God punished Thailand

@Saint --

Are you sure you're not a Poe or a secret atheist who's trying to make christians look bad?
Thailand is a country where its people mostly worshiped idols.
Therefore God this time punishes it with very bad flood. :eek:

Which flavour/schism of christianity do you follow?

Are you Eastern Orthodox? Catholic? Protestant (including baptists, methodists, presbytarians et al - if so name which)?
Which flavour/schism of christianity do you follow?

Are you Eastern Orthodox? Catholic? Protestant (including baptists, methodists, presbytarians et al - if so name which)?

Nature does not care if you are religious or not , when it rains every body gets wet unless you have an umbrella
Let assume God want to check our loyalty to Him , How would He do it.
Should we be loyal only when good things happen , how loyal are we going to be if thing don't go our way.
Here we say Thay will be done .
Nature does not care if you are religious or not , when it rains every body gets wet unless you have an umbrella
Let assume God want to check our loyalty to Him , How would He do it.
Should we be loyal only when good things happen , how loyal are we going to be if thing don't go our way.
Here we say Thay will be done .

Here we say " God Willing
In Haiti they say "His perfect will "

I didn't understand that at first until I saw a verse that used the same expression of "His Perfect Will "

For you that are stupid it is all about the endurance of the human spirit . Human fortitude to go on . Wipe the tears from your eyes and continue against great obstacles . To not give up hope . Just like if I was to put you in a death strangle hold you would would cry "Mommy""", but only if I let loose enough for you to get it out of your mouth .
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Nature does not care if you are religious or not , when it rains every body gets wet unless you have an umbrella
Let assume God want to check our loyalty to Him , How would He do it.
Should we be loyal only when good things happen , how loyal are we going to be if thing don't go our way.
Here we say Thay will be done .

Why is this addressed to me?
Texas is a state that is mostly christians.
Therefore the idols punished it with wildfires.

If Jehovah does weather anywhere, it's localized to the Middle East.
The Christians are not talking to Thunderbird...