God will not protect people from poisonous plant products.


Registered Senior Member
God said seeded fruit is food. If you believe God, eat toxic fruit and try to live.

Genesis 1:29, God said fruit with seeds is food. So, if you believe in God, eat known toxic fruit and see if God lied.

Got the breath of life? God said every green plant is food.

Genesis 1:30, God said every green plant is food for anything with the breath of life in it. So breathing people believing in God, put green leaves from white sap houseplants in your salad and see how long you live. If you die, God lied to you.

Warning, following the Holy Bible might kill you. Yes, if you eat specific green plants and specific seeded fruits, God will not protect you from a painful death. However, it is inherently interesting to see how many Bible pushers will realistically disregard Department of Health and Department of Agriculture warnings about toxic greens and toxic fruits because they believe undoubtedly that their God is always right.

It is an important leap of faith for suicidal saints to succumb to God's suggestions and avoid common sense by eating unedible plant products. How many of you will believe God and eat your houseplants with white sap, your seed pods from toxic plants, and so on and so forth?

Do you believe in God enough to justify feeding your houseplant leaves to your kids? If so, your devotion to God supersedes your love for your own kids.

Go ahead. Feast on all greenery. God said it is all food.

GodLied : God lied, father.

Priest : No Son, God did not lie.

GodLied : This poisonous fruit also has seeds, father.

Priest : No i don't believe that God lied. Can you prove that.?

GodLied : God lied. God lied. God lied. *eats the fruit and dies*

Priest : *Prays* Oh Lord, thanks for your grace for keeping creatures, like this boy, with such miserably less immunity & brain so long from death so far. Amen.

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Jenyar the evolutionist?

Originally posted by Jenyar
They were in the garden of Eden at the time, and nothing was poisonous.

According to Genesis, God made everything. If poisonous plants arose without God's manufacturing them, they evolved from what God made. To suggest evolution is to debunk creationism. Your comment suggests you support Darwinism. Because you push for the existence of God, you might think of yourself as a Creationist. Do you suffer from multiple personality disorder; or, do you use anti-Bible theories to compensate for illogical considerations of the Holy Bible?

Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
God didn’t lie, he just omitted certain truths.

Errors by ommission are misrepresentations of fact. Such falsehoods are lies.

Everneo, I know God lied. However, pious people persistently disagree. Those persons might find eternal answers to disprove their perspective by consuming what God said is food. Improper food selection will undoubtedly result in death. Such death of all bible pushers would prevent Judgement Day and rapidly depopulate our planet while employing farmers.

If you choose to test your faith in God, eat homemade castor butter by bashing castor beans into a paste. Ricin, the toxin from castor beans, is cumulative. Eat a cup of castor butter daily and death may become you in less than 30 days.


Originally posted by everneo
GodLied : God lied, father.

Priest : No Son, God did not lie.

GodLied : This poisonous fruit also has seeds, father.

Priest : No i don't believe that God lied. Can you prove that.?

GodLied : God lied. God lied. God lied. *eats the fruit and dies*

Priest : *Prays* Oh Lord, thanks for your grace for keeping creatures, like this boy, with such miserably less immunity & brain so long from death so far. Amen.

Originally posted by GodLied
If you choose to test your faith in God, eat homemade castor butter by bashing castor beans into a paste. Ricin, the toxin from castor beans, is cumulative. Eat a cup of castor butter daily and death may become you in less than 30 days.
I can choose my food and God won't be angry for that. I am not particularly fond of castor beans or its paste; that too to take for, as you said, 30 days. I have other familiar tasty food in abundance.

Your testing procedure is highly doubtful. Lethality of ricin greatly reduces when ingested due to poor absorption. To have sufficient lethality atleast 30 micro grams of pure ricin is needed. Your paste whould be a bucketful in that case for each day, if anyone had a particular taste for that.

There is an old saying "If gone beyond limit even the nectar becomes a poison ; If given in proper dose cobra's venom could become a medicine". God knows what the hell he says and to what extent the human creatures would follow it.

Are you fond of quoting from bible, then tell me how long Adam and his immediate descendants lived and our current upper age limit of life.? why this difference. research bible and tell me your discoveries.
god said that before he casted adam and eve out of eden and made it so that they ate meat as well. maybe their digestive systems and immunities were different back then, and maybe eden didnt have any toxins, the animals didn't kill each other in eden, and also somewhere(when i get home i will find it for you) it says god created something like tiny bugs or something in the ground, something that wasnt there before. maybe that was bacteria and disease that prevented adam and eve from dying in eden? take whatever i said with a grain of salt, i need to look this up, i'm not sure if whatever i said was exact, or completley true, or something i misread. but like i said when i get home from school i'll look it up in my handy dandy bible and post another reply.
ricin, sap, 120 years

Yes, you have free will. We all do.

I never knew the dosage of ricin in castor beans; however, I do know that it is cumulatively fatal. I also know that our bodies produce antibodies to ricin. It is not known if a person may become immune to ricin with time. Furthermore, it is unsafe to make one's own castor oil because of the risk of ricin contamination. Therefore, it is but a religious test of God to eat home made castor bean products daily.

White sap plants are known to be toxic. Incorporating that in one's diet might send one to the morgue faster than castor products. Warnings have noted emergency room visits by children that accidentally experimented with eating leaves from white sapped house plants. As far as I can recall, no bug or beast ever consumed leaves of a rubber tree we had. That plant had white sap.

I do not know the ingestible toxicity of poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac. However, I am familiar with the skin toxicity to some people. I am not allergic to poison ivy.

Lives of imaginary charachters are in your bible. The length of life for man in the Holy Bible is 120 years. People in pollution free environments have lived longer. By exceeding the life God gave man, some people disprove God. Smokers, drinkers, goofballs, and drug abusers live much shorter lives. Advances in medicine and lack of natural selection by health characteristics allows for propogation of some undesirable qualities such as genes for genetic diseases, disorders and dysfunctions. Various factors alter the lifetime of an individual.

If God knows what he says, why do you not drink a cup of white sap from your choice of green leafed white sap house plant? Less is needed to send children to an emergency room. No idea if a cup will send most people to an emergency room. However, a cup of sap is more than one will get from munching on a leaf.


Originally posted by everneo
I can choose my food and God won't be angry for that. I am not particularly fond of castor beans or its paste; that too to take for, as you said, 30 days. I have other familiar tasty food in abundance.

Your testing procedure is highly doubtful. Lethality of ricin greatly reduces when ingested due to poor absorption. To have sufficient lethality atleast 30 micro grams of pure ricin is needed. Your paste whould be a bucketful in that case for each day, if anyone had a particular taste for that.

There is an old saying "If gone beyond limit even the nectar becomes a poison ; If given in proper dose cobra's venom could become a medicine". God knows what the hell he says and to what extent the human creatures would follow it.

Are you fond of quoting from bible, then tell me how long Adam and his immediate descendants lived and our current upper age limit of life.? why this difference. research bible and tell me your discoveries.
Digestion and indigestion

Try feeding red meat to a real vegetarian. Pork or beef might upset their stomach.

Avoid milk for two months. Drink 2% milk. Get used to it for 1 month. Try drinking skim milk. Yuck?! Abstain from milk for two months. Try the reverse. Now 2% milk is too creamy.

If Adam and Eve were true vegetarians before God was pissed off at them, they might have had an upset stomach the first time they ate meat.

In the case of non-human animals, some cannot be vegetarians: vegetables do not contain certain substances necessary for healthy bodily function. Cats are an example. That is why cats could not have been vegetarians in Eden.

Oh, at least one plant in South America and/or Central America eats meat. Other plants eat insects.


Originally posted by OverTheStars
god said that before he casted adam and eve out of eden and made it so that they ate meat as well. maybe their digestive systems and immunities were different back then, and maybe eden didnt have any toxins, the animals didn't kill each other in eden, and also somewhere(when i get home i will find it for you) it says god created something like tiny bugs or something in the ground, something that wasnt there before. maybe that was bacteria and disease that prevented adam and eve from dying in eden? take whatever i said with a grain of salt, i need to look this up, i'm not sure if whatever i said was exact, or completley true, or something i misread. but like i said when i get home from school i'll look it up in my handy dandy bible and post another reply.
Re: ricin, sap, 120 years

Originally posted by GodLied
I am not allergic to poison ivy.
Drew Barrymore is harmless chick, you can do that, but watch your back.:D

Lives of imaginary charachters are in your bible. The length of life for man in the Holy Bible is 120 years.
Great research.!?
Then remove white sap house plants, castor beans and paste from that imaginary list of green plants. 120 years is too short for Adam and his immediate descendants, i think. You won't lie as God.

why do you not drink a cup of white sap from your choice of green leafed white sap house plant?
Thanks for the hospitality. But, excuse me, i would prefer goat/cow milk instead.
However, a cup of sap is more than one will get from munching on a leaf.
Munching is great idea. Few bites would be enough to discard it. Before i consider munching, would you please lend me your tails,horns and hooves, please.
Re: Re: ricin, sap, 120 years

A recent magazine cover suggested humans will exceed the biblical limit of life by 30 years. When that happens, God's word that limits lifespans to 120 years will show without shadow of a doubt that God is a mythical imaginary friend to many. Neither does God exist nor does he know botony, astronomy, geophysics, astrophysics, and consistency with his own principles.

Reread your Holy Bible. God limited the life of man to 120 years. That limit was not given to Adam and Eve. If you want the lifetimes of those who were not subject to the 120 year lifespan, read your Bible.

There are adult schools to help improve your reading comprehension and other literacy skills.

Clearly a list of tangible plants which may be found on this planet is not filled with imaginary plants. Your consideration of them as imaginary suggests you are ignorant of botany as much as God. Only education can correct your deficiency. Educate yourself to cure the condition.

Your consideration to eat leaves from white sapped house plants to prove existence of your god is a self-destructive one. It may result in health complications. Depending on your weight, the amount you eat will have a different effect. Intentionally feeding it to a pet, child or elderly person might result in jail time. Eating it yourself may be considered suicidal. You may benefit from consulting a counselor to prevent your self-inflicted demise.


Originally posted by everneo
Then remove white sap house plants, castor beans and paste from that imaginary list of green plants. ...
Munching is great idea. Few bites would be enough to discard it.
The truth is that GOD never said anything so GOD could not have lied. Your argument is with which ever person wrote what you read.
Churches claim the Holy Bible to be the word of God. Therefore, God lied.


Originally posted by candy
The truth is that GOD never said anything so GOD could not have lied. Your argument is with which ever person wrote what you read.
A recent magazine cover suggested humans will exceed the biblical limit of life by 30 years. When that happens, God's word that limits lifespans to 120 years will show without shadow of a doubt that God is a mythical imaginary friend to many.

What if that doesn't happen? What then? Would that turn you into a believer?
Re: Re: Re: ricin, sap, 120 years

Originally posted by GodLied
Neither does God exist nor does he know botony, astronomy, geophysics, astrophysics, and consistency with his own principles.
Then, nor did he lie. You keep on saying God lied, GodLied. This is a symptom of severe depression.

There are adult schools to help improve your reading comprehension and other literacy skills.
I don't need to use any of those skills when reading your pissed off posts.

Clearly a list of tangible plants which may be found on this planet is not filled with imaginary plants. Your consideration of them as imaginary suggests you are ignorant of botany as much as God.
I asked you to check the list of plants that were available at that 'imaginary' place where the 'imaginary' characters were told by the 'imaginary' God. What is the problem for you to look for an 'imaginary' plant list then.? not convinient for your stupid logic.? forgot what you uttered earlier : "Lives of imaginary charachters are in your bible" ?

Only education can correct your deficiency. Educate yourself to cure the condition.
Not necessarily, you educated idot. You don't know about my educational qualifications.

Your consideration to eat leaves from white sapped house plants to prove existence of your god is a self-destructive one.
Read again. I will consider only after getting those horns,tails and hooves, are you not yet ready to lend.? :p