God's Eye

All you do is bash God you are a mere human being that can't comprehend existence, i can see him on a subatomic level even Cris can't explain why there are laws of nature what makes you an authority on this?
Originally posted by Crushing Belial
All you do is bash God you are a mere human being that can't comprehend existence, i can see him on a subatomic level even Cris can't explain why there are laws of nature what makes you an authority on this?

If you must believe in a God, Crushing, which is totally understandable and, in some ways, reasonable, do not choose a deity of Abrahamic origin.
Heed this monition: they are naught but wreckful venom to the mind.
I'm talking to atheist, all they seem to do is bash something they don't understand how about a yes or i don't think so not Jesus was a weakling, i wouldn't insult someone you love.

I'm talking to atheist, all they seem to do is bash something they don't understand
Atheists find theist claims unbelievable. Present a strong case and that will make them think.

how about a yes or i don't think so not Jesus was a weakling,
As there are inexperienced theists there are also inexperienced atheists. You can only learn who is who the more you debate.

i wouldn't insult someone you love.
If it was a person then I would agree, but from an atheist perspective Jesus as a god exists only in your imagination.

I understand that you treat God & Satan character analysis, with your atheist view, basically taking the bible descriptions as fictional. i have no comment. what is fair, in my point of view, is acknowledging that the 'fiction', as you would like to call, set on two parts. first part deals with the actions of God & satan in the stage of world. the second part has its 'stage' after life. Your character analysis would not be complete&fair if you neglect the second part where fortunately / unfortunatelly the climax of the whole 'drama' reached. By rejecting the second part you prematurely assess who is real villain/hero. It would be honest to accept in your analysis the second part of this 'fiction' where the bible implies that God does judgement and rewards who had faith in him and satan takes his own company as their 'saviour' to hell. That is what i told you about 'entirety' and climax. Entertaining 'fiction' as a whole even without accepting it as true is what i expected from you.

As for the record, my perception of God is far above any religious description. You by this time, after observing me for months , would have assessed that i am not a christian, though i rever Jesus very much, really don't want to associate myself rigidly with any religious dogmas but absolute faith in God.


You quoted bible where God allegedly saying to kill a son who is wayward and incorrigible etc.
He authorizes the killing of a completely ass-hole son, it seems. my comments you quoted were in response to Cris's reply "So when my children are approached by bad influences then I should simply give up on them and kill them, right?". And i agree with his later reply, in part, unless they are truly evil and unrecoverable. I feel it is just to eliminate who is unrecoverably dangerous anti-social. Otherwise why even the parents want to take them to the elders for the kill.?

And, you quoted 2 more lines of mine.

I don't think they are so, atleast God is not fictional.

The above one is my reponse to Cris : For the record of course I hope you realize both characters are fictional. I just refuted Cris's hope and reaffirmed my belief. Not argued for or against. Cris took them as fiction & i didn't take them as fiction. just that.

I don't think God is a fictional character. He is as real as me

This one is also to emphasise how i treat God & satan in this debate (thread) unlike Cris who treats them as fictional charaters and choosing one character over the other. I understand you have not followed the thread or missed the context. This is not the argument for the existence of God & satan but who is better. I find satan, as believer, is not really a saviour as glorified here.

And finally, you tried to show how jealous is God. How jealously a mother keeps her child from pretending predators is not an act of a vice. Here, i think, jealous is vice not on moral grounds but of futility and silliness of having it by satan when it is obvious that he cannot compare himself with the power and glory of God. Certainly not advisable when satan is not 'God' himself. the reason being he over-estimated himself and under estimated his creator and His grace for His creations. As i said it would be hard to accept if already biased against the so called 'fictional' God character.


wouldn't know the truth if it got up and jiggled it's bum in your face.
i don't think truth is a bum ; i would surely know that if her (i wish truth is feminine) bum is bountiful and non-stinking.