God's Questions & Problems.

@ c20H25N3o

But god is not only "love" he is everything, including hate. He is an optimist and a nihilist. As a conclusion he must be neutral in his thinking or his mood changes very often.
The first possibility would mean that he should have no motivation to create.
The scond possibilty means that he creates and destroys, then again, this would be an unreasonable behaviour for an omniscient being.

About the illusion, did you read the post of doctorNO?
But wisdom dictates that you consider the possibility that what you see & understand are nothing but what a greater being chooses to reveal to you. He could be living in an illusion for all he knows. Thinking that he knows everything when in fact what he knows are just a fragment of reality.
Dreamwalker said:
@ c20H25N3o

But god is not only "love" he is everything, including hate. He is an optimist and a nihilist. As a conclusion he must be neutral in his thinking or his mood changes very often.
The first possibility would mean that he should have no motivation to create.
The scond possibilty means that he creates and destroys, then again, this would be an unreasonable behaviour for an omniscient being.

This is a bit of a bastardised bible quote but the feeling should remain true ...

Who are you the clay pot, to turn round to the Potter and say I should be this shape or that clay pot should not be destroyed. Surely the Potter knows what he is doing???

Also because God has knowledge of everything doesnt mean he practices all that he knows. God is God because he chooses Love.
i belive dreamwalker has a point in saying that if god is having these "?" then he's not very Godly but I dont think that makes him human because even with those ?'s he is still not our equal.
I see your point. I do not agree with it, but there are more ideas of god than waterdrops in the sea. :p

And I do not quote from the bible, not even in a bastardised form. That´s my own statement. If something like this is written in the bible it is coincidence. :D

And I still say: God is like us humans, just on a greater scale!

(see the words "like" and "greater", he is still more than we humans)
Agreed ! for all we know we know are existence could be just one rung on a ladder with God being on the rung just above us. i'm pretty sure a persons gold fish doesn't know much about God but he sure does know about the person on the outside of the bowl that feeds him everyday.

He knew what it was to be a sinner and be cut off from God.
Umm isn’t the point of the Jesus myth that he DIDN’T commit any sin so he would never have known what it was like to be a sinner?

He knew what it was to be us.
Right just like we go around performing miracles all the time. And how the hell can he live a life so perfect without giving into human pleasures and temptations - because he was a god and knew it, and so he could never have been like us and he would have been really dumb not to have known that.

Katazia said:
Umm isn’t the point of the Jesus myth that he DIDN’T commit any sin so he would never have known what it was like to be a sinner?

Well he himself didnt commit any sin but he became sin in order that it could be put to death. If Jesus was a sinner himself, God could not have justified the resserection.

Katazia said:
Right just like we go around performing miracles all the time. And how the hell can he live a life so perfect without giving into human pleasures and temptations - because he was a god and knew it, and so he could never have been like us and he would have been really dumb not to have known that.

When he became our sin on the cross he knew what it was like to be us and have our fallen natures. It was then that he was put to death instead of us.

This is my understanding albeit rather childlike :)

He was also a human being and faced the same temptations as we do. The difference was that he had full revelation of God's person. If you like, this was his advantage but he was still subject to the same temptations that we are. He did not have superhuman powers to resist them other than his faith and love for God.


c20H25N3o said:
God came here as a human being. In the person of Jesus he knew what it was to be alone. He knew what it was to suffer. He knew what it was to be a sinner and be cut off from God. He knew what it was to be us. How could he have knowledge of everything if he knew not what it was to suffer in the flesh and be cut off from God.
Ermm excuse me for stepping into the 'What if God was one of us' type question, but since when was Jesus God? Isn't Jesus the son of God? Don't get me wrong here, I'm not being insulting, but throughout my painful childhood as a Catholic (I've run a mile since.. lol), I had it drummed into my head that Jesus was the son of God. I don't think I've ever heard of any Christian branch referring to Jesus as God. Sorry I'm just curious here.

Bells said:
Ermm excuse me for stepping into the 'What if God was one of us' type question, but since when was Jesus God? Isn't Jesus the son of God? Don't get me wrong here, I'm not being insulting, but throughout my painful childhood as a Catholic (I've run a mile since.. lol), I had it drummed into my head that Jesus was the son of God. I don't think I've ever heard of any Christian branch referring to Jesus as God. Sorry I'm just curious here.


Fair point and yes Jesus is the Son of God but my understanding is that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are God in 3 persons. They are mutual and exclusive. Kind of weird I know and i dont really understand it fully but i think its something to do with love and parenthood / child love. I dont think it detracted from my original statement tho :)
c20H25N3o said:
Fair point and yes Jesus is the Son of God but my understanding is that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are God in 3 persons. They are mutual and exclusive. Kind of weird I know and i dont really understand it fully but i think its something to do with love and parenthood / child love. I dont think it detracted from my original statement tho :)

That would surely solve the "boredom" and "loneliness" issue. Also God would be able to practice his many human attributes like love.
Dreamwalker said:
If god asks himself these questions, than he would be no better than we humans. He would do the same things that we do, just on a greater scale.
From what you said DoctorNO, it would seem that:

As another thought:
Is god perhaps worshipping other gods, his supposed creators or something like that. Are there perhaps more gods, living in a society like our own?

I do not know why exactly you posted this questions, but a god like that i do not have to imagine, I could look into a mirror and see what you mean.
of course god worships another god and the other god worships a higher being etc , it's basic chicken and egg situation
and yes when i see the smile on my childs face thats who i worship
mustafhakofi said:
of course god worships another god and the other god worships a higher being etc , it's basic chicken and egg situation
and yes when i see the smile on my childs face thats who i worship

so u belive in god/s ? if so what do u think makes him our god
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greywolf said:
so u belive in god/s ? if so what do u think makes him our god
how do you get that, from my statement.

no I dont because if there was a god who made him and so on and so on

if it never stop's there is never one to believe in, even if you wanted to.and I dont

how silly
Bells said:
Ermm excuse me for stepping into the 'What if God was one of us' type question, but since when was Jesus God? Isn't Jesus the son of God? Don't get me wrong here, I'm not being insulting, but throughout my painful childhood as a Catholic (I've run a mile since.. lol), I had it drummed into my head that Jesus was the son of God. I don't think I've ever heard of any Christian branch referring to Jesus as God. Sorry I'm just curious here.


catholic hey? I was once a catholic too.

the answer to your question is written in John

John 1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. 8He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world. 10He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. 11He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:

Jesus is the Word he is the Light.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days