
Mythbuster said:
Just because you say so ? :D

Don't be afraid, it's because Paul, Jesus and other religions say so.

And if you say that God is the first cause and nothing caused Him, then why not just say that the universe itself is the first cause and nothing caused it?

Sure, you can say that, but I just wanted to show that "God" is not bull, although one of his 4 faces is an ox: Ezekiel 1:10.

I very much dislike having religious jargon thrown in my face. :rolleyes:

It was just to show that the Bible agrees with me when I say that God is within everything and the self and God are the same thing.

Natural forces like cold temperature & magnetism cannot be seen. :p

Not easily with your eyes, but they can still be detected in some way, so they're effects, not causes. The ancient Inca's considered the magnetic force to be God. They're right, but that magnetic force also has a cause. Kind of.

Your god is too weak compared to natural force that causes things to happen without decision or choice.

That "natural force" is the same as what religions call God (the self). Scientists can never understand the world if they don't understand themselves. They wonder and explore the heavens but they have not understood what is right here. They have faith in their theories but they don't have faith in themselves.
c7ityi_ said:
Sure, you can say that, but I just wanted to show that "God" is not bull, although one of his 4 faces is an ox: Ezekiel 1:10.

It was just to show that the Bible agrees with me when I say that God is within everything and the self and God are the same thing.

That "natural force" is the same as what religions call God (the self). Scientists can never understand the world if they don't understand themselves. They wonder and explore the heavens but they have not understood what is right here. They have faith in their theories but they don't have faith in themselves.

Natural forces does not have free will you silly ;) If your house get hit by a thunder blame your self for not protecting it.

All it uses is the Bible and no other source and all references are cited in each page; using childish narrative and crappy MS Paint images, it paints a very humorous view of what can be found in the Bible. After reading these and then looking up the evidence in the Bible, you really, really, really have to look at what faith rests on. It's such a bloody joke. ;)

And I would add, "Why worry about god ?"

Instead, we should all worry about ourselves WHILE not forgetting about the bigger picture. The bigger picture? A view outside that of ourselves. Think of ourselves WHILE not forgetting about others.

If we don't think of ourselves, we fail to improve. If we don't think about others, then we render ourselves isolated - and disjoint from a network of people who can help each other in some way, shape, or form. :D
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Mythbuster said:
Natural forces does not have free will you silly ;) If your house get hit by a thunder blame your self for not protecting it.

I agree, but I never said that natural forces have free will, I said that the same existence is in them as in us. It depends on the body how much we can express ourselves. The human body is so advanced that we have become aware of our bodies, and that's why we have free will.

That's also why we have been separated from our true self. Since we were so far away from our real self, we thought of it as a separate entity: God. As our understanding of ourselves change, the understanding about God changes, since God is our true being.

Those who wrote the Bible knew this, that's why they said: you are the temples of God.

All it uses is the Bible and no other source and all references are cited in each page; using childish narrative and crappy MS Paint images, it paints a very humorous view of what can be found in the Bible. After reading these and then looking up the evidence in the Bible, you really, really, really have to look at what faith rests on. It's such a bloody joke. ;)

Like I said before, this is how the Bible is seen by earthly people. Because of their understanding of the world, they have become aware of their naive views about God. However, when they gain more knowledge about themselves, the Bible will once again start to make sense. They will understand the psychological, allegorical and astrological meaning.

And I would add, "Why worry about god ?"

I don't worry about God, but he worries about me.

Instead, we should all worry about ourselves WHILE not forgetting about the bigger picture. The bigger picture? A view outside that of ourselves. Think of ourselves WHILE not forgetting about others.

Of course, that's just what the Bible says. "Love others as you love yourself." There is no God but the higher self. There is no saviour but the one which we crucified, and even today crucify, between space and time.

If we don't think of ourselves, we fail to improve. If we don't think about others, then we render ourselves isolated - and disjoint from a network of people who can help each other in some way, shape, or form. :D

The problem with people is that they expect to receive help from the outside. Instead, they should seek it within themselves, in Christ-self. If everyone helped themselves, no one would need help.
Of course, that's just what the Bible says. "Love others as you love yourself." There is no God but the higher self. There is no saviour but the one which we crucified, and even today crucify, between space and time.

Your kind of love isn't the same as normal human, you just pretend friendship. Your friendship is an order of your god and not REAL friendship. You do friendship because you want to be rewarded that you call ''better place''. Look at the terrorists, they kill to be rewarded.

This world will never be as your "God" seems to want it. Humans are obnoxious, unreliable, selfish and full of hatred. Of course not all of us are, but they're all emotions and traits we're bound to show at one stage or another.


1)A Christian Scientist who prays over a sick child, or the Atheist parent who seeks immediate medical attention.

2)An Atheist who feeds a starving person because that person is hungry, or the Theist who feeds that person because he is commanded to.

3)A philosophy that emphasizes reasoning, critical thinking, and education, or a philosophy that exalts submission, conformity, and indoctrination.

As I explained earlier regarding the idea of eternal damnation: Any philosophy which ultimately must fall back on such techniques as personal attacks, threats and eternal damnation for non-conformity disqualifies itself from the sphere of acceptable morals and ethics and should be discarded as quickly as possible.

How arrogant and ridiculous! Why don't religious people see how absurd they can be, when they try to force others to believe as they do??!! :confused:

Sorry but im no Zombie. :p
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Mythbuster said:
Your kind of love isn't the same as normal human, you just pretend friendship. Your friendship is an order of your god and not REAL friendship. You do friendship because you want to be rewarded that you call ''better place''. Look at the terrorists, they kill to be rewarded.

People who are "good" because they fear hell or hope for a reward are no good at all. But that's not the kind of love which Christ taught us.

Truly I tell you, there are many people who call themselves Christians and Muslims but they follow the evil instead of their God. God said about these people: "They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me."

This world will never be as your "God" seems to want it.

Everything came from "God" and everything will return to "God". In the end, no one will be able to resist it.

Humans are obnoxious, unreliable, selfish and full of hatred.

Humans aren't bad, they're just lost and forsaken. It's temporary. Deep within, all humans are good.

Of course not all of us are, but they're all emotions and traits we're bound to show at one stage or another.

It will not continue forever. Humans need experience. Have patience, evolution takes time because man denies his true self. If we didn't deny it, if we wouldn't defend our persons, we couldn't remain the persons we are. People are afraid to die, even if it means that they will become happier and closer to themselves. "I will never turn my back on anyone who comes to me."


1)A Christian Scientist who prays over a sick child, or the Atheist parent who seeks immediate medical attention.

The "atheist".

2)An Atheist who feeds a starving person because that person is hungry, or the Theist who feeds that person because he is commanded to.

The "atheist".

3)A philosophy that emphasizes reasoning, critical thinking, and education, or a philosophy that exalts submission, conformity, and indoctrination.

A philosophy that emphasizes reasoning, critical thinking, and education.

Sorry but im no Zombie. :p

Because you are earthly, you direct everything towards your body. Jesus said: "The time has already come, when people will rise from their graves and hear the voice of the son of God."

Have you seen any Zombies? No. Because that's not what Jesus meant. He meant that we will resurrect from our mental death. To be mentally dead means to be sad and depressive for example.
c7ityi -

Jesus said: "The time has already come, when people will rise from their graves and hear the voice of the son of God."
Hardly seems likely though when most have been consumed by worms and such or cremated of course. Seems a somewhat grotesque notion, but then you are quoting religion.

Maybe jesus was talking about this lifetime.
There are certainly enough people "in their graves" who are walking around and functioning, maybe they need to see God, whatever that means.
cole grey said:
There are certainly enough people "in their graves" who are walking around and functioning, maybe they need to see God, whatever that means.

It means that they need to find themselves.
cole grey said:
Maybe jesus was talking about this lifetime.
There are certainly enough people "in their graves" who are walking around and functioning, maybe they need to see God, whatever that means.

Know something? My first choice of career was to be a pathologist, do obductions. (My parents talked me out of it though, as "it is not a profession becoming a proper woman".)
I've always had an intense fascination for ~what is it that makes people dead~.
The worry comes from the belief that God fucked up.
God let people (and angels, i.e satan), choose how to act and they choose badly.
Then God makes a way (whether it be rules, or sacrifices, or sacrificing God), for people to be saved, but many people choose badly.

That is the basic belief system of most religions that have a personal god.
I think God must be as reliable as the Dao, or there is a problem, why are we worried?

Actually, the hinge question is, "does the metaphysical mirror our reality, or can it be something "better". Maybe that should be a thread.
Xerxes said:
For believers and nonbelievers-

Describe to me the concept of the term 'God' as abstractly as possible, without bringing any religious or scientific ideas into your interpretation.
Any type of creature, being, etc. more powerful than any "mere mortal"...usually immortal, but not always, like in Norse Legend (Baldr's death, and the Ragnarok).
I always hated care bears cause it teaches religion in some way to another. The best cartoon show to brainwash your kids for not doing bad. But some cartoons do teach morals. I let the kids watch pokemon to let them learn what is evolution. :p
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