

Valued Senior Member
For believers and nonbelievers-

Describe to me the concept of the term 'God' as abstractly as possible, without bringing any religious or scientific ideas into your interpretation.
It is hard to imagine that life with any significant level of intelligence will not ponder the existence of God... At least as a starting point in maturing towards actually knowing things for themselves. It is a power of authority that is needed because we aren't that sure of ourselves, but the more we grow up and learn new things, the less a 'God' is needed.

I just find it unlikely our first impressions of 'God' are accurate, and that if we learned what made the big bang... bang, then more romance and mystery would be lost. That's one of the great ironies: Science observes and explains God's work, and religions deny each new discovery at every juncture.
the only thing "god" can be is nature. the only possible explaination. some will say "the will of man" but i have a problem with that as far as how the "will of man" got us here.

the "will of man", "soul", and "human spirit" probably mean the same thing in this context.

i have not seen any evidence of the supernatural.

so, what is god? good luck in finding the answer for people have been looking for it since the begining of time.
i take back my previous statement....no statement can be made about G-d that starts with "G-d is" and end having said anything meaningful.

my new answer is: i do not know, but hope that i DO know at some juncture in the future of my existence.
"complete insanity"

did none of you religious lot understand the original question.
For believers and nonbelievers-

Describe to me the concept of the term 'God' as abstractly as possible, without bringing any religious or scientific ideas into your interpretation.
just mentioning the word god makes it religious,


1. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
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Xerxes said:
For believers and nonbelievers-

Describe to me the concept of the term 'God' as abstractly as possible, without bringing any religious or scientific ideas into your interpretation.

You are both god and heaven.
Your ego is just a joke
god needs to find heaven.

(or, Your ego is a joke that god has to get to be heaven)

-- god+heaven
Xerxes said:
For believers and nonbelievers-

Describe to me the concept of the term 'God' as abstractly as possible, without bringing any religious or scientific ideas into your interpretation.

I am.

That's about as abstract as it gets without bringing any religious or scientific ideas into your interpretation.
Xerxes said:
For believers and nonbelievers-

Describe to me the concept of the term 'God' as abstractly as possible, without bringing any religious or scientific ideas into your interpretation.

A continuous-event wave front verging on the inevitable - mitigated by the focused attention of adherent wholar.

Euler is my Hero said:
God is an explanation for all the physical "truths" that I (or science) can't explain.
read the original question again!

and could you show a physical truth that is impossible for science to explain, and then why a god did it fantasy sceniario, does explain it.
oh and welcome to sciforums.
The problem is. What caused god ? Who created god ?

believe that there is somthing out there, but i wouldn't call it a God. It's simple a natural force that causes things to happen without decision or choice, but works more like a chemical reaction. The right conditions cause a certain outcome.
Describe to me the concept of the term 'God' as abstractly as possible, without bringing any religious or scientific ideas into your interpretation.

A small but yet significant part of men's mental evolution. Part of men's ingnorance to find explanation to his environment, the idea spawned out of fear, and a weapon to manipulate others.

Mythbuster said:
The problem is. What caused god ? Who created god ?

Nothing. God is the creator, the cause. A cause doesn't need to be caused. Every visible effect must have a cause. A cause cannot be visible.

If you were born on an island without parents or anyone else, you wouldn't know that you have been born, and you wouldn't know that you have die. We don't see our birth so we will never see our death. The self is eternal. Bodies die.

believe that there is somthing out there, but i wouldn't call it a God.

God is within us. At all times, in all religions, people have always been unconsciously praying to their higher self.

Jesus says:

I and my Father are one. - John 10:30

Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods? - John 10:34

He that hath seen me hath seen the Father - John 14:9

Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? - John 14:10

At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. - John 14:20

Paul says:

Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you - 2 Corinthians 13:5

And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. - Romans 8:10

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. - 1 Corinthians 12:12

God is the being and life. When this being, this existence, enters a human being, he recognizes it as the "self". This "self" exists in everything, and it is the only reason why anything exists. The self is nothing where everything radiates.
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c7ityi_ said:
Nothing. God is the creator, the cause. A cause doesn't need to be caused. Every visible effect must have a cause. A cause cannot be visible.

If you were born on an island without parents or anyone else, you wouldn't know that you have been born, and you wouldn't know that you have die. We don't see our birth so we will never see our death. The self is eternal. Bodies die.

God is within us. At all times, in all religions, people have always been unconsciously praying to their higher self.

Jesus says:

I and my Father are one. - John 10:30

Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods? - John 10:34

He that hath seen me hath seen the Father - John 14:9

Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? - John 14:10

At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. - John 14:20

Paul says:

Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you - 2 Corinthians 13:5

And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. - Romans 8:10

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. - 1 Corinthians 12:12

God is the being and life. When this being, this existence, enters a human being, he recognizes it as the "self". This "self" exists in everything, and it is the only reason why anything exists. The self is nothing where everything radiates.

Just because you say so ? :D

If you say that everything needs a cause and so there must be a cause for the beginning of the universe, then what caused God? And if you say that God is the first cause and nothing caused Him, then why not just say that the universe itself is the first cause and nothing caused it? Postulating a God is both unhelpful and unnecessary.

I very much dislike having religious jargon thrown in my face. :rolleyes:

Natural forces like cold temperature & magnetism cannot be seen. :p Your god is too weak compared to natural force that causes things to happen without decision or choice.
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