God versus ET

Wait wasn't ross perot an independent candidate? Am i mistaken? I don't think He ran for either partys nomination.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You are right. You said "the elites," so I did not know we were limiting the scope of this to the Republican party's nomination. I thought we were talking about the general election (even not getting the nomination, the candidate could break rank and run anyway--it has happened before).
I came in a bit late but I would like to see Jesus VS Mothra. That would be awesome. Jesus could have like an army that is shooting at Mothra and everytime someone died, Jesus could revieve them. And the army wouldn't need any supplies cause Jesus could feed them fish and wine all day long. It would be like a big party, everybody shooting at Mothra eating fish, drinking wine, dying and coming back to life.

Sounds like a nice video game that religious people might like.
You are right. You said "the elites," so I did not know we were limiting the scope of this to the Republican party's nomination. I thought we were talking about the general election (even not getting the nomination, the candidate could break rank and run anyway--it has happened before).

I never said the elites where limited to the republican party. My reply was to show a clear difference between ross perot and ron paul.

I find it funny that the republicans are promoting a mormon as their presidential candidate. The vast majority of the american christians i talk to on forums view mormonisim as a cult, they would just as likely vote for the ayatollah of iran. But maybe the elites want a obama second term, maybe they are organising a mormon on the republican ticket to ensure their preferred puppet gets another run.

All Praise The Ancient of Days