God vs Satan

Surely the devil is the personification of pure evil and pure evil is choas (in my mind at least) and chaos could not create or be the world/universe in which we live. There must be something stable/good that created everything.
What's wrong with chaos? If our universe is chaotic then that means it's up to you to make your life bearable. Up to the challenge?

I understand that your not attacking my beliefs, it was the "faith makes you ignorant" statement that upset me.

And I notice there was no reply to my dictator remark. I'm not stating this as the truth. Simply an interesting thought... You understand my premise right? What if Satan DID take over heaven, and has been passing himself of as God ever since. This explains all the atrocities atrributed to religion... And I still don't see why satan is so bad for offering a bite from the tree of knowledge... What is so wrong with knowledge? Learning for yourself? God offerend blissful ignorance, Satan offered the truth...

I must of skipped over that part, replying to two people at the same time is difficult ya know?

I always say that you should learn the truth for yourself, but what your saying is that God is a power hungry dictator that wants to throw every man, woman, and child into a firey hell for all eternity. I think that this is wrong. And yes it is a possibility and the thought has crossed my mind that maybe God is Satan and Satan is God. So I understand that more then you know.

God created hell and put Satan in it... And he's the one who put ALL it's inhabitants there

Yes, for being evil.

How do you know? The bible? In your words "Don't believe everything you read"

Yeah dont believe everything you read. But what you read is the truth sometimes. Its like this with the bible; it's 2,000 years old. If Im going to read that book I need to realise that it was made in a time that is completely different from ours. Its from an old world, not the current one. It also has been translated again and again, misread, and Im sure that the bible might be missing a few pages/chapters. Thats why you have to figure out the truth for yourself.

I don't believe any of it... But the same should apply to you, you are trusting Satan is bad from a book inspired by God, his professed enemy...

Maybe Im wrong on this part. GOd does not hate, God only loves. He doesnt hate satan, read your bible (I know even thought your a atheist that you have one somewhere). He still loves satan, its just somethng that we cant understand and shouldnt understand. Whatever it is between them Im sure that they have figured it out by now, that would explain why I havent seen Satan/God walking around in Eden lately.

What's wrong with chaos? If our universe is chaotic then that means it's up to you to make your life bearable. Up to the challenge?

Actually the universe is not chaotic. If Im correct Ive heard scientist after scientist say "There is a method to the madness." With science everything is suppose to make sense. Some science is just beyond us, the theory of everything.

Notme2000, you have good ideas, just read your bible some more to understand it so that you can come back here and debate me to where you piss me off because I might be wrong.

All of these arguments and thoughts are [cannot think of the word :mad: ]. An infinite number of 'what if's, how's,why's' and scenarios could be found but until anyone understands the nature of God or even if he exists then its all pointless. It should be suggested that people actually live their lives and look around to try to see if God is in fact there and then get to know God, before moving onto thoughts of complexity:
notme2000:What if Satan DID take over heaven
This assumes the existence of heaven which must surely be taken from an established religion. One does not choose religion but merely uses the mind to discover what they believe. That persons religion is then decided. As such if an individual has thought about many things during their life and has come to the conclusion that God did in fact make the pig a sacred animal, and the person matches all of the other Jewish beliefs then the person is Jewish. If a child of a Jew does not beleive what the Jewish religion teaches then that child is not a Jew (despite the fact that they may have been accepted through ceremony and parade themselves as one!)
No person can ever be forced to beleive something. Anything can be done to them and they may even renounce their own beliefs aloud but if they do not beleive then they do not beleive. No-one can force another to accept and truly believe that God made a pig a sacred animal: even if they claim to beleive it. This is true for every religious belief. If they do not believe then they do not believe and religion is based upon beliefs.
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Coffee, good points
Notme2000, you have good ideas, just read your bible some more to understand it so that you can come back here and debate me to where you piss me off because I might be wrong.
You may be wrong! I may be too. Granted, the idea's I'm throwing out right now are EXTRA likely to being wrong, but someone's got to ask the question, right?

A new question then... If God created all, did he create Satan? And also, is Satan (if he IS evil) really being punnished by being given controll over hell?

You may be wrong! I may be too. Granted, the idea's I'm throwing out right now are EXTRA likely to being wrong, but someone's got to ask the question, right?

We could all be wrong! For all we know George Bush is God! Ahhh!!! Now that would be awful, but would explain so much!

A new question then... If God created all, did he create Satan? And also, is Satan (if he IS evil) really being punnished by being given controll over hell?

Yes God created Lucifer. Lucifer was the most pretty angel that you have ever seen. But was jealous because God favored man over angels. So Lucifer led a rebelion against him (Somebody should make a movie outta that, probably piss people off).

Satan had control over all those evil angels that were against God. So my assumption is that when they all got put in hell they were like "Hey Lou, why dont you be in charge of this place?" And his responce was "Yeah sure."
