God vs free will.

Did we and you know this how! Is there, if there is it never came for the biblical god, I would, because you will be tripping over yourself pretty soon.
I was going to sleep, I was falling over my own feet. The development of freewill is an evolutionary thing, it wasn't God given, but we took it upon our selves as I read Genesis. We went along this evolutionary track. There is a debate going on in the US discussing this very thing, are we going to do good or evil. The story in Genesis has not stopped. Evolution has not stopped so our ability to determine Good and Evil might be improving generation by generation. Hence becoming even more God-like with time. It didn't all happen in one moment.
Jesus was about as popular to the political/religious authorities in Israel those days as Edward Snowden is in the USA today. It was only a matter of time before Jesus was turned in by one of his followers.
Whether it was Judus' freewill to do this, I don't doubt a bit. He made the choice to do the things that the authorities requested, he was actually being the model citizen doing what he was asked to do.

Would you turn in Edward Snowden in? Are you the modern day Judas? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Snowden
Nice attempt at changing the subject.

IF you believe the Bible
THEN Judas' actions were REQUIRED to complete the whole Lamb of God/Passover Sacrifice scenario. (The entire reason for Jesus' coming - to be the blood sacrifice that washes our sins away.)
Nice attempt at changing the subject.

IF you believe the Bible
THEN Judas' actions were REQUIRED to complete the whole Lamb of God/Passover Sacrifice scenario. (The entire reason for Jesus' coming - to be the blood sacrifice that washes our sins away.)
I loved writing VB macros too. Logical thinking was required or else the project got totally messed around.
So thanks for that memory lane experience.

Someone would have betrayed Jesus , that year or some time down the track, but it didn't have to be Judas. In fact sometimes I wonder if the church hasn't been pointing the finger at the wrong guy!