Godless World


Registered Member
What if no one believed in God... or any religion?
Would our world be a better Place...
It depends on what filled it.

what would take it's place?

We all have theories, but there is no evidence that a godless world would be any better.

Many think it would be worse... but then such a world has never existed. We would need to see how it functioned for a few thousand years. Remember that our lives are but flickers before the movements of civilizations. What you might regard as illogical on the personal level might well be brillent on other levels... perhaps even the metaphysical level... whether you believe in it or not, it may exist... there is no way to prove that it does not.
Linx said:
What if no one believed in God...

d---what do you mean by 'God'? the patriarchal 'God' of abrahamic religious beliefs?.....if so. YES! because it's THAtgod which is the splitter of Nature and spirit

or any religion?.........d--again. what do you mean by 'religion'? white-light religion. Yes, Earth religion, NO.

Would our world be a better Place...
If we again rekindle our deep respect for the intelligence of Nature and our freedom to fully explore our Dapth which is also Nature's death, then thatcan only be fruitfull
If we explore our own DEPTH which is Nature's Depth, then we understand the Intelligence of Nature
duendy said:
If we explore our own DEPTH which is Nature's Depth, then we understand the Intelligence of Nature

Hi duendy... That means Elf in portuguese... did u know that?

I don't think nature is inteligent. If Darwin is right... nature is a big mess with some interesting results.
What exactly does that mean? Give me an example.

I mean... if we're going by nature's rules, that could be a whole lot nastier then what we have today. Could I kill you for my own benifit? After all humans are naturally oppurtunistic... and your resources that I take from your corpse will benfit me and my nature pursuit of procreation. Perhaps procreation by rape would also be in my interest too. All it would take to aquire the best breeding partner would be the time to stalk and capture that female. Oh yes, quite ugly... but is it unnatural?

I don't know what you mean by "nature's" wisdom. That seems no more materal or provable then God's. This is a problem that anti religion people have. Often in their arguements they keep god in one form or another. Humans like faith.

What if no one believed in God... or any religion?
Would our world be a better Place...

Yes of course. Religions are based on ignorance and fantasy. It is difficult to see how such beliefs could ensure our long term survival and happiness. Once religious beliefs are suspended or rejected then people tend to seek real truth through scientific investigation. Science alone has improved our health and wisdom in degrees that religion can only dream about.
Linx said:
Hi duendy... That means Elf in portuguese... did u know that?

d__Hey Linx.....in a roundabout way. i knew that 'the Duende' are in Mesoamerican
blieved to be 'the duendes' meaning 'supernatrual dwarves seen when experiencing magic mushroom inspiration. also in Andalucean flamenco culture 'Duende' means 'spirts of the earth' and the feeling atmosphere in Flamenco when all the musicians, singers and dancers enegeies fuse with the Earth. but i didn't know about its Portugese interpreation. also evles are seen when bemushroomed. thi has been reported by experiencers such as Terrence McKenna, and i also have expericned 'seeing them'

I don't think nature is inteligent. If Darwin is right... nature is a big mess with some interesting results.

d__the operative term is 'IF' please chack out www.deepspirit.com there you can look at the writings of Christian de Quincey who is attempting to re-awaken ancient animaistic insight of the continuum af spirit and matter. he is a professor of philosophy and goes into this in more depth. howve i am not passing it on i will discuss about it with you if you wish

science as we are sused to it has its own myth, which is the assumption of Nature being a mechanism. we are now, for example, merely 'biochemical machines'....!
Karmashock said:
What exactly does that mean? Give me an example.

I mean... if we're going by nature's rules, that could be a whole lot nastier then what we have today. Could I kill you for my own benifit? After all humans are naturally oppurtunistic... and your resources that I take from your corpse will benfit me and my nature pursuit of procreation.

d__ all of that which you feel is Nature is what has been indoctrinated into you with mechansitic myth as taught in schools, the church, and all institutions. which in secual terms is that Nature is a machine and we are machines and natrually nsty, so we need controlling by a 'managemnt' that is more mature, and knows whats what. ..

Perhaps procreation by rape would also be in my interest too. All it would take to aquire the best breeding partner would be the time to stalk and capture that female. Oh yes, quite ugly... but is it unnatural?

d__like i said

I don't know what you mean by "nature's" wisdom. That seems no more materal or provable then God's. This is a problem that anti religion people have. Often in their arguements they keep god in one form or another. Humans like faith.

the only way to find out Nature's intelligence is to beging listening and observing it AWAy from all the mechansitc interpreations of it. THe best way to do this is via hallucinogenic experience in Nature
Religions have caused both wars and humanitarian efforts, have caused both personal depression and jubilee. It seems to me that the world would not be drastically different if religion were wiped off of it.
duendy said:
the only way to find out Nature's intelligence is to beging listening and observing it AWAy from all the mechansitc interpreations of it. THe best way to do this is via hallucinogenic experience in Nature
Are you kidding?... Are you seriously saying we should take a hike out into the woods and get high?

I mean... seriously?...

tell me you're kidding. :(
Karmashock said:
It depends on what filled it.

what would take it's place?

We all have theories, but there is no evidence that a godless world would be any better.

Many think it would be worse
so who are this so called many, nobody I know, would you rather have a bunch of delusional religious fundie or a bunch of clear headed people ruling you, I know what ones I'd choose, but unfortunately we have the former not the latter at the moment.
karmashock said:
but then such a world has never existed.
unfortunately, if it were'nt for religion, humans could have made much bigger stride in it's development, religion has a lot to answer for all the wars , all the scientific those advances destroyed.
we could have been a far more advanced society , if it were'nt for religion.
Nature is not intelligent. What we observe is the result of bilions of years of evolution. The perception of intelligence is merely the balance that has taken so long to achieve. It also wouldn't take much to disturb that balance, e.g. an asteroid hit, or a massive volcanic erruption, etc.
Whether you have religion or not doesn't make you more or less reasonable. There are plenty of godless psychos and plenty of religious people that wouldn't hurt a fly.

So if you think getting rid of god will change anything then you're kidding yourself.

As to development, it could be argued that the very kernel of civilization is religious in nature. After all, why do you contribute to society? Why do you follow the rules? Why did you ancestors thousands of years do so? Religion and things like it help to keep societies together. Without it, they tend to fall apart.

The USSR in part had such a faith... a faith in the state and the destiny of communism. When it became clear that their path was not predetermined and glorious, people lost faith in the state and the USSR collapsed.

The US has a similar configuration. The only difference is that we've never had a failure big enough to seriously question our predestination... nam got close... and the effects on our social moral were huge.

Anyway, if you think religion is the biggest problem and things will all come up roses if you get rid of it, there is nothing I can say to argue you out of it.

I think I'll just out number you :)
Karmashock said:
Are you kidding?... Are you seriously saying we should take a hike out into the woods and get high?

I mean... seriously?...

tell me you're kidding. :(

d__ no just that. also you do intellectual research. you learn say about Ecoliteracy, about the covert spin operations of goverments. how they operate. so all the time you are exploring. but intellectual exploration on its own isn't enough. we have deeper needs. goverments know this and prohibit this freedom and demonize it and ridicule it by various means

so you say fuk all that and do it. you DO it and the rest. so yes. i am serious
Linx said:
What if no one believed in God... or any religion?
Would our world be a better Place...

I am guessing that people would find some other fairy tale to substitute
in place of 'God' / religion. If dragons and unicorns were involved then
I can almost assuredly say the world would be a better place.
Linx said:
What if no one believed in God... or any religion?
Would our world be a better Place...
of course it would,

religion has always stood in the way of progress and improvement of human lifes by clinging to the superstitious delusions and silly beliefs invented by some nomadic tribe of goat herders
that anyone still takes such beliefs seriously today in this modern age,makes me sometimes feel like this angry atheist
scorpius said:
of course it would,

religion has always stood in the way of progress and improvement of human lifes by clinging to the superstitious delusions and silly beliefs invented by some nomadic tribe of goat herders
that anyone still takes such beliefs seriously today in this modern age,makes me sometimes feel like this angry atheist

Well, the African god Bumba, isn´t a goat people god... or Brahma... Zheus...
It seams that many ppl of different cultures have their own creator...

About the angry Atheist. What an ass****... he´s being a proselitist moron.
duendy said:
d__ no just that. also you do intellectual research. you learn say about Ecoliteracy, about the covert spin operations of goverments. how they operate. so all the time you are exploring. but intellectual exploration on its own isn't enough. we have deeper needs. goverments know this and prohibit this freedom and demonize it and ridicule it by various means

so you say fuk all that and do it. you DO it and the rest. so yes. i am serious
I think this country and civilization allows a great deal of intellectual and political freedom. You can say and do just about anything. The only real limits are on things like drugs...

If you're saying that we can't see this "mind of nature" without going on an acid or mushroom trip, then I can't help but be highly skeptical...