God =


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Not really - without God (even if you only want to accept it as a theoretical term used by the less intelligent, which I am sure you do) there would be no discussion on the topic

Do not confuse necessity with causality. A discussion about God could not occur without the idea of God, the original poster, and the other participants in the discussion. If any of these are lacking, then a discussion on God there is not.

Causality refers to something not only logically necessary but necessarily chronologically antecedent. While God as a concept may be older than any of the humans involved in the discussion, God is only logically necessary to the discussion precisely at the time the discussion takes place. However, preceding the discussion or even the decision to begin it, there must be an originator, who may conceive independently of the same God and then decide to discuss it with others.

I am one who believes that words are defined by consensus, so God, like any word, is nothing in and of itself. Therefore, and again as with other words, God means to me what it means to others; and so depending on who I am discussing God with, I may or may not be a theist.
Do not confuse necessity with causality. A discussion about God could not occur without the idea of God, the original poster, and the other participants in the discussion. If any of these are lacking, then a discussion on God there is not.

Causality refers to something not only logically necessary but necessarily chronologically antecedent. While God as a concept may be older than any of the humans involved in the discussion, God is only logically necessary to the discussion precisely at the time the discussion takes place. However, preceding the discussion or even the decision to begin it, there must be an originator, who may conceive independently of the same God and then decide to discuss it with others.

I am one who believes that words are defined by consensus, so God, like any word, is nothing in and of itself. Therefore, and again as with other words, God means to me what it means to others; and so depending on who I am discussing God with, I may or may not be a theist.

Still stands that without god, which is running a close 2nd at the moment, only about 2000 posts behind world events which is running at about 182 000, there would be a lot less posts on sci forums

Still stands that without god, which is running a close 2nd at the moment, only about 2000 posts behind world events which is running at about 182 000, there would be a lot less posts on sci forums
Ceteris paribus, it is equally likely that some 180,000 posts would have been made on something decidedly more scientific.
Ceteris paribus, it is equally likely that some 180,000 posts would have been made on something decidedly more scientific.

You mean that if you didn't just write about how god is not the cause of writing about god on a subforum site that deals specifically about god, you would have posted something else somewhere else?
I really like some of the old myths about the Gods.
Especially some of the Greek, Indian and Japanese Gods.

Did I mention that Athena as well as Aphrodite are quite hot Goddess – defiantly worthy of exaltation :)

I'm sure back when human was making the transformation from an ape-like forager without language to a semi-social nomadic pack of animals to a civilization with a means to not only communicate but also record such communication – I am sure that Gods made for a good way to get everyone to do as they were told. Proto-societies with Gods simply out compete those without Gods. It worked so well we still use Gods to control people. Many Americans (especially Republicans) vote God first, policy second.

Well that’s what I think anyway,

Well this is ironic? ... coincidental? I refer to my comment about the Republicans.

Anyway, 110 millennium latter and we monkey-men are still easily controlled: Bush seeks to re-energise Republicans

The first thing you notice when you talk to these country Republicans is the importance of religion in their reasons for liking the president. Several mention it, unprompted, and this is something you just do not hear elsewhere in the country. "He believes in Jesus," they tell you, as if this fact were enough to clinch any political debate.
Michael, this isn't a political debate. So can the ad hominem attacks against Republicans.
You mean that if you didn't just write about how god is not the cause of writing about god on a subforum site that deals specifically about god, you would have posted something else somewhere else?

Probably. I don't actually come to this forum specifically for the religion section. As it is with many users of this site, I have some spare time every day; so I choose to spend a part of it here. I have the opportunity to make a few posts before I have to log out and get things done. I would hardly waste that opportunity just because no one brought up God.
Probably. I don't actually come to this forum specifically for the religion section. As it is with many users of this site, I have some spare time every day; so I choose to spend a part of it here. I have the opportunity to make a few posts before I have to log out and get things done. I would hardly waste that opportunity just because no one brought up God.

I see
the simplest possible explaination that can be believed by the majority of people.
Being in Athiest, I believe that God and religion itself is just wishful thinking. As a pack of wolves follows its leader, humans tend to do the same. Millions of years of evolution made it so that humans follow their leader to stay united, therefore being more effective at hunting and gathering and other sorts of skills needed to survive. God is a being we humans look up to for guidance, to be part of a stronger force. We see this happening every day; fans worshipping musicians, kids trying to hang around the more popular kids. I think that God motivates humans to continue there lives. I also think Heaven was created as a final destination because, which would one prefer, a death accompanied by nothingness? Or a death which takes us to another world in which we live happily every after with no suffering? And hell. I think Hell motivates humans so society stays in order. So the point is i think God is just wishful thinking, but i dont think we should completely destroy this idea, because it really does keep things in order.
Being in Athiest, I believe that God and religion itself is just wishful thinking. As a pack of wolves follows its leader, humans tend to do the same. Millions of years of evolution made it so that humans follow their leader to stay united, therefore being more effective at hunting and gathering and other sorts of skills needed to survive. God is a being we humans look up to for guidance, to be part of a stronger force. We see this happening every day; fans worshipping musicians, kids trying to hang around the more popular kids. I think that God motivates humans to continue there lives. I also think Heaven was created as a final destination because, which would one prefer, a death accompanied by nothingness? Or a death which takes us to another world in which we live happily every after with no suffering? And hell. I think Hell motivates humans so society stays in order. So the point is i think God is just wishful thinking, but i dont think we should completely destroy this idea, because it really does keep things in order.
