God's Omniscience coexisting with Free Will?

I was reacting to your comment. God didn't change, the Bible didn't change. Of course Christians interpret and reinterpret it, that is how they can learn. Unfortunately people sometimes misuse the Bible, and that is just as evil as any other misuse of knowledge. Christians and the church have to reprimand those who misinterpret it. Misinterpretation can easily be recognised, because it causes pain, suffering and hate.

If anybody says he is a Christian but uses it as an excuse to justify something that's wrong, he is not being a Christian. The basic knowledge stays the same, but what we know of God's character and wishes can grow and change. People are born every day, and change their minds every day. There is always learning of God going on.

Middle knowledge is a doctrine that tries to explain how God can know evil but tolerate it to keep on existing. To me, it just means that there is some force outside of God at work in the world. God wants people to rescue people - i.e. act out of love. When God returns, all things that can fail will fail, and everyhting that can endure will endure. Through the Bible He tells us what will fail and what will last, and by putting off the second coming He is giving us a chance to choose of which kind we are.
the bible & "god"

people the bible is no more than a simple story book, and this figmentashous god you all place so much belief in has done nothing for us. if in facte he exsists how can he bring about plague,famine and that little holocast incident. he hasnt ever used that "divine" finger to help our world. none of these storys in the bible actually show proof in god...if there is someone who can show me some proof or an argument to there being a god plz do so

sorry for the bad spelling
An omniscient entity, it seems, must be able to access the future, as well as the present and past for knowledge. With that in mind, concerning any given situation in the present (or near-present) time, an omniscient entity would be able to look to the future and know what you chose to do. The omniscient entity did not make the choice. You did. It is simply a matter of the omniscient entity looking to the future for the answer about what choice you are presently about to make with your free will. With the future as the reference point, your present actions become your past actions for the omniscient (and we all know that it is fairly easy to know what happened in the past).

It's all relative.
Originally posted by muscleman
Ask Frencheneez, LOL, she thinks there is a psychic law that predicts future events, she call it "absolutes" , LOL, and shes an atheist...A psychic atheist...
Well I guess a psychic is the only person who could logically prove (to themselves) that god doesn't exist.
We are on a little raft in the middle of a stormy sea, with wave after wave thrashing to and fro, and our fellow castaways are in the same desperate situation. Now you're asking why we are wet and drowning?

Interesting how you argue there is no God, and all good things can't come from Him, and in the same breath blame every disaster on Him.

Firefighter seems to answer your question, redrain. We make the decisions. Hate caused the holocaust. Why do you think Satan is called "the god of this world"? Because most of the time, we people act as if we are gods, like Hitler, assuming judgement over who we choose to.

The Bible points us in the right direction. It isn't God, it points us to God. Look for proof somewhere else. The Bible doesn't want to prove God, is doesn't even try. It shows us WHO God is, and was written by people who knew Him. He is the rescue boat next to us. Christ is the lifesaver.

Life is hard. Deal with it. Whether you choose God's help or not, is your choice. Why blame someone you don't believe in anyway?