God: The Proof

I don't see how this is absurd; the fact is I CANNOT PROVE your existence! But, that doesn't mean either way that you do/don't exist. For practical purposes, I will assume you exist, but that doesn't mean that you truly do. No offence, but I see why it's that hard to doubt your existence

I don't doubt my existence. But I can't prove it to anyone. As I understand it, that's how a good many born-again Christians, at least, feel about God.

They do feel like that about god. And I'm asking why? I can assert own existence a priori, but how can you assert god's existence a priori? My beef is that they have not yet given any argument in favor of this. Except the ontological argument, which seems to be simply playing around with language ;).
Now GB GIL, i realize that, i was trying to make a point:) You see, the sky is only considered blue because the appearance of that color has been labeled it and of course been accepted by the general populace. Since the most part of the world accepts a form of God in one way or another, how come the sky can still be called blue because it is accepted, and there be no God, even though He is accepted also. I'm not offering this as proof, just trying to get you to think a little more before you ask general questions *like i realize i did*, and make vague statements.
Finally the proof that God is real!
Note: I may come off sounding like a raving maniac.

I have the proof that God does exist.

Ive heard whatsupmuscle ask "Show me proof of King Henry!" Well, it seems a bit stupid to be asking that, considering that he's all over the history books. But if you take it into consideration you cant really prove that he does exist. But he does. How do we know this? Simple; King Henry's effects are still around today. He did certain things in the past that have affected our present and the future. Thats how we know that he exist. Now instead of it being King Henry lets replace him with God!

God is all over the history book for one. And in a book thats very old, the bible. Well, how do you prove that God exist? Simple. His effects are still seen today. Step outside and look at that sunshine, he made the sun. Breath in some of that wonderful air! He made that air. You call it the big bang, I call it one of Gods effects. You call it evolution, I call it one of Gods effects. God sets things in motion and effects are a result. Sorta like throwing a bowling ball into some pins, some of the pins knock other pins down, the ball didnt necessarily touch them. Cause and effect. Simple... or did it just come off counfusing?
Counsler, that's all well and good, but consider this.

I write a book about a fuzzy pink elephant named Ogd. I claim this book was written 2000 years ago, and that I discovered it in a cave. I write in the book that Ogd created the Sun and indeed the whole universe. By your logic, since Ogd's effects can still be seen (the sun is here), his existance has just been proven. This is obviously a very simple example, but I think you get my point.

How do you know you are proving the existance of someone who really did live at one time rather than a fictional character of a novel written 2000 years ago?
narrow minded atheists talking to another narrow minded atheists; you guys need education...

Thats ALL the argument you can ever gather, giant purple squid monkey and fuzzy pink elephants...When will you kids grow up? Will you ever grow up? Noone made that claim, and noone believed that claim is real...(maybe kids and retards)...
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whatsupyall - to call the people narrowminded and claim that they need education just shows that you truly are the one in need of learning. The reference to pink elephants is just an example used by atheists to show the absurdity of believing in things that cannot be proven. And to say that only children would believe in pink elephants....I would for the most part agree with that, but then how come so many adults believe in the pink elephant known as god when this being has just as much basis in reality as the pink elephant?
will you grace us with your understanding of god whatsupyall, or do you only like to comment on other's ideas?
How do you know you are proving the existance of someone who really did live at one time rather than a fictional character of a novel written 2000 years ago?

I never said that he lived and I used the bible as an example.

God is by no means a character in a novel written 2000 years ago. I said that God made the sun and the air, God made the big bang happen. God made evolution happen when he caused the big bang. I never said that God did all those things in the bible, God merely caused one event that led to another and another and another.....
Novel?? The bible is a novel??? I'm not sure if it fits that genre...more like miscellaneous....

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
"God is by no means a character in a novel written 2000 years ago. I said that God made the sun and the air, God made the big bang happen. God made evolution happen when he caused the big bang. I never said that God did all those things in the bible, God merely caused one event that led to another and another and another....."

Assuming he ever existed at all. You're trying to argue that because the universe exists, and because a book says God created the universe, that the book is automatically true and that God did indeed do what that book says. You can't call this proof.
Counselorcoffee, beware of their words, watch out because they dont always tell the truth, they are like wolves seeking for prey, just becarefull your not the prey...They sure cant mess with me, Im the Lion, Ill tear them all apart...So they dont mess with me...

If they are skeptic, you be skeptic too, if they ask for proof, ask them for proof too...Two can play the same game...
Originally posted by bobbobbins
And to say that only children would believe in pink elephants....I would for the most part agree with that, but then how come so many adults believe in the pink elephant known as god when this being has just as much basis in reality as the pink elephant?

You said there is just as much basis in reality of Good as the pink fuzzy elephant? Well then you have no escape in answerng these...How many are those concvinced that fuzzy pink elephants exist? Billions like those who believe in God? What has the fuzzy pink elephant have done on earth? Has it done any miracles? Any healing under its name? How many claimed of these? Millions as those to God? And if there is, is there any scientific investigations done to it as the healings of God? Is there any historical location of fuzzy pink elephants? If so where? What is the point of believing in Fuzzy pink elephants? Does it have any teaching? If so is it effective and usefull? Is it like the moral virtues, in which is very effective for world governing...

A pink fuzzy elephant
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
Finally the proof that God is real!
Note: I may come off sounding like a raving maniac.

I have the proof that God does exist.

Ive heard whatsupmuscle ask "Show me proof of King Henry!" Well, it seems a bit stupid to be asking that, considering that he's all over the history books. But if you take it into consideration you cant really prove that he does exist. But he does. How do we know this? Simple; King Henry's effects are still around today. He did certain things in the past that have affected our present and the future. Thats how we know that he exist. Now instead of it being King Henry lets replace him with God!

God is all over the history book for one. And in a book thats very old, the bible. Well, how do you prove that God exist? Simple. His effects are still seen today. Step outside and look at that sunshine, he made the sun. Breath in some of that wonderful air! He made that air. You call it the big bang, I call it one of Gods effects. You call it evolution, I call it one of Gods effects. God sets things in motion and effects are a result. Sorta like throwing a bowling ball into some pins, some of the pins knock other pins down, the ball didnt necessarily touch them. Cause and effect. Simple... or did it just come off counfusing?

the problem with this approach is that most historical sources are generally in agreement about the existence, actions, etc of King Henry. For the existence of God there are many different books and sources, which all tell a different story. The problem is that they can't all be right. Therefore they are all wrong or just one is right. Now it is up to you again to proof which story is right, or even if there is one that is right. Maybe they are all not real.

Strange Mutants - They all look alike!

Does life suck because ceasing to exist after it is a factor? I don't believe it has to be.

Alot of people believe we are nothing more then germs which grew from the ocean or some such bull as that. Or maybe a germ from the air, right?

Why not? This is what it comes down to.

Why are we not monkeys? Why are we not spermacells which sprouted from the ocean as tadpoles grew legs and walked onto the land? Because stupid.

If we were doing it back then, wouldn't we still be walking out of the ocean right now? If you say, "there ARE things walking out of the ocean 'RIGHT NOW'." I'm gonna whap ya. Know why?

The stages would be too many, there would be more mutant type creatures walking around. Think about it. Half monkey people that are catching up on the evolution process because the air or the ocean sprouted them up a little late.

How can such complex creatures as we come from matter which holds no such complex properties? -YFI(s)

If we get rid of the germ theory the ocean theory/air theory. What's left?

ya! You got it. The God theory. Now have yourself a heart attack and die because another world waits for you beyond this one.
L8r peeps.

---What's it like to die? Try this link!!!!!!!!