: what if "God" is a being, a life form, that is just at the end of its evolution? Or at least, at a significant point where it now has influence over us.

Yes, and then it built a time machine and went back in time to create us!