Gods plan.


Pun intended
Registered Senior Member
What if gods plan is "I hope those humans have a plan because they're screwing up the world?". :p
What if gods plan is "I hope those humans have a plan because they're screwing up the world....
and I'm sitting up here on my omnipotent, yet apathetic and lethargic ass not doing anything about it. What does that say about something I created? Hmmm."

Who's worse? Humans or their deity that allows them to behave in such manner?
Yep. We are soooo fucked.

Well yes humanity is totaly doomed. Because as faulty humans advance in their knowledge they only increace the damage they are capable of doing. With the groth of knowledge so also comes the groth of sorrows.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
and I'm sitting up here on my omnipotent, yet apathetic and lethargic ass not doing anything about it. What does that say about something I created? Hmmm."

Who's worse? Humans or their deity that allows them to behave in such manner?

Humans, because there is no God. Handing over responsibility to a god is one of the things that have gone wrong.
Well yes humanity is totaly doomed. Because as faulty humans advance in their knowledge they only increace the damage they are capable of doing. With the groth of knowledge so also comes the groth of sorrows.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

Is humanity evil ?
the plan that humans do hope

What if gods plan is "I hope those humans have a plan because they're screwing up the world?". :p

God has a plan for human beings but because He is not a dictator to us, He gave us freewill like the angelic beings. There is no evil if really He has an iron hand. To be fair, He lets us see the goodness that is manifested by His works like the order in our solar system, the decree in the seas and oceans, the regular visitation of earthquakes and floods (for our fear) and the seasonal tree fruits (for our bodies). The introduction of evil is the rebellion of satan and his cohorts who also introduced evil to humankind. Now wrong religions are confusing us: there is a religions which says "all religions lead us toward the Creator" and there is also another which says "there is no human soul, no god or gods and no worship." Another one says "there should be no debate in religions or no throwing of offenses." So, what's the point? The point is there is someone behind this planned destruction of human souls. A true religion (introduced by Abel downwards to the Apostolic Era and until now) is not quite known by the world because of the existence of confusion.
God has a plan for human beings but because He is not a dictator to us, He gave us freewill like the angelic beings.
Like satan?

Why bother creating something evil though? Surely he knows we're going to screw his creation up so why make us?
The evidence says yes.
So according to you, something perfect and benevolent created something evil? Interesting.
He created Lucifer and all the fallen angels who followed him; they all turned evil.
He created humans who have become evil (in your opinion).

Gee, it seems like everything that god makes just turns to shit.
What if gods plan is "I hope those humans have a plan because they're screwing up the world?". :p

With that question and realizing what mankind has done to this earth within only 100yrs............... kind of hurts don't it?

Looks to me, both poles of good and bad are found everywhere. While one company is cutting trees, there are people who are replanting.

Such as it looks like mankind is about to blow itself up; the last 'truth' is unfolding.

The key is not so much to simply reflect what anyone can see, read and even experience, the key is what are you going to do while you are alive?

The boss (God) is not pulling strings and i didn't have a devil on my shoulder when i did wrong, i did mine by choice.

Well that tells me, personally, that we each responsible for what is occurring and what we each do, while awake and of choice, is what matters, in any world of GOD.

Ever notice throughout history we remember the do'ers and not so much the utter folk?
Gee, it seems like everything that god makes just turns to shit.

Doesn't it ? :D

Here, all applies to humanity:

1. morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life.
2. harmful; injurious: evil laws.
3. characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days.
4. due to actual or imputed bad conduct or character: an evil reputation.
5. marked by anger, irritability, irascibility, etc.: He is known for his evil disposition.

So according to you, something perfect and benevolent created something evil? Interesting.

That's according to your own thoughts, not the explanation given scripturaly and that's why you find it intresting. True understanding comes from listening to others, not yourself.

You know full well from your time on the forum that God made perfect individuals that chose to go against the strong inclination to do good and decide for themselves what is good and bad.

He created Lucifer and all the fallen angels who followed him; they all turned evil.
He created humans who have become evil (in your opinion).

Gee, it seems like everything that god makes just turns to shit.

There is lot of offense minded hyperbole here.
First lets review. Jesus remained faithful to God as well as a two thirds of the Angels of which the bible says there are Myriads upon Myriads. Many biblical characters may have faltered for being imperfect yet they two remained faithful, Job, Moses, Aaron, Peter, John, Timothy.

God created perfect men.
God created perfect angels.
How ever they chosing to do what is bad does not reflect badly upon him but rather the deliberate choices they made. That choice is a gift and how they chose to use it determines they're good and bad.

So...everything man touches yes, it does tend to be destroyed.
But God's hand touched the Universe, the Earth and yes, man. Man compared to this universe is infinitely small so man's mistake...ie your mistakes cannot hope to over shadow this spectacular universe. They are infinitely small and insignificant and according to scripture you need not worry he promise to correct this wicked influences leting the world man has created to collapse on it's self and saving those that meek, and righteous and obedient and conversely while it was a bad choice that got all of into this mess it will be our own choice to get out of it.
That's according to your own thoughts, not the explanation given scripturaly and that's why you find it intresting. True understanding comes from listening to others, not yourself.
So is all the crap you posted below this. Well not according to your thoughts; but thoughts of primitive minded men who wanted a way to control the masses and to suit their own agenda. Prove me wrong.

You know full well from your time on the forum that God made perfect individuals that chose to go against the strong inclination to do good and decide for themselves what is good and bad.
Uh no I don't. What I do know is that you think a supernatural deity whose existence can still not be proven (prove it if you disagree) creates perfect human beings, when everyone else that has common sense knows that humans are not perfect.

There is lot of offense minded hyperbole here.
First lets review. Jesus remained faithful to God as well as a two thirds of the Angels of which the bible says there are Myriads upon Myriads. Many biblical characters may have faltered for being imperfect yet they two remained faithful, Job, Moses, Aaron, Peter, John, Timothy.
Says a book with stories and tales that still cannot be historically proven.
The Koran says mohammed shot up into the sky like a rocket. You believe that too? Can't both of you be right.

So...everything man touches yes, it does tend to be destroyed.
According to you, god created man and angels with such propensity to destroy things. What is so hard about that for you to understand?
So is all the crap you posted below this. Well not according to your thoughts; but thoughts of primitive minded men who wanted a way to control the masses and to suit their own agenda. Prove me wrong.

No...I can't prove you wrong because you're not listening.
I know becuase you got everything wrong. After this statement of yours you commit one fallacy after another. (specificly 1 strawman, and 1 appeal to your own incredulity, and 1 plea of ignorance) That means despite the invitation to to offer information you're not willing to take in that information, to use that information.

While listening to yourself may seem pleasing, you can't possibly learn anything useful, Mike.
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God created perfect men.
God created perfect angels.
How ever they chosing to do what is bad does not reflect badly upon him but rather the deliberate choices they made.

So perfect men and angels means evil angels and men. Seems like a god who didn't like evil could do better.