God's Omniscience coexisting with Free Will?

I assumed this was the logical entailment of omniscience. That being popularly accepted as one of God's attributes.
Originally posted by Voodoo Child
I assumed this was the logical entailment of omniscience. That being popularly accepted as one of God's attributes.

I was trying to bait you into a discussion of free will, but I failed, nevermind.:eek:
Originally posted by Voodoo Child
We choose. God just knows what we will choose. How the hell does he do that? He's Magic.

Ask Frencheneez, LOL, she thinks there is a psychic law that predicts future events, she call it "absolutes" , LOL, and shes an atheist...A psychic atheist...
God doesnt know future events, but He's absolutely knowledgable that it seemed like He knows the future. He can tell what happens 1000 yrs from now by observing the present situation.

Lets put it this way, lol, for the sake of our tiny brain. It is like putting a seed on a land without moisture, u know it in the future it wont grow and reproduce, not that your a psychic, but its PURE knowledge.

or another way to put it, it is like putting a water in front of a man whos extremely thirsty, u know in the future he will drink it, not that yur a psychic, but its pure knowledge.

Its like God, except our brain is like a rock compared to God, HIS knowledge is unfathomable, he is the creator of the universe, black hole, stars, sun, universe.

My opinion is that God knows the law of electrons and atoms, quantum physics, etc. that we dont know. They function to a certain things we dont know, such as we know that if u drop a tequila bottle on a carpet at a certain speed and movement will not break it, but if u drop it 1,000,000,000 miles per hour it may break the tequila bottle.

We call that divine intervention, every second and every breath we take, God is within us, and knows things we do in the future before we do them, as tiny and complex our brain maybe and the chemicals in them, God understands how they functrion, and we dont.

By the way, thats my opinion, that the church does teach "Prophesy" and the world teach "Psychic ability". the church teaches "miracles" while as the world teaches "Magic". Prophesy is helpfull for human race both spiritually and physically. Psychic predicition is based on greediness, riches, and non necessary knowledge. Miracles are good for human souls, an event God interacting with the human race. Magic are illusions, entertainment, worldly act interacting with humans. Even at Moses time magics were practiced, till this present day, and psychic hotlines are common, both r made for human entertainment. But u will never heard of prophesy, or miracles on the media, because the Devil wants to cover that up and make u believe the world can do better and that they r nothing but good tricks..

Even the demons and the spirits of the darkness got the knowledge that seems to predict the future. But God is above all.
If he knows what we're going to choose then why the hell are we here?
Aside to Musclemania,

In the last week, by my estimation, you've spent approximately 30 hours at your ineffectual proselytizing.

That's an entire 3 working days (and I believe my estimation is under rather than over).

Don't you have a congregation to go to or something? Any friends?
again, it can be like this. I put a water on you, you drink it, then after u drink at a certain time ur hormone triggers and u have to physically move, then u burn the water, certain time u pea, certain time then u eat, certain time then u sleep.

But u know whats going to happen ahead just from drinking the water.

God is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ETERNITY much KNOWLEDGABLE THAN US. He created our body, He knows it far more than us, He can detect what electron microscope cannot detect. Dogs are color blind, humans vision isnt perfect, octupus got better vision than us. We can only magnify what we can see, but our eyes is not perfect. A dog cannot see color no matter how much u magnify anything, dog is still color blind.

I wanted to be a philospher and Im trying to write a book about atheism, thats why I spend so much time here to learn the best of what atheist have to say. I got laid off from work 3 months ago and I have 9 units in Junior College. Right now Im focused more on these before anything else, Im a believer of God, I go out on a weekend go to friends house and trust me i got tons of friends but most of them r busy, and i prefer to b alone thinking about this topic rather than getting drunk and fighting and stuff
Originally posted by muscleman
I wanted to be a philospher and Im trying to write a book about atheism, thats why I spend so much time here to learn the best of what atheist have to say. I got laid off from work 3 months ago and I have 9 units in Junior College. Right now Im focused more on these before anything else, Im a believer of God, I go out on a weekend go to friends house and trust me i got tons of friends but most of them r busy, and i prefer to b alone thinking about this topic rather than getting drunk and fighting and stuff

This certainly tells us a lot about why you forget to bring your intellect to Sciforums so often.

I've only forgotten my intellect once, and I didn't post before I went to retrieve it... :p
Aside again,

i prefer to b alone thinking about this topic rather than getting drunk and fighting and stuff

Well that's a good thing, and thanks for explaining. But you know, you are rather aggressive nonetheless.
New topic?

This is related to Predestination and Free Will, so I'll post it here before I create a new topic.

Is anybody familiar with the concept of "middle knowledge"?

Basically, it's the idea that God knows what would happen in any situation were that situation different. God not only knows what is, but He knows what would be if - i.e. He knows all variables.

Since God knew which circumstances would allow evil or good to prevail, He created the world allowing for our choices (free will). And since His existence will be irrefutable in the end (when He is revealed to everybody), everything we do with that free will will ultimately either leave us within His kingdom, or outside it.

In that sense, blaming God for all the evil in the world is like blaming ourselves for existing.

It's an interesting perspective... any comments? (I'm sure there will be).
Originally posted by muscleman
I put a water on you, you drink it, then after u drink at a certain time ur hormone triggers and u have to physically move, then u burn the water...

Thank you yet again MM. I keep shorting out my keyboard because I'm laughing so hard I'm crying and my co-workers keep wondering what it is I'm reading... but please do keep it up. This stuff is priceless.

Originally posted by Squid Vicious
And yet again god changes to fit the beliefs of the believer.

Why do you suppose God changed? After two thousand years Christians are still getting to know Him better. Like all of you, Christians are also interested in the nature and mind of God. The only difference is that Christians can change their knowledge without having to change their beliefs. It's like being in school - we believe in education and what it can do, but we learn different things all the time.

Raithere: please stop evoking muscleman...
Originally posted by Jenyar
Why do you suppose God changed? After two thousand years Christians are still getting to know Him better. Like all of you, Christians are also interested in the nature and mind of God. The only difference is that Christians can change their knowledge without having to change their beliefs. It's like being in school - we believe in education and what it can do, but we learn different things all the time.

Getting to know him better? I haven't seen any recent input from god on the subject. You're still using the same old bible.

What has changed, or is changing for some christians, is the interpretation of it as a whole. This would seem to me to have as a prerequisite a change of attitude, or of perspective from the interpreter. The bible is still the same words originally written. It hasn't changed.

My view is that you have it backwards... you can change your beliefs without changing your knowledge.