
There is no evidence in the world of a higher power, right?

Proof? Yeah there is. You just have to speculate on it. I mean we have proof that a Jesus Christ might have existed.

If God exists, does He disprove quantum mechanics?

Sicence is the way that God made the universe.

Do any of you who believe in God fear Him? Or fear going to Hell from a lack of faith?

Id only fear God if I was on his bad side.

Why is it so readily acceptable by so many people to accept a slave relationship with a power that I have yet to see be proven to exist?

Im sorry? Slave? I dont understand.

I have heard theists argue that the reason God is not evident is because this world is a sort of test for humans, to see whether or not they have faith, or something to that effect. Why, though, would God impose such a counterintuitive test that goes against our very instincts (if I may call curiosity and the desire to learn an instinct)?

Tests arent easy. I remember taking the Cisco exam for the first time (I never tried networking again after that). Everytime you get a right answer on the exam the next question becomes harder. And vice versa. Life isnt easy. Maybe it is a test.

Finally, what is the point of believing in God?

Youll understand once you start to believe.
Im sorry? Slave? I dont understand.

Slave. Hey, you submit to the motherfucker on your quivering knees in absolute terror of his wrath, that kinda makes you his slave.

Why do many religions attribute very human characteristics to their deities?

Read "The Future of an Illusion" by Sigmund Freud. God is a father figure.
Slave. Hey, you submit to the motherfucker on your quivering knees in absolute terror of his wrath, that kinda makes you his slave.


I dont submit to God. God is my friend. God loves me. God would not hurt me. Im not his slave. If he wanted humans as slaves then why arent you bowing down to him to?
If he wanted humans as slaves then why arent you bowing down to him to?

Well, first because there's nothing to bow down to.

Second and more important, I don't bow down to anything.

Coffee...what happened to you? You're different.
Second and more important, I don't bow down to anything.

I know. Your a proud woman, thats what I like about you.

Coffee...what happened to you? You're different.

Ub... I dont know. I feel the same. I just have more opinions then I used to. Maybe its the God thing... Is it the God thing?

Please don't turn into...into...into one of them.

*Xev is scared*

Xev Im the same ol' Coffee. Im just going to force my beliefs on you now. Trust Jesus, he loves you and he is your savior you stupard atheist clown. Child you dont know what your talking about.:p

No really. Same ol' me. Just the belief in the higher power now.
God has revealed himself as a Father, and as the creator of life, we are all his children. It's a way of defining our relationship with God. The same with Jesus. He is another side of God through whom we identify with God. Jesus is the only son of God, but we have become part of His body by death (of which Holy Communion is a reminder). The Holy Spirit has been given as interecessor to us, and as witness, like an interface. Therefore God is also with us. God is our everything.

That doesn't mean we have become brainless robots, has it Coffee? Belief is something given to us by and practised though Jesus. It is not a suspension of disbelief that you have to keep up or fail. God wants us to search for Him. He created us that way.

Acts 17:24"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 26From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28'For in him we live and move and have our being.'
The existence of God is a premise. Not even the Bible tries to prove God. It merely says: "A fool says there is no God". What saves us is the acknowledgement of sin and acceptance of Jesus' resurrection.

Jaguar, when your master himself says you are free, how does that still make you a slave? We stay faithful to Him because we know He is loving and just, and most importantly, because He has adopted us as his children. Is a child a slave to his parents if they love eacch other? As I said to Xev, our wills are bound to freedom by love, and freed from oppression by the same love.

Life is exactly what you are rejecting, by rejecting Jesus who gives life. This life we entered as children, without having a choice, but the next we enter as adults who have made a choice.
The words 'son of' in Biblical times were often used to indicate legal biological relationships. If a King's wife could not have children, and she had a child with another man who became heir to the throne, he was also a 'son'.

Jesus is God's only legal son, but as God created Adam - in terms of 'being created by', where are also sons of God. The angels are also called the sons of God. By the same relation, we can also be called 'gods' (but that is used by David praising God for our creation, not for exalting our importance.)

Your biological father is evident, but say you renounced him, and he adopted another child. The other child would have more of a father-child relationship than you would have, and in legal terms, hereditary rights. Remember the story of Cain and Abel? Cain sold his rights as firstborn for a bowl of soup, because that was more important to him than his inheritance. The Jews sold there claim as chosen people by rejecting Jesus as their king. And now the world is selling their rights to inheriting eternal life by rejecting God. It is there for you to claim, but you must decide what your priorities are - instant gratification, or eventual inheritance.

The patterns aren't merely coincidences. They are warnings and reminders. The Bible is full of them, so that we don't make decisions out of ignorance of the past.
Well, first because there's nothing to bow down to.

alah who create us and give us the mind to think till we reach this stage of science
doesnt god desert bow down to him?
sure coz he created us and we are all his slave wether u like it or not!
so there s nothing at all make u shame when u bow down of god
we moslims bow down and butting our forhead on the floor only for god and we r proud of that!!!!
Jaguar, when your master himself says you are free, how does that still make you a slave? We stay faithful to Him because we know He is loving and just, and most importantly, because He has adopted us as his children. Is a child a slave to his parents if they love eacch other? As I said to Xev, our wills are bound to freedom by love, and freed from oppression by the same love.

Doesn't having a master make you ipso facto a slave?

In any case, it's irrelevent because there is absolutely no evidence for the existance of God.
Ahem, neither is there any evidence that a god doesn't exist. Neither is there any point in debating whether there is one or not.:m:

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
This does not prove that God exists, nor is it any evidence of Him. Please explain what you mean by "you just have to speculate on it."

Think about it. Thats what I meant.

There is no evidence of this, since there is no evidence of God.

SO your saying that there is no science?

Many would consider you an infidel for not fearing Him

You dont have to fear God. I dont see the point in fearing something that wont hurt you.

God is your master, right? That makes you His slave. If he ever came to you in a vision or whatever and told you to do something, would you do it?

Okay if you want to look at it that way. You are a slave of satan. You do his bidding. You spread lies about God and Jesus. So if Im a slave, your one to.

Yet, life is one test that we do not have the free will to reject.

Yeah you do. Go kill yourself. You would of failed though.


Please educate and learn their concepts as of now, dont take theird word as if they are telling the truth..Beware of their teaching..But educate yourself and be strong..I can terminate their words anytime, but I want you to do it instead..

Please educate and learn their concepts as of now, dont take theird word as if they are telling the truth..Beware of their teaching..But educate yourself and be strong..I can terminate their words anytime, but I want you to do it instead..

lmao! "I can terminate their words anytime" haha!

ter·mi·nate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tûrm-nt)
v. ter·mi·nat·ed, ter·mi·nat·ing, ter·mi·nates
v. tr.
To bring to an end or halt: “His action terminated the most hopeful period of reform in Prussian history” (Gordon A. Craig).
To occur at or form the end of; conclude or finish: a display of fireworks that terminated the festivities.
To discontinue the employment of; dismiss: a company that terminated 300 workers.

As you can see, you cannot 'terminate our words'. I guess grammar isn't part of the Bible's teachings.
Okay if you want to look at it that way. You are a slave of satan. You do his bidding. You spread lies about God and Jesus. So if Im a slave, your one to.

For the record, since Satan is associated with libertinage and sadism, he'd likely be a better choice for master.

*Hums "Slave to Evil" by Wumpscut*

Life is exactly what you are rejecting, by rejecting Jesus who gives life.

I reject Christianity, which is the despising of this life for a nonexistant after life.
I reject Christianity, a religion of hair shirted celibates.
I reject Christianity, a religion of war against nobility and pride.
I reject Christianity, which despises the body.
I reject Christianity, which despises pleasure.
I reject Christianity, which despises science and beauty.
I reject Christianity, which despises the highest effort of man.

In doing so, I affirm life, pleasure and the highest of mankind. I reject every priest who would break the soul of man under the power of their dead God. I reject every tenet that would have a free man broken to the power of the dead God you call master. I reject everything that would militate against the sublime and powerfull in man.

I affirm life.