God the Planner

which is also remarkably close to the atheistic values of "no input" (from god) ... which leaves whose (remarkable) person, pleasures (and problems) to take the limelight?

(IOW there's an element of envy driving such things)

An impersonalist will have a hard time noticing things such as envy, or the intricacies of pleasure, or even their problems.

HDG once hilariously made the point about impersonal liberation - imagine radiating, for thousands and thousands of years, just radiating, no dancing, no food, no music, no friends, nothing, just standing there and radiating - wouldn't that be just awful.
All the shitty stuff in The Plan, why is it there? How does a paedophile raping a 4 year old figure into it?
How does being a pedophile or pedophile victim constitute the final last word of category for an eternal living entity?

Or even in a broader sense, how does taking on the position of any category within the material world (whether it be a fungus growth on the backside of a deep sea lobster or king of the world) constitute the final last word for a living entity?
How does being a pedophile or pedophile victim constitute the final last word of category for an eternal living entity?
Your qeustion is worded oddly and I don't quite understand it but... If a person suddenly proclaims to love Jesus and asks his sins be forgiven he has that chance at heaven.

Or even in a broader sense, how does taking on the position of any category within the material world (whether it be a fungus growth on the backside of a deep sea lobster or king of the world) constitute the final last word for a living entity?

Say what?
God wants to die? The reason is irrelevant but strange nonetheless. This is startling new information about God.

I could assemble an entire universe of warriors, scientists and intelligencia and not come close to killing God, yet it can be done by raping 4 year olds. Give me an army of paedophiles and say goodbye to God.

Can't I just get away from all this? Do I have to play along like this is normal?

The Gospel is new information about God...it is wonderfully strange, yes. By it, He reveals/teaches humanity what love and grace are and, also, that we are invited to participate fully in His experience.

No, you can't get away. "this" is the warp and woof of reality--HIS reality--that you are part of. You didn't ask to be part of it did you...but here you are. You've no choice but to play along.
Your qeustion is worded oddly and I don't quite understand it but... If a person suddenly proclaims to love Jesus and asks his sins be forgiven he has that chance at heaven.
If the actions follow such bold proclamations, sure.

Say what?
Try "how does a living entity occupying a material position (no matter whether it is deemed vastly grand or inconsequential or even wicked) - ie a position that is necessarily temporary - somehow infringe on the soundness a universal plan directed by an omni personality?"
The Gospel is new information about God...it is wonderfully strange, yes. By it, He reveals/teaches humanity what love and grace are and, also, that we are invited to participate fully in His experience.
It seems very odd that it would evolve as societies evolved. That it would FOLLOW society evolution rather than precede it.

No, you can't get away. "this" is the warp and woof of reality--HIS reality--that you are part of.
Do you use the word, "reality" in order to make it appear as though your claim is valid?
If this being is "Beyond science and measure, beyond our comprehension" how can you claim to know ANYTHING about "HIS reality?"

It is far more probable that you are projecting your wants of a deity.
After-all, the Judaic God has changed drastically from a very cruel, racist, jealous and wrathful God to an all encompassing loving forgiving God in a short amount of time... and done these changes AFTER society became more self aware and diverse and cultural influences interchanged as trade made the world grow smaller.
You didn't ask to be part of it did you...but here you are. You've no choice but to play along.
That we did not ask to be here is nonsense. None of us existed to ask prior to being here. This claim does not validate the idea that we were placed here intentionally by some omnipotent being.

If the actions follow such bold proclamations, sure.

However, many denominations see it as a work in progress. So a sinner will Always Sin- but must accept the love of Christ in order to combat committing a sin.
What this means is that a sinner that accepts Christ has died for his sins are absolved of his sins- even if he continues to make them. Because the love of Christ is supposed to help him overcome his desire to sin, even if he never quite stops sinning.

Which is strange considering that Christ taught repeatedly that it is by our actions and not our words that we choose our standing.
Christianity doesn't really follow his teachings, so much as whatever people project or invent or society develops as a more social course.
That evolution mentioned above at work.
Try "how does a living entity occupying a material position (no matter whether it is deemed vastly grand or inconsequential or even wicked) - ie a position that is necessarily temporary - somehow infringe on the soundness a universal plan directed by an omni personality?"

I'm still not sure what you're asking. You SEEM to be asking how a living thing having a material body could affect whether or not there is an omnipotent being with a Universal design.

The question still makes no sense.

Either way, it's well evidenced that everything about a persons character is a part of the physical brain. Alter that brain and that character can be changed. Alter it drastically and their character alters just as drastically. Destroy that brain and that character ceases to exist- since that which constituted it no longer functions.

Since believers place the ability for physical memory and experience of a Soul out of bounds to scientific testing, it's easy for them to validate that a soul exists without having to go through all the trouble of explaining how it works.
In spite of the very obvious conclusion that the physical brain is essential to a humans character and ability to exist.

Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
All the shitty stuff in The Plan, why is it there? How does a paedophile raping a 4 year old figure into it?

when you become god you'll understand, now run along and play with your friends..

i know it because i'm neither god nor his equivalent. are you?

First you tell me I'm not God and then you ask me if I am?