God punished Thailand


Valued Senior Member
Thailand is a country where its people mostly worshiped idols.
Therefore God this time punishes it with very bad flood. :eek:
Thailand is a country where its people mostly worshiped idols.
Therefore God this time punishes it with very bad flood. :eek:

But many Americans are Christians and they have had even more flooding, tornados, fires and other ecological disasters as well. So what did the Americans do to recieve all of that?
Thailand is a country where its people mostly worshiped idols.

Thailand is largely Theravadan Buddhist. They don't "worship idols". It's true that statues of the historical Buddha are a prominent feature of their wats (temples) and are treated with great respect, but the statues are there to honor the Buddha as the paradigmatic exemplar of the dhamma, the path.

Therefore God this time punishes it with very bad flood. :eek:

If somebody is one of the people that interprets natural events as signs from God, then presumably these unfortunate floods must mean something too. But the Thais don't typically believe in God.

I think that many of the more traditional Thais might read religious meaning into the floods by interpreting them in terms of karma. Past non-meritorious acts by the Thai people may be manifesting in these unfortunate events now.
Thailand is a country where its people mostly worshiped idols.
Therefore God this time punishes it with very bad flood. :eek:

I heard the government let to much water out of the dams . That is what the media reported in the U.S. . They said the Government knew there would be some flooding it was just a little more than they thought . That is what the media in the U.S. said . To much water in the reservoirs so the flooded the people so there would not be a bigger problem latter . Which with waether patterns of lots of precipitation going down is expected to continue . I think it is all due to the radiator effect of the earth being able to cool it self by a closed system of evaporation and precipitation. The hotter it gets the more it rains . Like a radiator in a car to a degree.

What kind of Idols ? Give Me names please
Texas is a state that is mostly christians.
Therefore the idols punished it with wildfires.
Thailand is a country where its people mostly worshiped idols.
Therefore God this time punishes it with very bad flood. :eek:
The God you imagine doesn't seem to mind culling the good with the bad. Is that how fine tuned God can be, sending a flood?

And why didn't God kill ___________? - fill in the politician you think is more evil. It could have been a small flood, in an elevator.
And why didn't God kill ___________? - fill in the politician you think is more evil. It could have been a small flood, in an elevator.

why didn't God kill Adolf H earlier? So there would be no/delayed WWII
why didn't God kill Adolf H earlier? So there would be no/delayed WWII

Because there was this one guy who got killed storming the beaches of Normandy, and horrible as it may seem, this was the most efficient way to kill him. He was also a worshipper of idols, though a really tenacious one.
Thailand is a country where its people mostly worshiped idols.
Therefore God this time punishes it with very bad flood. :eek:
Do you seriously believe that? Really? Or are you just parodying an idiot?

I suppose climate change is a good thing for right wing Christians in the US. They get to whine about the left spending money on science (which they distrust in general) and if (or when) the climate goes arse up they can proclaim it's God being angry about all the immorality in the world. But don't worry, the Bible says the Earth won't be destroyed by a flood so the sea levels won't rise..... right?

Religious nuts always spin things to justify their faith. Something bad happens to people you don't like? That's god showing they're wrong and you're right! Something bad happens to someone you previously liked? They were never a true Christian in the first place! Everyone who says they are a Christian is a Christian, except when they aren't because you say so.

I really hope you're a wind up.
I went to Thailand 3 times, it has many temples full of idols,
and many Thai people are poly-theists, worship many gods.
I went to Thailand 3 times, it has many temples full of idols,
and many Thai people are poly-theists, worship many gods.
And then, many don't. So it would be sloppy of God to use collective punishment.

And why did you go to Thailand? You must be bad too. Like other people hurt by the flood traveling to the bad place now.

Maybe that is what you are really afraid of, the rage of your God at you.