God:the early answer to a problem?

never encountered a dead bug before?

Any chance you could give me a brief list? I want to see how you define life, not go crawling around the garden looking for beetles. Am I asking for too much?
I agree. Religion is an early form of science. It was a best guess given that they didn't know about genetics, microorganisms, lightning, diseases, mental illness, and many other things we now know.

god (mind) causes everything and science (observation) explains how he does it.

The mechanism of life is clearly not a mystical process, but one that involves blind and unconscious chemical reactions.

if they were unconscious they would not do anything because consciousness causes will which is the only reason to do anything.
Any chance you could give me a brief list? I want to see how you define life, not go crawling around the garden looking for beetles. Am I asking for too much?
no need to go to the garden - you can probably find a few things in your house
just get something that is dead and something that is alive and observe them for a week.
Maybe you can submit your observations to new scientist and become famous and rich
Or.. you could just define it for me because I have asked for your definition, not mine. Am I asking too much of you? Are you unable to define it? Please try, it is important.
I might have a totally whacky definition, that's why I asked you to define life. Why have you linked me to someone elses definition of death?

Please, in your own words..
life is a well debated subject. overall, we could say it is to find out why we are here. then some are happy with toreproduce. it is a self discovery thing, like buddah.
I guess I don't have anything radical to offer on the subject

I haven't asked for anything radical. I haven't asked that you donate a kidney, I have simply asked for your definition of life.. What's the difficulty lg? :shrug:

Please.. whenever you're ready.
I haven't asked for anything radical. I haven't asked that you donate a kidney, I have simply asked for your definition of life.. What's the difficulty lg? :shrug:

Please.. whenever you're ready.
once again, it's not like I have to be a mad artist and stick my signature on everything.
I don't find any problems with the standard definitions of the state of death.
Do you?
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once again, it's not like I have to be a mad artist and stick my signature on everything.
I don't find any problems with the standard definitions of the state of death.
Do you?

He is asking for your definition of LIFE, not death..
the easiest way to check whether something has life is to check whether it is dead
I mean, that's generally what they do

What nonsense.. you mean a wooden chair has life ?

He asked you to define life because he wanted to see whether you would include artificial life or any other non-organic life in your definition, I think.
What nonsense.. you mean a wooden chair has life ?
I would have thought that a wooden chair would qualify as dead

He asked you to define life because he wanted to see whether you included artificial life or any other non-organic life in your definition, I think.
artificial life is named artificial for very good reasons
it is always in a state of death (or lack of consciousness)

not sure what other non-organic examples you are a alluding too
I would have thought that a wooden chair would qualify as dead
That's my point. In your 'definition' you say that anything that is dead has life :shrug:
"the easiest way to check whether something has life is to check whether it is dead"

artificial life is named artificial for very good reasons
it is always in a state of death
While it is artificial, it is still life is it not ?

not sure what other non-organic examples you are a alluding too
I was just leaving room for any unforeseen examples lol
if it passes the test (ie it is seen to be dead) why would it have life?
Hey, you said it not me..
Do you disagree with your own statement ?
the easiest way to check whether something has life is to check whether it is dead
I mean, that's generally what they do

why would you say that?
In what way does artificial life circumvent the criteria for death?
As far as I know life is not defined by it's ability to die.

If something meets all the criteria of life, it is life.
Anything that meets the following criteria is considered to be life:
-Response to stimuli

'Artificial' merely means that it has no biological basis.
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
if it passes the test (ie it is seen to be dead) why would it have life?

Hey, you said it not me..
Do you disagree with your own statement ?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
the easiest way to check whether something has life is to check whether it is dead
I mean, that's generally what they do
so if you sneak up on an unsuspecting chair to determine whether it is dead, and it turns out to be true, what would your conclusion be (compared to, say, sneaking up on a healthy cat)?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
why would you say that?
In what way does artificial life circumvent the criteria for death?

As far as I know life is not defined by it's ability to die.

If something meets all the criteria of life, it is life.
Anything that meets the following criteria is considered to be life:
-Response to stimuli

'Artificial' merely means that it has no biological basis.
IOW life has a biological basis, despite whatever is dreamed up in the name of AI, since even AI owes it's existence to a biological necessity (ie the brain of the designer who has to constantly debug and repair it)
so if you sneak up on an unsuspecting chair to determine whether it is dead, and it turns out to be true, what would your conclusion be (compared to, say, sneaking up on a healthy cat)?
You seem confused..
You asserted that dead things have life, not me. And I never agreed with you on that either.

Regarding life there are three states as far as I'm concerned:
- alive, currently living
- dead, once alive but not anymore
- inanimate, something that has never been alive and never will be alive. (Edit: perhaps needing the addition 'in it's current form')

IOW life has a biological basis, despite whatever is dreamed up in the name of AI, since even AI owes it's existence to a biological necessity (ie the brain of the designer who has to constantly debug and repair it)
Perhaps, if you look at it that way.
That doesn't however negate the fact that it's life though.
Lg.. you could have avoided all of that if you just answered the question that was asked of you :( I didn't ask you to chop a limb off, I don't understand your problem. Enmos managed it and the question wasn't even asked of him. Your turn.
