God's DNA


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Suppose Christ really is the son of God, conceived(method unknown) & gestated in the womb of a human being. A combination of genetic material resulting in something resembling a human being, Jesus in this case.

Now I'm pretty sure DNA, despite its marvelous complexity, is still only just matter. Life mechanism aside, all DNA is a collection of particles. If God's DNA contained these particles then it suggests that God is not a ethereal being but one of substance. If so or not how did God's DNA become composed of said particles before He created them?

I mean if He pumped in some of his genetic material into Mary by whatever means then He had to be made of matter or at least his sperm was. God came(no pun intended) before matter because according to legend, He created it. It looks like God, part of God or His DNA is composed of His own creation. How is that possible?

Is God part human? or possibly just plain human? If His divine spunk can grow a child in a human womb then all women are capable of giving birth to Gods. What's that make us? Gods?
If God is God, then God can make himself any physical body he likes. Working within his own rules, I would imagine that his earthly form would coincide with what we imagine as a 'perfect being'. His seed he created just as he created anything else in this universe. Or perhaps he never made the seed and simply created the embryo inside Mary's womb. As Jesus, I assume God would have taken on an almost schizophrenic stage, being at both times the motivator of the universe as well as the human, Jesus. Though it is hard to distinguish whether Jesus was able to perfom miracles merely as a perfect human being, or because he was God. How I imagine it is that God created the human, Jesus, which he let himself experience as a limited being. But limited as he was, he was still a perfect human, and was able to do things we could not fathom of doing, and was able to see how humanity could live together from a human perspective instead of a God perspective. He proved it could be done, even though most still deny it in their actions today.
Tough to get around the God can do anything angle. Well it looks like He couldn't give birth to a son without some help.

Parthenogenisis or was Mary hiding a deep secret, either way Jesus not related to God gentically unless God's spirit is encoded on the human genome. Don't know if we can isolate that gene. So truthfully speaking, Jesus is not the biological son of God. Even if God had to make his own sperm it still isn't really His formally? In the long run I think it was a good thing Joseph didn't think he was the father.
Depends. What's more shocking? A woman giving birth or God actually showing up and either giving birth Himself or making an infant (or an adult)right there in front of everybody?
Depends. What's more shocking? A woman giving birth or God actually showing up and either giving birth Himself or making an infant (or an adult)right there in front of everybody?

Maybe God's shy. :p

But regardless, I only mean to point out that "couldn't" shouldn't be a word applied to the Christian God because it simply doesn't apply. God can apparently do anything it wants, so it becomes a matter of choice, not ability.
I guess it's safe to say God personally has no DNA. But if HE wanted some He either makes it and calls it His own or He becomes a human, sort of. Back then if you knew a woman the biblical way then after the deposit she is no longer a virgin which probably rules out God becoming human since he would need to get jiggy.

How did Mary know it was of divine origin?
I guess it's safe to say God personally has no DNA. But if HE wanted some He either makes it and calls it His own or He becomes a human, sort of. Back then if you knew a woman the biblical way then after the deposit she is no longer a virgin which probably rules out God becoming human since he would need to get jiggy.

How did Mary know it was of divine origin?

Jesus had half Mary's genes and half The Holy Spirit's genes. It's safe to say the Holy Spirit had a beard.
Jesus had half Mary's genes and half The Holy Spirit's genes. It's safe to say the Holy Spirit had a beard.

Maybe it was all Mary's genes via asexual reproduction, and Jesus just happened to be spiritually God's son?
Jesus had half Mary's genes and half The Holy Spirit's genes. It's safe to say the Holy Spirit had a beard.

Did he look like his mother and not like the milkman?

I wonder if Jesus had reproductive equipment? What would he need it for?
Did he look like his mother and not like the milkman?

Hebrews states that jesus is the exact physical appearance of god, (i.e god's a hippy).

There is however a serious problem with that which comes in the form of corinthians:

'Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him'

C'mon god, pay attention to the things you say.. Get a haircut.
Hebrews states that jesus is the exact physical appearance of god, (i.e god's a hippy).

There is however a serious problem with that which comes in the form of corinthians:

'Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him'

C'mon god, pay attention to the things you say.. Get a haircut.

You forgot the halo.

If you take the current popular artist's renditions of Christ's appearance and compared it to the mug shot of the all-time bad ass king of hippie communal living, Charles Manson, there is quite a similarity. Nice to know Christ's influence is everywhere.
If you take the current popular artist's renditions of Christ's appearance and compared it to the mug shot of the all-time bad ass king of hippie communal living, Charles Manson, there is quite a similarity. Nice to know Christ's influence is everywhere.

Actually you stumble upon a decent point. Who is it that goes into a bar and everyone says "hey, you look like jesus"? It is the unkempt, the dirty seemingly unhygienic people.

Not to say that those people are serial killers, but it does strike me as odd that the person some would consider the most sinless, most worthy of all people is actually remembered when we look at the most slovenly.
Looks like people's attitudes towards the dishevelled in Biblical times was no different than today's. Seems like the Jews probably had a messiah a little more dapper in mind. Makes sense. If Jesus was not the son of a carpenter but of the guy who owned the lumberyard maybe he would have been accepted.

I have to agree, as Jesus goes, so goes God albeit a bit unkempt. Bloodlines, like father like son, including appearance. Why is that? And they both dig chicks named Mary...coincidence?
Suppose Christ really is the son of God, conceived(method unknown) & gestated in the womb of a human being. A combination of genetic material resulting in something resembling a human being, Jesus in this case.

Now I'm pretty sure DNA, despite its marvelous complexity, is still only just matter. Life mechanism aside, all DNA is a collection of particles. If God's DNA contained these particles then it suggests that God is not a ethereal being but one of substance. If so or not how did God's DNA become composed of said particles before He created them?

I mean if He pumped in some of his genetic material into Mary by whatever means then He had to be made of matter or at least his sperm was. God came(no pun intended) before matter because according to legend, He created it. It looks like God, part of God or His DNA is composed of His own creation. How is that possible?

Is God part human? or possibly just plain human? If His divine spunk can grow a child in a human womb then all women are capable of giving birth to Gods. What's that make us? Gods?
basically you are working out of the theory that life is sufficiently created by matter - since this runs directly against the teachings of practically any religion you care to mention, it won't lead to a fruitful understanding of god
basically you are working out of the theory that life is sufficiently created by matter - since this runs directly against the teachings of practically any religion you care to mention,

Simply stated, all I was saying is this: God inseminated mary with DNA which is composed of matter. Since God existed before matter was created then where did God get his DNA? But as usual there is no defence for the God can do anything retort unless there is something He can't do.

it won't lead to a fruitful understanding of god

How fruity is it today, all religions are in agreement in understanding God?
Simply stated, all I was saying is this: God inseminated mary with DNA which is composed of matter. Since God existed before matter was created then where did God get his DNA? But as usual there is no defence for the God can do anything retort unless there is something He can't do.
DNA is not life
it is the chemical information system that life uses in association with matter
if you think otherwise quote a scientific research paper that qualifies DNA as life

How fruity is it today, all religions are in agreement in understanding God?
in general yes
omnipotent, cause of all causes, eternal controller etc etc