


    Votes: 4 13.8%

    Votes: 13 44.8%

    Votes: 12 41.4%

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God is pure energy. (no personal charecteristics) think of it. everything consists of energy, we are dependent from energy, we always want more of it, we are ennergy, we are gods. E is the base of all tht is. Everything in our Universe is made from Energy.
So who's the biggest player - of course E, therefore by all rules it must be god - but I think tht the word "god" is inappropriate because it has a huge religical meaning for many many of our planets inhabitants.
"God" is the Universe

The Universe displays the power of "God" which is Infnity. No man on Earth or spook in the sky can have this Power alone. We are all part of the Universe. We are all part of One.

Describe God,or what do you thin GOD is?
Your question doesn’t make sense. How can one describe something that doesn’t exist?

and what are we doing with virtual partciples, anti-matter, big bang, gravitons(sorry latest research confirms gravitons, I smwhere posted this in astronomy)? I can say tht these things don't exist and I may be right, but theres a HUGE possibility I am wrong because of the lack of evidence to cover my claims, but you're right about god Cris. It is the greatest fantasy of all (well atleast the way christians and othere "religious" people see it) E=all=god=us=immortal (you can not kill energy [not saying anything about human identity though;) ])
The difficulty in explaining what God is, lies mainly in the variety of perceptions that the word in itself invokes in the individual. For me it is a metaphoric word for a larger energy that we belong to, are born from and will always be a part of.

Thats nice, but I just can't get the image of an immaterial invisible green elephant out of my mind when someone says god. And I just know from the depths of my heart and my mind that that thing simply does not exist. :D :D

There you go Cris, that was very good. You have a greater imagination than you think. If you, an atheist, can produce an inner image of an IMMATERIAL and INVISIBLE green elephant, then I must say that there is still great hope for humanity. :D

For me it is a metaphoric word for a larger energy that we belong to, are born from and will always be a part of.

That is the confusion. WE are in a state of *rest* mass and possess only *potential* energy.
Have you ever search?

Anyone who don't believe on God...

Have you ever try to search Him seriously?

In all methods? Not just in scientific way? Recent science haven't succeed to explain/solve everything, isn't it? Lot's of things in this universe haven't covered by todays science, including God, isn't it? Don't you think you make conclusion too soon by 'assuming' God not exists? How come you hope science able to proove God? It's still confused by common phenomenas as; how come huricane formed, how we have dream, what's beyond galaxies, etc...?

I think by making conclusion too soon, it's sounds too arogan about our achievements in recent science and technology.

Just think this way:
- Assume we don't know the existance of God, yet. But we know there are rules from God (as anybody who has faith said so).
- If then we got proove (after dead, by future science, or else) that God doesn't exists, we got nothing (too much) to loose obeying the rules during our past.
- But if then we got proove that God exists, we gonna really sorry if we didn't obey the rules.

So... don't you think we better play never loose gambling?
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Re: God is....

Originally posted by Godless

Do you have any reason of your premature conclusion? Why don't you just say, we're not sure yet? Or you considering to choose play safe now? :)
Mr G, do you mean that you think that it´s unfair that we are smaller in many ways than "God" ? I guess it is....perhaps supposed to serve as a humbling experience? But then again, we will grow to be as large as God, I believe.
Maybe we are suffering from the same frustrations that children eager to grow up do? The pysical world seen as kindergarten with all the rules of adults and the utter stupidity of other children and not to mention the unfair size of your body. Lol. :D

I'm almost late for work however....

A little time to explain.

What is god?
Where does god come from?
If there is a god, does "it" follow the rules of physics?
If it does, then the rules of physics dictates that nothing is eternal, that to exist one must have identity.

What identity can we ascribe to god?

B, my body is quite small.


The bible states that god is unknowable, that man can't see god, that we would die in its precence. Well those are some verses, others claim that they've seen god, or been in it's precence.

my favorite:

God is love!, "what god is an emotion?"

God can do anything!, I've yet to see an elephant being born from an penut, or a square-circle!.

God is omnipotent: Then why did he create an angel that would defy him?.

What is the meaning of the word "god"?

god was and is an answer to those things we still can't explain, the easy way out of science, is to simply explain the unexplainable to the pretext that "god did it"!!

god is nothing!.

But primitive imagination of men!. to explain the unexplainable, yet slowly we've discovered a few things here and there.

Is it just because you don't know God, you can make conclusion that It's not exists? Mathematics also not really exists isn't it? But you're sure that it's formulas are right. You can proove by examining reality to believe it right. That's also the way to proove the existance of God. The existance I repeat, not just proove the theory is right.

So, did your premature assumption based on something make sense?

Note: I'm not christian neither catholic. My religion give me undeniable explanation about existance of God. There are also lots scientific facts in my holy book.
I am surprised,you know sooo much about Bible...

even a Catholic wont know that much,needless to say:
to say your name,you have to say GOD first isnt it?;)


My religion give me undeniable explanation about existance of God.
Excellent. Please describe what you have found so that we can see if your claim has any value. If you can't then won't you also be guilty of reaching a premature conclusion.

Originally posted by Cris

Excellent. Please describe what you have found so that we can see if your claim has any value. If you can't then won't you also be guilty of reaching a premature conclusion.


Cris do you mind if I post something on this regards?. I mean what ISMU is refering to. I am sure he is a muslim and they do have different concept or let me say perhaps very interesting concept of God. I also would like to know if it is ok with ISMU if I post somthing on this regards and I assure you that it won't be offensive or disgracefull to anyone.
Originally posted by Markx
I also would like to know if it is ok with ISMU if I post somthing on this regards and I assure you that it won't be offensive or disgracefull to anyone.

It's OK markx, and yes, I'm a moslem.

Cris, I think you can also google on 'Islam' or 'Moslem'. I'm sure you can found better info than from mine. But if you insist, I'll try to.
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Just think this way:
- Assume we don't know the existance of God, yet. But we know there are rules from God (as anybody who has faith said so).
- If then we got proove (after dead, by future science, or else) that God doesn't exists, we got nothing (too much) to loose obeying the rules during our past.
- But if then we got proove that God exists, we gonna really sorry if we didn't obey the rules.

So... don't you think we better play never loose gambling?
That is the most ignorant thing i have ever heard in my life, I have a rock in my possesion that will send you directly to heaven, not have to wait here on earth, only 1000 dollars but what is earthly money to you, you are going to heaven. Forgot to tell you if you dont get this rock within 10 days you will go straight to your version of hell. Now lets see if that fits the way you think, you dont know if this rock works but there are rules accompinied with the rock as i have told you, if you are right that the rock does nothing, oh well, only out 1000 dollars, but if you are wrong about the rock you are going to be VERY SORRY. Dont you think you better play it safe, you send me a private message with your answer then i will give you the addy to send the money. What kind of logic are you using. I am sorry if this comes of as if dripping with disdain but this seriously pisses me off when people are this stupid. I appologize in advance.